I Want a Taste of Your Medicine

Slap Times 3

Adam had pushed me because he was angry with me. Adam had pushed me and now Marshall was up my ass asking me questions and threatening to kill him. Trent was just sitting on my bed with his head in his hands, saying every few seconds that it was all his fault. It clearly wasn't but he didn't think that way.

Marshall and Trent had come back from sea dooing a few hours ago and it was now midnight and I had my brother and Trent in my room debating on what they should do. Trent was going to kick Adam's ass the second Landon let it slip out of his mouth to Marshall, but I held him back and told him not to do anything at all.

Today had been going so well and then the guys got all moody about Trent and ruined it all. I just wanted Marshall to leave so that I could spend more time with Trent because I hadn't seen him in a while. I was also just getting sick of the fact that Marshall kept repeating his threats about Adam over and over again.

I listened to them both sit there and mumble things to themselves and then I finally had enough of them and opened the door for Marshall to leave. He just stared at me confused for a few seconds.

"Leave and leave Adam alone, I'm fine I swear," I said to Marshall who finally got the hint and walked out of the door shouting a quick 'Fine' on his way out. I closed the door and walked over to Trent who was still sitting on my bed.

I sat in his lap and wrapped my legs around him as I took off his shirt and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He knew nothing was going to happen because I did this often. I just loved feeling his bare chest and his toned body and holding him close to me.

"Are you sure you're okay? I mean, you did just tell them everything that has ever made you miserable in your entire life," He said and I kissed him for a few seconds and then pulled away and stood up.

"I'm fine," I said, as he got up and took off his pants, getting into the bed again in his boxers. I wanted to jump him but I stayed cool. We weren't going to do anything tonight, especially because we already did earlier.

I took off everything except for my white under shirt and my booty shorts and got into the bed with him. He covered us with the blankets and wrapped his arm around me and kissed my neck lightly.

"I love you," I said turning off my lamp and turning over so that we were facing each other. I hugged him close to me and I felt his grip tighten around me.

"I love you too," He said and that was my last memory of the night.

When I woke up Trent still had his arms around me and he was staring at me. I slapped him lightly on the arm and pushed him away from me. I hated it when he watched me sleep, even though I did the same thing to him when he was still asleep and I was the one up.

"You're too beautiful to not stare at," He said kissing me on the cheek and sitting up. I sat up with him ignoring his morning visitor and then got out of the bed and threw on some black shorts and a white wife beater.

Trent got up and put on a pair of shorts that he had packed in his suit case that was now sitting in my room. He snuck up from behind and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me on the head. I turned around and kissed him on the lips lightly and then we both walked out and upstairs.

All the guys were in the kitchen when we walked in to get some food. It was sort of awkward because Trent had known everything, minus the Adam and Pattyn almost sex scene. He just thought that Adam and I had just kissed a little bit and that was all. It was partly true.

Marshall was sitting at the counter with a bowl of cereal with Landon beside him, and Jake and Max beside Landon. Adam was over at the fridge getting another bag of milk out to stick in the milk jug.

"Did you guys sleep good?" Marshall said looking up at us from his cereal. It had gotten quiet and so I figured this was his way of breaking the silence; Marshall hated awkward silence.

"I'm surprised we didn't hear any loud noises last night, you know figuring its Pattyn and all," Adam said, placing the milk on the counter beside the fridge and turning to us.

"Shut your mouth, Adam," Marshall said angrily. It looked like they were about to have a match of 'who can kill who first'.

"Adam, can you just be mad at me and not at Trent?" I said tired of all the complaining that had been going on about Trent and I being together. Why the hell was it anyones business anyways? They can't even get mad, I had been dating Trent for 2 years before I had even stepped foot on Australian soil.

"I'm not mad, I'm just disgusted with you," Adam said, pouring some milk into his cereal. I walked over to him and slapped him across the face so hard my hand hurt. I could feel everyones jaws drop and Adam started to rub his cheek.

"You bitch!" Adam yelled.

"You asshole!" I yelled back. "That was for pushing me last night," I slapped him again twice as hard, "That was for calling me a whore," I slapped him one last time and then watched him rub his face with the most pissed off look in the world on it. "And that was for being such an ignorant jerk, you bastard."

I grabbed Trent by the wrist and turned around to face everyone before walking out. Landon looked like he was about to jump in hysterics with laughter, and the rest of them just looked shocked. Marshall looked pissed off at Adam, but didn't say anything.

"Don't think about talking to me ever again, not even your stupid ass remarks and opinions you have about everything, just don't say anything to me the rest of the time that I'm here," I said and then Trent and I walked out.
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