I Want a Taste of Your Medicine


I was walking along the beach with my sandals in my hands and I was quite happy. I could feel the smile that was planted on my face begin to hurt my cheeks, but I couldn't stop. I stopped walking all of a sudden and looked out to the water.

A pair of arms wrapped around me but they felt unfamiliar, something I wasn't used to. I could feel my smile widen as he continued to hold on. I couldn't see his face though, it was pretty dark. I tried to make out the shape of who it was but I just couldn't.

"I love you," He whispered and it was so low that I thought I hadn't heard anything at all. I couldn't tell by the whisper who it was either, but I found myself saying it back to him.

I woke up with a feeling in my gut and my heart pounding out of my chest. I could faintly remember my dream but I knew it involved someone I didn't know. I suddenly remembered Trent and felt the side of the bed. He wasn't there and so I jumped out of the bed so fast that I knocked into something hard; Trent's stomach.

He laughed and kissed me on the head before pulling me in for a long hug. I took my hands from around him and placed them on his chest while giving him a soft, sweet kiss on the lips. He had brushed his teeth already and he tasted like peppermint. We had gotten over breath issues a long time ago, so I didn't really feel self conscious.

Trent was leaving today and he made me promise to stay home and get some sleep. I was going to break that promise and come with him to the air port. I kept procrastinating over and over on telling him that I needed some time. When ever I was with him, I didn't need time, I just wanted to be with him forever.

"I'm coming to the airport with you," I said sliding on a pair of jeans and Trent's big hockey sweater that he had given to me when we were dating before. I brought it with me to Australia because I had packed before we broke up. This was the first time wearing it in a while and I missed the way that it fit loosely on me and no matter how many times I washed it, the smell of Trent never came out.

"No," He said in a stern tone, but pulling me closer to him anyways and kissing me deeply. We could do this at the airport but right now we needed to get our asses out of this house. I looked up at him and smiled knowing that I won and that he would let me come.

Trent had planned to take the rental car back and walk the short distance to the airport but I figured that I could just take it after he left and then call Marshall to come pick me up. He might be a little grouchy but he'll come and get me just fine.

Trent got dressed and then made sure everything was packed and ready to go. Once he had his hockey bag full of stuff in his hand, I grabbed his free hand and walked with him upstairs.

We moved quietly through the house and out the door and I was impressed. We were like 2 mice crawling around that hardly make any noise at all. We got into the rental car and Trent put the key in the ignition and then we started off towards the airport.

Not a lot was said because of the thinking process I was having about how I was supposed to tell Trent that I wanted some time. I knew that no matter how much I didn't want to spend another minute away from him right now, that if I didn't tell him before he left then I would regret it later.

"What are you thinking about?" He said breaking the silence and looking at me from the corner of his eyes. He put his hand on my thigh and rubbed lightly trying to make me feel better. He always knew when I was thinking too hard or was upset about something.

"Well," This was my chance. All I have to do is just finish the sentence with ... "I'm just going to miss you," NO! That's not what my sentence was supposed to say. I was supposed to tell him that I needed space, that I needed time to think about what I wanted.

"Babe, I'm going to miss you too," He said giving my thigh a little squeeze before placing his hand on the steering wheel again to make a turn. We were 2 minutes from the airport now and I figured that I should just tell him before he boards the plane.

The 2 minutes it took to get there was silent again because I was in a deep train of thought. I knew that Trent was looking at me with the corner of his eye, but I pretended not to notice and just stared out at the road.

He parked and we got out of the car holding hands and walking inside of the airport. We went up the escalator and walked over to the area that everyone said goodbye in. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes, but I pushed back the tears. I was seriously going to miss Trent, a lot.

"This is it," He said dropping his bags and sweeping me up in a hug where my feet were not touching the ground. He spinned me in a circle once and then put me down touching his hand to my cheek and pushing back my loose strands of hair behind my ear. He leaned down to kiss me softly but before he could reach my lips, I pressed mine to his and we shared the most passionate kiss ever. We have never kissed like that before and I think that the reason why we did now was because I was afraid that it would be my last time.

"Trent," I said kissing him once more and then backing away and holding his hands. "I -"

"Flight to Canada is now boarding,"

"That's me," He said kissing me one last time and then looking at me to finish my sentence quickly.

"I love you," I said and then he kissed me again saying the words back to me and then before I knew it he was gone and I was standing there still looking at the pathway that he had disappeared from.

I sighed knowing that I should have told him and then finally walked away and to the rental car. I got in and then drove it back to where it was supposed to be and returned the keys. After that I took out my cell phone and called Marshall and waited for him to wake up and answer his damn phone.

I had to call about 5 times before someone finally answered the phone. It was Marshall's cell phone, but it wasn't Marshall that answered. I figured that he was probably sleeping in a different room then where his phone was or that he just didn't feel like answering it because it was 6:30 in the morning.

"Hello?" A tired voice said into the phone.

"Adam?" I said questioningly. I guess it made sense for him to be answering Marshall's phone seeing as they share the same room.

"Yeah?" He obviously didn't know who was calling.

"It's me, Pattyn," I said crossing my arms since it was a little chilly outside at the moment and I was no longer in the car rental place.

"Why are you calling?" He asked confused.

"You're such a fucking dumb ass sometimes, Adam. I'm freezing and I need someone to pick me up. I just finished taking Trent to the airport," I said impatiently. I admit that I was being a little rude but I was getting numb. How come it was so god damn cold right now?

"Where are you?" He asked more awake now. I could hear the shuffling of feet and clothes being thrown around in the background.

"At the car rental place, closest to the airport," I said no longer being able to feel my legs. The big sweater I was wearing was keeping the top half of me warm at least.

"Alright, I'm coming," He said and then the line was dead. I waited for 20 minutes or so until Adam finally came in Marshall's car and told me to get in. I didn't ask him any questions though because we were still angry at each other, but it was nice of him to come and get me.

"Thanks," I said a little awkwardly, "for coming to pick me up,"

"Don't thank me, I only came because you're Marshall's little sister and if I hadn't come then he would have kicked my ass. He's out surfing, and he told me last night that I would most likely have to come and get you." Adam said bitterly.

"Well I'll be sure to thank Marshall for sending me over a sour patch kid, and one that doesn't taste very good either." I said crossing my arms and looking out the window.

"Yeah well I'll be sure to let him know that his little sister is a giant wedge ball," He said speeding up the car a bit and paying close attention to the road.

"What the hell is a wedge ball?" I asked exhausted and confused.

"It's just a name I call people who act like acid to my veins," He said and then we finally reached the house and he pulled in, getting out of the car and walking towards the door.

"Yeah well you're a numnut!" I yelled stubbornly at him and then walked into the house as well.
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there is an important factor in this chapter .. you'll figure it out later.