Status: active

He Was Her Big Event

He Was Her Big Event / One.

“Veronica Saunders;
Every human being within the ages of twelve to eighty years old living within a twenty mile radius knew her. What came to their minds would be sweet, generous, thoughtful. A smile always gleamed on her delicate face.
Her high cheek bones and long, lean body reminded me of a cat. Her soft, shiny hair reminded me of me of melted chocolate. The curls and kinks of her hair swayed perfectly along with her hips as she walked through the halls of Dulaney High School.
Those were the things that people recognized. But, me? I knew everything about her. I knew that when she lied her nose wrinkled just lightly and her hands shook, barely noticable. Her laugh was obnoxious, but musical in the same, odd way.
Her heart was bigger than anyone I knew, but it was breaking for the last year of her life. It was weak and fragile, like its owner.
On May twenty-fourth, 2006, her life was lost amongst the lies and sins of the people who had caused her depression and eating disorder.
I had noticed the dark, puffy bags under her eyes. The way her rib cage and spine stuck out as she changed for swimming and phsycial education. I was the only one who noticed that she was eating more than ever, but getting thinner, and thinner day by day.
I reaized that whatever I said wouldn’t stop her, he had broken her heart, he had broken her. I knew that the day was coming closer and closer, quicker and quicker by the weeks. By the days, hours, the minutes.
I never talked to her about it, I pretended like all was better than ever. I spent every waking minute with her, I loved her more than my own sister.
For her seventeen years of life, she was always there for me. I knew her every secret, her every flaw. Her every ability, her every fear, and muse. I loved everything about her, I was always there for her.
Through thick and thin, happy and sad, good and bad.
She is dead.
And I can not accept that, and never will.
I blamed myself, I let it happen. I am guilty, a huge burdon is still hanging limply onto my shoulders, the grip growing tighter and tighter as I try, but fail a everyday to get rid of it. Multiple rough, and painful pangs of regret go off in my stomach, hurting my heart along the way.
I could have stopped her, I could have made her eat, and keep it down.
I could have assured her that she was useful, and many people loved her.
Her brother, Nicholas Saunders, loved her so much. He was always there for her, as much as I was.
Her mother and father are amazing parents, they are like a second set for me. They raised Vinny well, and I know that she appreciated that.
She is loved and forever will be remembered, rest in peace, my best friend, sister, classmate, and so much more.
I love you.”
I raised my wine glass and stepped down, off of the platform where I was chosen to give my speech for the third anniversary of Veronica’s death.
It had been three years, and I still cried every day, I was still mourning her and hoping for her to come back to see me in my dreams.
But it never happened, and that killed me inside.
My eyes scanned the immense amount of people for Nick. I looked through old women, children, bored teenagers, and finally came across his pale, tear streamed face. He caught a glimpse of me and smiled a slight, weak smile and waved me over lightly.
“Hey,” I muttered sadly.
“Hello, Fay.” He pulled me in for a long, warm hug as I sobbed lightly.
“Do you remember everything?” I asked as I rubbed my eyes.
“Yes, I do,” And he told me, everything.
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message me with any questions, i will gladly answer.
i'd also enjoy feedback.