I Want a Taste of Your Medicine

Living Room Discussion

"I'm done," I said, walking into the living room downstairs. All the guys were in there and only Adam looked up when I walked in. He looked so aware, like I was about to commit suicide.

"Finished doing what?" Adam said, slowly. All of the guys looked up now, paying attention to Adam and I glaring at each other. I was just glaring at him for the fun of it, because I had gotten what I wanted after all. I guess I should have made my entrance a little more proper, but what can I say when I end up having to stay here with guys I don't necessarily want to stay here with, waiting for my stupid brother to come home.

"Making the room smell nice," I said, smiling at him. Landon was laughing a little bit and the other two guys seemed a little bit confused.

"I'm going to kill her," Adam said through clenched teeth. He stood up and walked over to me, placing himself right in front me as if to block me from something. I was actually quite enjoying this.

"What happened?" Jake asked, finally deciding that his curiosity was bugging him too much. Max just seemed to sit there like he had seen this sort of thing happen with Adam many times before.

"Adam here," I said smirking at him.

"Trecker," He snarled angrily.

"Is mad at me," I continued, ignoring his correction of the name, "Because I don't want the room smelling like a rotted skunk on the side of a road."

"She's spraying fairy dust vanilla crap all over our room," Adam whined to the other guys who were smiling now at my story.

"It was vanilla fairy tales and it smells refreshing and nice," I said, correcting him on the name of the air freshener.

"I can't sleep in the same room as her, she has to go," Adam said. Now he looked pissed right off and it was kind of funny to watch, but I guess I pushed it too much.

"She can sleep in my room," Landon said.

"Normally I would take you up on that offer, but I'm having fun driving Adam mad. I can be a total bitch, I know. Blame my brother for leaving me here with you guys while he without telling me, left the country for some surf board stuff," I said, crossing my arms and sitting down on the couch with a huff.

"Suit yourself," Landon said sitting down on the couch and directing his eyes at the TV again.

"Landon, let me bunk with you for a few days," Adam said, eagerly. He was seriously begging this guy to sleep in his room. And here I was thinking that he was far from gay.

"Trust me, my room is cleaner then she will ever get to making yours. It smells a whole lot better too, so if you're having troubles with her sense of cleanliness, you'll hate it in my room. Besides you know that it's either chicks in my room or no one at all," Landon said, answering Adam's desperate plea for a different room.

"I don't bite," I said, grabbing his hand that was dangling in front of my face because he still hadn't moved since I sat down. He played with my fingers for a bit and I had to admit that I sort of liked the feeling, but I'm pretty sure he did it without noticing.

"Whatever," He said, moving his hand away and sitting on the couch beside me. I had nothing to do because I had already unpacked all of my stuff and the room was clean and smelled nice.

"Is this all you guys do? Sit and watch TV or play XBox?" I asked, annoyed. I was so bored and I didn't exactly know my way around here.

"Jake go show her around the area," Adam said, keeping his eyes glued to the TV. I smiled over at Jake, begging him with my eyes to show me around the area, instead of letting me sit there bored.

"Sure, come on," He said walking over to the door to put on his sandals and waiting for me. I felt sort of bad for the way I was acting, but it's just so much has happened to me with guys and now I don't know how to be around them. If I keep my guard up then I won't get hurt, and that's my safest bet right now, considering the fact that I'm living with 4 hot guys right now.
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Filler, but it's time to meet Jake next. (=

I am very very very sad. I love this banner with life, but I need you guys to see Jake. There might be a new one up later.. I hope. But enjoy this fab one I have right now, because I'm in love with it. Creds go to Kylee. (=