I Want a Taste of Your Medicine

Tell Him

Marshall and Trent were still out when the rest of the guys got back and the house was filled with awkward tension. Not just because of what had happened with Adam, but because every time I stepped into a room that Max and Jake were in together the air just changed. I could tell that Jake had regretted telling me, but I wasn't going to say anything.

I tried to picture them in my mind together and them standing side by side made it easier. They would actually make a pretty cute couple; I always love a happy ending with a cute couple.

I wanted to finally see what the equipment rooms looked like and so I wandered the halls until I found a room that was filled surf boards. I walked in and looked around, I saw Marshall's first surf board he had ever gotten and walked up to it and smiled; I had gotten him it for his birthday.

He was 16 and I was 14 and he had been talking about how much he wanted to try out surfing. I hadn't had much money but I had enough for a surf board because I had been saving up from birthdays, Christmas's and money that my mom had thrown at me when she didn't feel like taking care of me.

I smiled at the memory of Trent's face when I gave it to him and then my smile quickly vanished when the door slammed open and Adam came in with his lips attached to some 5 foot bleach blonde prep girl.

They didn't notice me at first and for a few seconds I stood there watching as Adam began to take her clothes off. Did all of the guys know that he was doing this in here, I mean, It seemed kind of inappropriate. I felt like blocking the surf board I had gotten for Marshall from seeing this disturbance.

"I'm just going to go," I said even though I knew that they hadn't seen me. I just really felt like breaking them apart from each other. The girl jumped and Adam just stared at me like he was caught doing something that he shouldn't be.

"Why are you in here?" Adam said the guilt from his face quickly turning into anger. I crossed my arms and stayed where I was. The girl just mumbled a quick goodbye and left the room.

"I was seeing something. Does it really matter though, you're such a hypocrite," I said as he walked over to me.

"No I'm a guy who got tired of waiting and just wants to have fun now," He said standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

"Whatever," I said pushing past him and out the door. He seriously needed to make up his mind, but then again I'm one to talk. I needed to tell Trent everything right away.

I heard the door open down stairs and Marshall shout something and so I ran down stairs and into Trent's arms. He looked like he had to tell me something so I brought him down to my room so that I could tell him what I needed to as well.

"I have to leave tomorrow," He said and all of a sudden it seemed much more easier to tell him that I needed some time. "But I love you and I want to spend some more time with you before I go,"

"Okay, but can I-"

"I have to go to the airport tomorrow at 6am, so I'll wake you up when I'm leaving," He said and I froze. I just couldn't tell him right now, I would wait until tomorrow. It seemed like a better idea to anyways.
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filler chapter.