I Want a Taste of Your Medicine

I'd Die For A Taste of You, But You're Not Worth It.

I was sort of hoping for a party night tonight, seeing as Marshall promised me that for missing my birthday a few months ago, but the guys were tired and I had to admit that I was tired as well.

The lights were out and I could hear Adam's even breathing in the bed beside me. I was pretty sure he was asleep, but I ended up staying awake out of paranoia. Okay, so I had my doubts about these guys; it wasn't like I knew them.

I was laying in my bed thinking about everything when I had this urge to just leave the room and down as much alcohol as I could down my throat. I can't honestly tell you why this happened, but it scared the shit out of me. I wasn't much of a drinker, but I liked to party and something about this house made me want to drink and party.

I walked down the stairs and straight to the kitchen. For such a big house, everybody only seemed to use the kitchen and the living room. Then again, the other rooms were all weight rooms. Oh the joy of living with four guys.

I started to raid the fridge, but the only thing they had were beers; go figure. Of course they only had beers, hence they're guys. I wanted something fruity and tasty, not something that tasted like rotten cheese.

I gave up on the fridge and stood there looking around the room. I spotted a big bottle of Vex on the top of the cupboards along with a big bottle of Tequila. I was too short to reach them, so I grabbed a chair, and got on it and grabbed both bottles.

I wasn't planning on drinking the Tequila, but I kept it down on the counter anyways. I opened up the vex and poured myself a glass, drinking it slowly. It definitely tasted good. When I finished the first glass, I poured myself another and then sat down on the chair, looking at it sitting on the counter beside both of the alcohol beverages.

"There isn't a point in getting wasted, if you're getting wasted alone," I heard a voice whisper in my ear. I jumped up and turned around to see Landon.

"I-I wasn't planning on getting wasted," I said stuttering. These guys just seem to pop up everywhere. Now what? Was I going to have to fight with this one for a glass of vex.

He walked over to the cupboards and grabbed himself a glass, pouring some Tequila into it and then reaching into the fridge and pouring something else into it. He then dumped out the vex that was in my glass and made another drink for me too.

"Sure looked like it. It doesn't matter, Marshall bought these for you anyways," He said shrugging, handing me my glass and then taking a sip of his own. I took a sip and then I couldn't stop. The drink tasted so good that I couldn't put it down.

"This stuff is good, what did you add to Tequila?" I asked handing him my empty glass, wanting him to pour me another drink.

"It's my special ingredient that only I get to know about," He said winking at me. I knew I was smiling at him as he handed me another drink. This time I took my time savouring the flavour.

"I have you all figured out," I said, poking him in the chest. I didn't know how much Tequila he put in the drink, but I knew that it was a lot of it because I could taste it. Already my brain was feeling mushy.

"Do you now?" He said, grabbing my hand to stop me from poking him again.

"You're the prep who's extremely hot, doesn't have any problems in the lady department, falls quickly but runs away quicker, and you're smart, confident and cocky. How am I doing?" I said, taking my hand out of his and taking another drink.

"I find the word prep insulting, and I prefer just confident rather than cocky, but the rest you pretty much covered," I laughed a little bit, not knowing why but not being able to stop myself.

"Yeah, well I'm pretty good at reading people," I said standing up and taking another drink. Landon got up and stood in front of me, so close that I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"You're also probably a pretty good kisser," He said putting his hands on my waste and pulling me closer to him. Our lips were half a centimeter away from each other.

"I'm an amazing kisser," I said, smiling.

"Lets see about that," He said, looking at my eyes instead of my lips now.

"Who said you're ever going to find out?" I said, pushing him away and laughing. I walked towards the entrance of the kitchen and turned to him before I left. "Goodnight," I said, whispering.

"Tease," He said defeated but still having his cocky edge. He thinks that I'm going to fall for his trap. Well think again Landon, I don't go for preps.
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Landon is a player, yes.