I Want a Taste of Your Medicine

Coming Out

August was coming to an end and the guys all had this extremely big and important surf competition coming up in just a few days. Things were getting better for me because I decided that my parents were never there for me anyways, so why would I need them now? The time had passed quickly and then I realized that I had loads of it. I was now going to be living in Australia; the thought did excite me.

I was talking to Jake about Max because those conversations always made me smile. I could definitely have feelings for Max if I allowed myself too, but no way were we ever going to happen. Jake wanted to finally come out to everybody and he was talking to me about how he was going to come out to Max first. After all, Jake does have a crush on Max and so it only makes sense. Even if Max doesn't suddenly turn gay I know that Jake will find an amazing guy one day, because Jake is amazing himself.

We were sitting on Jake's bed with our legs crossed facing each other. I could tell that he was really nervous for this because of the way he was fidgeting. We heard footsteps outside of the door and then it finally swung open, revealing Max in his swim trunks and his hair all wet from surfing. I could tell you this much; he was looking pretty damn sexy right now. I could see Jake swallow hard at the sight of him and I just smiled at him and then walking out of the room, making sure to push Max a little bit.

The door closed and I was standing there long enough to hear Jake tell him to sit down and that he needed to tell him something. He also said that he wasn't sure if he was going to like it and that he just wanted to get it over with. I left after that and made my way downstairs and to the hallway so that I could get to the kitchen.

I was suddenly grabbed by the arm and pulled into the washroom with my body pressed up against the wall. Another body was pressing against me and a pair of lips were making their way up my neck. I laughed pushing Landon off of me, scared that we might get caught. I didn't really care if we did but it would be a little lighter on the drama if we didn't. He groaned and kissed me on the lips before stepping away and crossing his arms. I walking up to him and kissed him and then walked out of the bathroom and to the kitchen where I originally planned to go.

Adam was in there making some sort of protein shake and I just shook my head and laughed at him. He nudged me and then started to pour the shake into a cup. He was being way too serious about this surf competition, but then again so was Marshall. He was still out there surfing, but Marshall always overworks himself.

"Remember that one night that your brother walked in on us? That was priceless," Adam said and I looked at him confused. Why was he bringing up that one particular night now?

"Yeah..." I said hesitantly. Adam and I had been getting along lately and he even slept in my room a couple times to make sure I wasn't feeling too down about my parents. I liked the fact that healways kissed me goodnight. It was in a friend way but it was still comforting.

"Well for the most part I mostly remember the fact that you're an incredibly good kisser, but lets just keep that between you and me," He said winking at me and drinking some of his protein shake. I just smiled and then turned away and thought about Landon. What had I gotten myself into?

"You weren't so bad yourself," I said shrugging and walking over to the fridge. I opened it and looked for something to eat. Everyone has been too busy practicing their surfing that the fridge was basically empty. I made a mental note to pick up some food later.

Adam was about to say more but then Max ran by and out the door. I took that as the thing with Jake didn't work out so well. I looked at Adam and then told him to stay and that I'd be back. I followed Max out the door and over to the dock where he had sat down.

"I just kissed a guy," Max said dipping his feet in the water. He looked so confused and angry with himself and also with Jake. His answer made my heart melt for Jake but his expression made it break.

"How was it?" I asked because it was the only thing I could think of to say. I don't normally run into a gay guy dilemma everyday. He looked at me and a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, but I waited for him to talk.

"I think I kind of liked it," Max said but he quickly back it up with, "but I like girls," I shrugged knowing that, that's what every guy says when they're denying that their gay; in the movies anyways.

"Maybe you're bisexual?" I suggested and he looked at me a little freaked out. I wasn't sure what was running through his mind though because Max was sort of hard to figure out. There was always something that you didn't know about him or that you never thought he would do or become.

"Can I just be alone right now? I need to think about some stuff," He said softly. I knew that he was probably having a heart attack just thinking about the situation he was in. I felt bad but amazed at the same time. Who knew that Jake's coming out could have resulted in this.

"Yeah, sure," I nodded and got up starting my way back to the house. He mumbled a quick don't tell anyone and then went back to his thinking. I knew that Jake wasn't going to be telling anybody else for right now and so I walked back in the house and up to his room to see how he was doing.

When I walked into his room Jake had his hands to his mouth, feeling his lips. He had a filled look in his eyes like he just discovered a miracle. Did Max give him that look? Who knew that Jake could fall in love and know for sure after just one kiss. It did however make this all the more difficult.

"I love him," He said and I could see it all over his face. He knew that things were going to be tough but something told me that more than a kiss happened up here. He was way too satisfied and complete for it to be just one kiss. I then noticed his zipper was down and laughed to myself while also getting freaked out a little bit. Today had been interesting so far.
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Sorry the updates have been slow, I've been really busy with school and my brothers hockey games. The good news is that ROCHESTER won! So I decided that updating would be a reward.