Run With Me

Chapter Three

Rebecca fastened the green silk dress and I sat down. Her light hands expertly began work on my thick blonde hair. It had been half done before the dress was put on, now it only needed the finishing touches. I sat with my eyes closed, thinking of all that would happen tonight; all the Mama wanted to happened tonight and all that I wanted to happen tonight. The gentle feeling of having Rebecca fix my hair always seemed to calm me; the smooth brushing and tender pulling of hair into place.

Mama walked in and watched the proceedings. Rebecca stood back when she was done and waited for Mama’s verdict; hands clasped and eyes cast down. Mama nodded slowly and Rebecca quickly fetched my cloak and fan from the bed. I stood still as Rebecca fastened the cloak into place and handed me my fan.

The only sounds as we left the room were the clacking of our shoes against the hard floor and the swishing movements of our dresses. Papa and Alexander were already waiting, sitting in silence in the foyer. The silence continued out into the still air as we walked to the carriage. Clara stood on the steps, clutching the hand of her nanny, tears in her eyes. Nanny leaned down and whispered something in Clara’s ear which appeared to be pleasant as Clara smiled a watery smile and waved as we moved off.

The large house loomed over us as the carriage stopped and the footmen opened the door. I stepped out first, turned and stared at the expansive building.

“Do step out of the way Adeline.” Alexander spoke petulantly. He hopped out beside me and tucked my arm in his. “Shall we then?”

I nodded and we walked forwards, carefully picking our way through the crowd of people milling around outside the house before venturing in. Mama and Papa followed closely behind. We handed our cloaks and coats to the awaiting servants and then continued through the halls and up the stairs to the ballroom.

I gasped as we entered. I had never in my life seen a ballroom as large as this. It seemed to stretch on forever, the other end so distant that I could not make out the figures in the portraits. The ladies and gentlemen looked resplendent in their finest clothes as they talked and laughed amongst themselves. My arm slipped from Alexander’s as he quickly walked in the direction of his friends.

“My goodness,” Mama breathed in my ear. “Have you ever seen such splendor?”

I shook my head. This house had been in the area for centuries, but it had not been occupied for a decade at least. I looked around to see if I could spy someone that I knew and would be able to go over to them and leave Mama’s side.

A loud knock came from behind us and everybody in the room turned as one to see what it was.

Five figures stood at the head of the room. A tall man with a large belly signaled with a small movement of his hand and the music began. The young women and men of the assembly quickly found partners and stepped out in the first dance of the evening.

Lady Bertram hurried up to Mama, Marianne in tow. Mama nodded and tapped Papa’s shoulder. “Yes?” Papa turned and looked questioningly at us. “Oh, you want to be introduced?” He smiled slyly at me and Marianne. “Yes, yes of course. Right this way.”

Papa walked and we followed towards the group of five. Papa bowed to them. “Ah, Lord de Beaumont.” The man who had signaled the music said in a low, hearty voice. “And who are these charming women that you have with you?”

Papa turned so that he could introduce us. “Lord Marcheford, this is my wife, Lady Elizabeth de Beaumont.” Mama curtsied and smiled sweetly at the people. “And my daughter Adeline.” I also curtsied and quickly scanned my eyes over the group, a smile fixed upon my lips. The tall gentleman at the end of the line caught my gaze and held it. I looked away first. “My son Alexander is dancing I believe.” Papa continued. “And this is Lady Catherine Bertram and her daughter Marianne.”

“Welcome to our home.” Lord Marcheford smiled at us all. “And if I may introduce mine?” He turned to the people standing with him. “This is my wife Amelia, my daughter Julia and my sons Charles and Oscar.”

Ah, so that was Oscar. He caught my gaze again and smiled. “A pleasure to meet you, all.” He bowed deeply. He stepped forwards, “And if I might be so bold, could I claim the next dance with you?” He reached for my hand and gently kissed it.

I could feel the excitement radiating from Mama, but there was no outward sign of it. “You may.” I smiled up at him. My hand tingled when he let go of it and I could feel a blush spreading up my neck.

The music behind us ended and Oscar took my arm. Marianne smiled warmly at me as Oscar led me away. We were soon joined by many other couples and Marianne stood beside us with Charles. The music began and after a moment, the dancing joined.

“So, Miss de Beaumont, how do you like it here?” Oscar asked as we moved together and apart.

“It is magnificent Mister Marcheford. I have never seen a place so splendid in my whole life.” My heart skipped as our hands joined again.

“Ah, I’m glad you think so.” He smiled. “But I meant this town; the people who live here. Do you like the countryside?”

“Yes, I like the countryside.” I returned his smile. “And the people who live here. On the whole they are charming.” Our hands clasped again and my smile grew.

“What of London?”

“What of it?” I asked coyly.

“Do you like London?”

“Yes, and no.”

He moved closer than was necessary and held me fast as we moved with the music. “What do you mean?” He asked, a light smile playing on his lips.

“I like it well enough, but I could not spend all my time there.” I clarified. “I would miss the open space of the country.”

He nodded as we moved apart again. “I understand.”

The music slowed and came to an end. I curtsied and he bowed. He took my hand and led me back to where his and my parents stood. “Thank you.” I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

“The pleasure was mine. And I hope that it may be repeated.” He leaned closer and I felt his breath tickle my ear. “Miss Adeline.” He drew away and smiled.

Mama walked over to me as he left my side. She smiled slightly, but I could see the light burning in her eyes.

“Miss Adeline.” His deep voice came from behind.

I turned and curtsied to Robert. “Mister Leighton.”

His intense brown eyes were fixed upon my face as he spoke. “Forgive me for interrupting Lady de Beaumont, but it is my intention to have the next with Miss Adeline. I hope that she would not be otherwise engaged.”

I shivered slightly at his tone. “You may.”

“Perhaps the later Mister Leighton, I have something I would like to talk to my daughter about.” She smiled and he nodded.

“Indeed. I would not dream of interrupting you.” He walked away and I stared after him.

Mama pinched my hand. “Ow!.” I exclaimed. Mama gave no verbal answer, but her gaze pierced through me.

“So, Miss Adeline, did you enjoy your dance with Mister Marcheford?” Robert asked as the music began.

“I did.” We began to move and Robert caught my hand.

Robert’s eyes never left me as we moved with the music, slow and deliberate. “Why is it that I never see you out riding anymore? Until this morning I had not seen you, on horseback or elsewhere, for three months.”

“Three months is a long time.” I spoke thoughtfully.

“You did not answer my question.” He smiled knowingly at me.

“Mama.” I hated admitting this.

“You let her decide how you occupy yourself?” His eyebrows rose and a mocking smile widened his lips. “I did not think you were the type Adeline.” We dance in silence for several moments. “Come Adeline, why do I never see you anymore?” He gave a short laugh. “Mama?”

“Do not pretend that you know the circumstances of my home Mister Leighton.”

Mister Leighton?” Robert grasped my hand hard. “What is this?”

“We are in public.” I replied shortly. It had always been like this with Robert; ever since we were little we would taunt each other.

“We have known each other since we were young Adeline; I think it would not seem imprudent if we were to call each other by our given names.” His eyes burned now with a fierce intensity.

The music ended and we were left there staring at each other. People began to set up for the next dance and Robert held my hand as the music began. “Dance another with me.”

I curtsied and smiled politely at him. “Mister Leighton, thank you for allowing me the pleasure of dancing with you, but there are other things to which I must attend.” I turned and walked away, leaving him standing there, watching me leave.