Run With Me

Chapter Six

It seemed an age before the gathering dispersed. I breathed a quiet sigh as I waved the last carriage off.

“Wasn’t it nice to see them again?” Mama asked as she slipped my arm into hers.

“Yes Mama, though I saw most of them not long ago. It was only Lady Leighton that I had not seen for some time.” I glanced at her and then quickly lowered my eyes. “Would I be able to visit them soon? Say, tomorrow?”

Mama considered this for a moment. “Perhaps. If nothing else comes up between now and then.”

I spent the rest of the evening in a state of anticipation, waiting for Mama to tell me that I would not be able to visit the next day. After dinner when we made our usual way to the drawing room I excused myself for a moment and hurried upstairs to my writing desk. I quickly penned a letter to Lady Leighton, asking if I would be able to visit tomorrow. I handed it to the footman and then joined my family.

Clara was playing the pianoforte. Her technique was improving, but the music sounded disjointed. I smiled encouragingly at her before selecting a book and seating myself in one of the plush chairs.

Just as I was about to retire to bed, the footman returned bearing a letter from Lady Leighton. I thanked him and read it on my way up to my room.

Miss Adeline,

It would be a pleasure for you to visit us tomorrow. It has been too long since you were last here, and I’m sure we will all enjoy your company. It is my suggestion that you join us for the midday meal.

Lady Leighton.

I fell asleep with a smile upon my face.

Mama made me take the carriage when I left the next day. I had not argued with her, I was too happy to be going to bother.

I smiled as the carriage travelled down the familiar tree-lined road and saw the house sitting regally amongst the gardens. It really had been too long.

Robert greeted me when I stepped out of the carriage. His hand caught mine and my heart jumped slightly. “Miss Adeline.” He spoke quietly and his lips gently brushed the skin of my hand.

“Robert.” I smiled widely.

He paused and took in my appearance. “You look well Adeline.” He tucked my arm into his and we walked into the house together. I breathed in the familiar scent and sighed happily. He chuckled quietly. “Come, they are waiting.”

“Miss Adeline.” Lord Leighton smiled as Robert led me into the dining room. “How have you been dear child?”

“Quite well sir. And yourself?”

“Oh yes, yes.” He waved off my query. “Come, come.”

Lady Leighton pulled me into her arms the way she did when I was younger. “It is good to see you again Adeline.”

I smiled, glad that even after so long they welcomed me straight back into their home. We talked non-stop throughout the meal, there were no awkward pauses. It was as if I had never left.

“If you’ll excuse me, I have some business to attend.” Lord Leighton stood after the meal. “It was lovely to see you again Miss Adeline. I hope the next time is not too far away.” He smiled as he took his leave.

Lady Leighton stood also. “I’m afraid that I have eaten too much.” She laughed and shook her head. “I must rest. I trust that you will look after our guest Robert.”

And so we were left alone. Robert pushed his chair back. “Would you like to take a walk in the gardens Adeline?”

“Yes please.” I smiled as we walked out of the house together. We walked in silence until we were in the shade of the massive trees. “You still have the swing?” I asked as I saw the plank of wood suspended from the trees by ropes. I slipped my arm from Robert’s and sat down upon it. Robert stood behind me and gave a gentle push.

“How did you enjoy your ride?” Robert asked quietly.


“Your ride with Mister Oscar and Miss Julia. Did you enjoy it?” He clarified.

“Oh yes. It was such a pleasure to be able to ride again. I have not for-”

“Three months.” Robert cut in.


There was a pause and I longed to turn and look at his face, but I did not.

“Perhaps you would like to go riding with me tomorrow.”

“Oh I would.” I turned now and smiled at him. His face remained impassive. I stopped the swing and stood. “What?” I asked facing him.

He stepped forwards so that only the swing was between us. “You would not wish any other person to be there also?” He asked quietly.

“None other than you Robert.” My voice dropped to a whisper.

“None other than me?” He raised his eyebrows. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” My heart thudded irregularly as I stared into his eyes.

His breath fanned my face as he laughed quietly. “Very well then.” He stepped up onto the swing and smiled down at me. He leaned down so that his face was level with mine. His eyes twinkled mischievously and before I could step back he plucked my hat from my head and jumped out of my reach.

“Robert!” I laughed as he danced away and held the hat above his head. I picked up my skirts and chased after him through the trees.

“Little Adeline, can’t you reach your hat?” He taunted as he dangled it above my head.

I laughed as I stretched my arms to try and reach it. “Robert.” I said breathily and poked him in the stomach. He wrapped his arms around me and we fell to the ground. I laughed giddily as I pulled my hat from his hands. “There.” I said as I placed it upon my head. I sat up and brushed leaves from my hair.

Robert pushed himself up and smiled at me. His hands rested on my waist and it was then that I realized I was sitting on him. But I didn’t move.

He reached up and brushed his fingers along my cheek. “You’re covered in dirt Adeline. What will people think of you?” He chuckled.

I didn’t say anything as I stared at his face. His eyes slowly met mine; the humour faded from his eyes. His fingers trailed down my neck and along my collarbone. I licked my dry lips as his other hand ran down my arm and clasped with mine. He brought it to his face and gently kissed the palm. My eyes never left his as he placed my arm around his neck and leaned closer.

“Robert! Adeline!” Lord Leighton called. His voice was distant. He had clearly not ventured further than the steps of his house.

Robert swallowed and closed his eyes. He stood and pulled my up with him. His hands quickly brushed away any dirt and leaves that were on us. He did not look at me as he took my arm and walked back to the house.

“There you are!” Lord Leighton smiled widely. “At the swing were you? That was your favourite place when you were children. Come, I think it is time for Miss Adeline to leave us now.”

I glanced up at the sky and saw that the sun was already making its way towards the horizon. “It was lovely to see you again sir.” I smiled.

“And you.” Lord Leighton said as he walked back into the house.

Robert helped me into the carriage. “Until tomorrow.” He said as the door was shut.

I leaned out slightly so that I could see him as the carriage moved off. “Tomorrow.” I repeated quietly.