Fruity tales

8.Culiez The Rebellious Cucumber

Once upon a time in a land where fruit and vegetables could live happily without being chucked into salads or spat out by naughty children and adults (yes we are watching you) there lived a beautiful overweight and bald cucumber.
His name was Culiez.

Culiez had a very normal upbringing (sleeping in his mothers thong, eating soil and sucking up sunlight. Take that you dirty skin burner!)
But he wasn't normal. Oh no, not Culiez.
He spent his days talking in library's, learning how to say naughty words in french (like poo's and wee's) and sticking apple stickers on the gangster tomatoes (they did not like being labled a 'granny smith' or a 'juicy red').

One day Culiez did something unspeakable and totally out of order!
He pressed the bus button when he didn't want to stop!
What a rebel.
I mean seriously folks, what a rebel!
Anyway, the bus driver (poor old Arther the aubergine) stopped but no one got off!
''Where did they go?!'' He asked franticly.
''I don't know!'' Culiez lied.
Everyone on the bus were screaming and trying to find the person that pressed the button.
''He must've been squished!'' One banana shouted.
Culiez jumped out of the bus window.
''I tricked that fruit salad!'' He said proudly.
As he was daydreaming about what we will pretend was soil the bus started to tip because of all the fruit and veges rioting inside.
''He he he.'' Was Culiez lasts words as he was squished under the weight of it.

RIP Culiez the rebellious rebel!

The End!

ps the town police are still trying to find the missing button presser!
♠ ♠ ♠
:D Another fruity tale!!!
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