I Want a Taste of Your Medicine

Meet Jake

"So what's the deal with you?" I asked as we left the front door and started to walk around a bit. Jake was someone I could see myself getting along with, but not someone I could see myself talking a lot with right away. He was sort of shy; I was shy too, but my shyness had its limits.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I guess I should have made my question more specific. We were walking along the water, and I could see the bridge in the distance. It was the big huge bridge in the middle of Sydney that attracts everyone to Australia. I wanted to go on it so badly.

"Why are you here? I mean, living with them... I don't know, whats the situation?" I said trying to make my question more clear. He wasn't really showing me anything, but I was seeing everything. The place was beautiful and I knew that as long as I could see the bridge I would be able to make it back to Marshall's place just fine.

"I used to surf, and I loved it at first. After a while though when I started making a lot of money, I just didn't love it anymore, you know? It just became work for me and when I reached the millions I quit and started up a new hobby, one that I wouldn't ever turn into work. I ended up staying with the guys anyways, because they had been surfers too and we met during a competition. That's my deal, I guess,"

"Wow," I said, not expecting him to open up to me that much. "So what's your hobby now then?"

"Come with me," He said, turning us around in the direction of the house. He didn't lead us back to the house though; he lead us to a dock that had a sea doo resting in water on one side of it and a boat on the other.

He stepped into the boat and grabbed some life jackets and then got out handing me one and walking over to the sea doo, putting on his life jacket and getting on it. He told me to get on and so I put on my life jacket and hopped on behind him, leaving my sandals on the dock.

"Okay now hold on to this part of my life jacket so that you don't fly off okay?" He said, bringing my hands to his chest. I wrapped my hands around the straps at the front of his life jacket as he untied us from the dock. It was a good thing that I chose today to wear short safari shorts and a tank top.

"I've never been on one of these things before," I said a little scared but excited at the same time. He turned his head to the side to partially look at me and smiled.

"You'll love it," He said, and then he started it up and rode off into the water. The sun was going down a little bit, leaving that evening hour glow and I loved it. I could feel Jake pick up the speed as we started to go over waves. Every 2 seconds we would jump up with the sea doo because of the speed and the waves mixed together.

It seemed like we were out there for hours when Jake finally brought us back to the dock and tied it up. I got out and handed him my life jacket. The only thing that was wet were my feet and I didn't really pay attention to that as I put on my sandals and waited for Jake to finish putting the life jackets away.

I had some of Jake figured out already. He didn't talk much and he was incredibly shy, but once you talked about things he was good at he didn't hesitate to show off. He would be great with girls if he just opened up a bit more. He did however open up to me, but I think its because you have to ask him the right questions to get him going.

"That was so much fun," I said laughing. I had laughed so much since he started up the sea doo. The whole time Jake would ask me questions, well scream them at me and we would laugh every time we hit a wave, which happened a lot.

"I can do all sorts of tricks on it, but I went easy on you because it was your first time," He said, smiling. He was really cute and he seemed really nice.

"Well you'll have to show me sometime." I said, smiling at him as we walked back to the house. "Thanks for showing me around and stuff,"

"No problem," He said as we reached the house and walked in. I could smell burgers in the kitchen. The boys had been barbecuing while we were out. It was a good thing too, because I was starving.

Jake and I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a paper plate and a burger. Well I only had a burger, Jake had about 3 piled on his tiny paper plate. I don't know how he fit it all, but he did.

"Jake show you his sea doo?" Max said, as soon as he finished putting ketchup and other contents onto his burger. I looked over at Jake and smiled.

"Yeah," I said taking a bite of my burger. It was my first day and I was actually starting to think that I was going to like living with these people.

"He really knows how to work that thing, doesn't he," He said, laughing a little bit.

"Yes he does," I said laughing a little bit after I swallowed. Hello Australia and where are you Marshall?
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That was Jake. I personally like this chapter, what do you think? <3

Pattyn's Outfit and the sea doo

Thought I would show you Jake, new banner should be coming. (=