Run With Me

Chapter Four

I could feel the light warmth of the sun upon my face and knew that Rebecca was trying to wake me, but I did not want to. The memory of the night still played vividly in my mind. I had danced with Mister Marcheford a total of four times. A small smile was fixed upon my lips as I thought of this. It would have been quite enough for the tongues of the gossiping women to start wagging.

“Miss.” Rebecca spoke softly and I felt her hand gently shake my shoulder.

“Mmm.” I slowly opened my eyes and sat up.

“Your mother requests your presence.” She walked away as began to set out my clothes for the day.

I slid out of the large bed and padded over to the clothing. “My habit?” I held it up incredulously. I stared at Rebecca with wide eyes. “What is this?”

“Lady de Beaumont said you were to dress for riding Miss.” Rebecca quickly began to dress me.

I stood silent, not knowing what to think. Mama must be up to something.

“Ah, at last Adeline.” Mama said as I entered her drawing room. “It has been requested by Amelia and Oscar that you go riding with them today.” Mama smiled brightly. “Kind of them to think of you is it not?”

“Of course Mama.” I returned her smile, but inside I was seething. She truly believed that she could control me like this – dictate who I could see and spend my time with.

“Come now Adeline. Sit with me.” She patted the plump cushions on the sofa beside her. “Rebecca! Have Sophie bring some tea and cakes.” Rebecca curtsied and hurried from the room. Mama turned back to me. “Lady Bertram has just left, she came to talk of last night.”

“Oh really?” I muttered under my breath.

Mama slapped my wrist. “Do not speak to me like that Adeline.” She quickly composed herself. “Apparently you caused quite a stir last night. Lord and Lady Marcheford were quite taken with you. Not to mention Oscar and Julia.”

Sophie hurried in carrying a tray laden with tea and sweet cakes. She poured two cups, curtsied and left. I took mine eagerly and sipped at the scalding liquid. Mama placed some cakes on a plate and handed it to me.

“My dear girl, I know you must hunger, but please remember your manners.” Mama sighed as I took the plate and began to eat quickly.

“When are they to come?” I sat up straighter and swallowed the sweet food down with tea.

“The messenger said to be ready at half ten.” Mama glanced at the clock. “So it would be best if you readied yourself now.”

I followed her gaze. It was ten. “Of course Mama.” I placed my things back on the tray and stood. Mama reached out and patted my hand. I gave her a smile and hurried from the room. My mind was divided in two. Part of me was annoyed with Mama, but the other part was excited at the prospect of seeing Lord Oscar again.

Starlight snorted softly as I patted her soft neck. James held her head as I stepped onto the mounting block and lightly onto the saddle. I quickly arranged my legs and gathered the reins. “Have a good ride Miss.” He smiled at me as I tapped my heel to Starlight’s side and she moved off obediently. Three months was a long time to go without riding and already I could feel it in my muscles but I was glad to be back. Starlight pranced forward eagerly and in the distance I spied two horses being ridden this way.

“Good morning Miss Adeline.” Julia smiled warmly to me. I had spoken to her a great deal the night before, but from what I could tell she had the sweetest manner that I had ever encountered.

“Good morning indeed.” Oscar flashed a brilliant smile at me. “How do you fare after last night?” He angled his horse closer to mine as we began to ride along together.

“Fair enough.” I smiled back. “Tell me, where are we headed.”

Julia rode on the other side of me and she reached across to pat Starlight. “What a lovely horse.” She murmured. Oscar laughed loudly, the joyous sound breaking through the air. She sat up and smiled in embarrassment. “I do not know. We have not been here long. Oscar was thinking that we would just go riding around the countryside with someone who lived here and I suggested you.”

“I am glad you did. This is the first time that I have been riding in three months.”

“Three months!” Oscar exclaimed. “Why, what have you been doing?”

“Oh, this and that. Mama thought I had been riding too often I suppose.” I said.

Oscar smiled mischievously. “Well then, I suppose we should go easy on you.” He laughed again as he dug his heels into the sides of his mount. They jumped ahead. Starlight tossed her head and lunged after. I laughed as the green turf became a blur beneath us. I could faintly hear Julia shouting behind us, but I couldn’t stop Starlight, even if I had wanted to. We flew over hedges, tearing through the lush countryside.

Ahead, Oscar began to slow and soon we were level. We dropped back to a walk and allowed the horses their heads. Starlight danced sideways and Oscar laughed. “She is enjoying herself I see.”

“Yes.” I laughed along with him. Julia appeared beside him and gave him a scolding look.

“That really wasn’t very good of you Oscar.” She chided.

“No harm was done Julia.” He smiled widely at her. “Did us all good I would say.” He glanced around. “Now, where are we?”

“We are about five miles east of town.” I said once we had finished laughing.

“Oh, good.” Oscar turned his horse and we set off again. “So, when you did ride, who did you ride with?”

“Mostly with my brother Alexander and Lord Robert Leighton.”

“Leighton?” Oscar turned to me.

“Yes. I’ve known him since I was young.” A wave of sadness washed over me. This was my first ride in three months and it was not with Robert.

“They live near here?”

“Oh yes. I could walk form mine to his, it was only about three miles.” I remembered that walk well and even now I would probably be able to do it in my sleep.

“And you did that often?” Oscar continued with his questions.

I thought for a moment. “Not often, but when I felt like visiting his family I would. So much easier than taking the carriage. I would spend most of my time with him and his sister, but she is now married.” We entered the town and I smiled at people I recognized as we passed.

“So you no longer visit?”

“I have not for three months.”

“Is that when she married?”

“Mister Marcheford, these are many questions.” I laughed.

He smiled again. “Of course. I am sorry. Would you like us to ride back with you?”

“I would not stop you.”

Julia started speaking of a store in which she had just seen some hats that she would have to come back to look at. But my gaze was caught elsewhere. In the shadows of a building, watching us go by stood Robert. His gaze bore into my skin and I shivered.

“You can’t be cold Miss Adeline.” Oscar teased when he saw this.

I turned to him and plastered a bright smiled upon my face. “How could I be on a day like today?” He smiled widely and pressed his horse on through the crowd.