Run With Me

Chapter Five

I was late for dinner that night. The family stood outside the dining room as they waited for me. Mama raised her eyebrows but said nothing as Papa clapped his hands. We walked in and took our seats. The servants brought the food and we began eating.

“Did you enjoy your ride today?” Mama queried.

“Yes.” I replied.

“You went riding today?” Clara whined and I could hear her feet swishing back and forth under the table. “Mama! Why wasn’t I allowed to go for a ride today?”

“You didn’t ride?” Mama asked, smiling at her youngest. “I had no idea. I have been ever so busy today.”

Alexander coughed as he lowered his glass from his lips. I smiled secretly at him.

But Mama did not notice. “And how were the Marchefords?” she continued as if nothing had happened.

“They were quite well.”

“Yes?” Mama probed for more details. “And what did you talk of?”

“Oh, we talked of everything and nothing Mama. It would not be kind of you to ask me such a question.” I smiled sweetly at her. “There would not be enough time in the night for me to recount it all to you.”

Mama forced a smile at me. “Well that is good.”

“Who went riding?” Alexander suddenly asked.

“I did. With Mister Marcheford and Julia.”

“And this was of your own choosing?” Papa enquired.

“They requested that I join them on a ride Papa. So I did.” I said.

“Yes, and quite right too.” Mama interrupted. “It would not have been kind to let them ride about by themselves and be lost in a place that they are not yet familiar with. Besides, it was very kind of them to single Adeline out and seek her company.” She added.

“Indeed it was.” Papa concluded. And so the topic ended.

Papa led the way into the drawing room after we had finished dinner. “I think we should have some music tonight.” He said as he sat at the card table. Alexander sat opposite and began dealing cards between the two.

Mama took a book from the shelves against the wall and sat in her chair. “Yes, I agree.” She turned to me. “Adeline, you would play the pianoforte for us?”

I nodded and walked over to the instrument. Clara opened it and placed some music on the stand. “This one?” I asked her. She nodded. I ran my fingers lightly over the keys, took a deep breath and began.

The sweet notes filled the air and Mama set down her book. She closed her eyes and leaned back slightly in her chair. Clara smiled widely and curtsied to an invisible partner. They began to dance together awkwardly and my fingers shook as I tried not to laugh.

The familiar notes played through my mind as I thought about the last time I had played this particular piece. Robert and his sister, Georgiana, had been here and she had requested this piece. Robert had stood at my shoulder turning the pages when I nodded my head as Georgiana and Alexander had played cards. It was two months before Georgiana was to be married and the nervousness had been building daily for her.

Robert had sat next to me on this very seat, his body pressed up against mine. I had hardly been able to concentrate on the music that day and Robert had continuously teased me for it.

“Adeline!” Clara tapped my shoulder. “Adeline! You’ve stopped playing.”

I started and looked at her. “What?”

“You stopped playing.” She repeated.

“Sorry, I lost my place.” I smiled at her and rearranged the sheets of music.

“No, play something else now.” She placed some more music infront of me. “But please, don’t stop this time.”

I nodded slowly and began to play the new piece.

Rebecca woke me earlier the next day. “Does Mama have something planned already?” I asked as she dressed me.

“Not that I know of Miss.”

“Ah, well I’m sure she will soon.” I laughed quietly to myself. I remained silent whilst Rebecca fixed my hair. “Thank you.” I gave her a quick smile before proceeding downstairs. I walked into the dining room alone and sat down. The rest of the family was already there. “Good morning.” I said as I poured myself some tea.

“It is. It is.” Papa said abstractedly. He folded the paper he was reading and peered down the table at me. “That is a fine dress you are wearing today Adeline. Are you expecting someone?”

“Not that I am aware of Papa. This was just the dress that was put out for me.” I turned to Mama. “You wouldn’t know of anything special happening today would you?”

“I?” She asked innocently. “What do I know of such things?” She sipped at her tea and smiled at me. “But now that you mention it, I was thinking of inviting Lady Bertram and Marianne over. How would you like that?”

“I would like nothing more Mama. There wouldn’t be anyone else you were going to invite would there?”

She considered it for a moment. “Well, perhaps Lady Leighton. It has been so long since I saw her last. She did not attend the ball so I did not have a chance to speak with her then. I do so wonder how Georgiana is faring.” She paused. “And Lady Marcheford. Yes, I should like her to visit.”

“Gracious.” Papa laughed. “What a gathering. Such a pity that I shall have to be absent.”

I raised my eyebrows at him and he shook his head slightly.

It was midday when Mama’s guests arrived. Julia arrived as well as Lady Marcheford. Mama smiled broadly when she saw this. We all sat in Mama’s drawing room and Sophie brought in a tray of tea and biscuits.

“My dear Catherine,” Mama said to Lady Leighton. “It has been too long since we saw each other last. Where were you two nights past? I did not see you at the Marcheford’s ball?”

“I was not feeling well that night. I am so sorry to have missed it.” She added to Lady Marcheford.

“It is a pleasure to meet you now.” Lady Marcheford smiled warmly. “I am sorry for it to have been postponed, though it is only two days.”

I turned to Julia and Marianne. We sat in the corner, slightly away from the older ladies. “How are you both?”

“Quite well.” Marianne smiled at me.

“I also.” Julia said. “Thank you again for coming out riding with Oscar and me yesterday. It was lovely to be able to see some of the countryside.” She glanced slyly at me. “Oscar quite enjoyed himself as well.”

Marianne laughed. “Oh do tell us about your brother Julia.”

I sighed inwardly. Until now Marianne’s mind had reached broader topics than this. Now it seemed she would be limited only to one.

“Well, I have two brothers,” Julia laughed quietly. “But Oscar is the eldest.”

I looked over at Lady Leighton. She caught my gaze and smiled. I returned her smile half-heartedly. She and Robert had the same eyes. I had dreamed of those eyes last night. The way those eyes watched me from their quiet depths, the way they lit up when he smiled. I had not seen them like that in a long time.