Sequel: Rabid Love History
Status: On Going

RabbiDt Love

Say my Name

Kegan's P.O.V.

Aimlessly staring waiting for the nurse to check me okay. Who knew that he was so coordinated with a base ball bat and a ball. That's all skill. And that fucking hurt. That former bruise that was there when he hit me with the baseball bat it self was gone but was still tender. And now it was slightly purple green again with that disgusting yellow color. But it didn't hurt that much anymore. Matter in fact it was kind of numb by this point. Like I couldn't feel anything. But it didn't tingle. That kind of numb.

"It hit you pretty good. But other than a headache your going to be just fine." It took her ten minutes to figure that out. Yeah wasted time. I wanted to get back to Eric.

"Can I go now? I wanna stalk someone." A bead of sweat formed on her brow and slid down the side.

"Y-yes..." Hopping off of the bed and didn't waste time to leave the room as quickly as possible to find Eric. I took notice that he never once said my name during the period of time we known each other. Not once. It's not like it's bothering me or that I imagine him saying it or anything like that. It's just it'd be nice to be called by your name and not; oh it's you, sex demon, fiend, or go away. Though I tool the second one as a compliment.

Looking around the halls finally finding him. He was talking to Damion. And it looked to friendly for my liking. Eric is mine, not Damion's. Never Damion. Eric doesn't know him that well to be with a guy like that. Walking up to them using the crowed of teen aged hormonal kids as a disguise. Ending up behind Eric having my hands wrap around him tightly.

"Hello Eric dear." Feeling him shivering against me. Why don't you just give in to me already? Feeling a bit depressed by that thought having my lips brush against his neck before placing a kiss tenderly on his 'spot'. Hearing a growl come up from him. Usually meaning back off or he was going to detach my soul from my body and keep it prisoner in a glass jar sitting out in the heated sun for the rest of my soul life. Which is forever.

"Go away." See what did I tell ya?

"Mmh don't feel like it. So what are you two talking about?" Asked looking towards Damion whom smirked at that question. What's that look for?

"How to get rid of you." Eric hissed I sighed and pulled him into a tighter hug. He hissed trying to yank away or pry my hands off of him.

"And I told him it was impossible unless if you lost interest in him. Which doesn't seem to be anytime soon." Looking up at Damion whom couldn't stop smirking at all of this. The only reason why I lost interest in this guy is for this exact reason. He's really actually deceiving. He can play with you in the palm of his hand and you wont even know it. He'll play a tune and have you dance to it.

"Dammit you fiend go away and leave me alone. I don't know how many times I have to say it today. And I hope that's the last!" I looked down his body he seemed to be melting into mine no matter how much it looked like he was trying to get away.

"Only if you say my name." His head turned towards me, bending to the side a bit to see my eyes full view. His royal blue ones seemed mildly surprised to the response. Damion stayed silent and only watched with mild interest. Well mild interest in me that is. Full interest in Eric. The bastard.

"Your name?" Did he actually forget my name? Well guess it wont be that hard since I told him once. But his friends and fan club all know my name and I didn't even tell it to them. Mh..

"Yeah my name. You know the thing that gives you some sort of identity? If you don't I'll keep nuzzling your neck till you do. I also wont let you go." Smiling a bit and burying my face in his neck before letting the frown take over. Don't you care even a bit? Wondered having my eye lids slide closed. Ignoring his growling, protests, and yanking trying to get away. I care. Strongly, and you drive me nuts. Your presence makes every emotion and part of mine go out of control, out of tune. I cant think of anything but you. And I think if you said my name. I'd be one of the happiest guys in the world.

"Dammit!" He steamed and just stood there wanting to glare at me but couldn't. I stood there taking his scent in deeply carving it slowly into my brain. Taking every small thing that he did to me and put it in a folder in my brain about him. I cant seem to control a butterfly affect in my stomach, or this tight pressure in my chest.

"Fine! Son of Aodhagain let me go." Lifting up my face to look at his burning blue eyes. Desire hidden deep in them. I can see it past the anger and frustration.

"Son of what?"

"That's what your name means. Now let go." Sighing softly letting my arms drop from around him slowly. But grabbed his elbows. I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his shoulder then the side of his head before letting him go completely.

"Alright then. See you back at the house." He just stared at me slightly confused with the soft gesture. Looking away trotting down the hall ignoring all the lust looks girls gave me, killing looks from half the student population that are huge fans of Eric. And the other half were praising me.

They should all praise that ice prince. Man he's really cold to me. I didn't even really do anything to him. Besides never leaving him alone. Ah...
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 0 3 0

Hello and sorry it took so long again. I joined three or four contests and well kind of put this off. Sorry, sorry. Anyway thank you all for your subs and comments! They really mean allot to me. And make me chuckle and feel fluffy all the time.

Thank you for your comments... NEVER GIVING IN!!! Mwahaha
LeadThisFreakShow Ha ha haha XD
Phoenix_xX You want to have your body parts talking to you??? Well that would be amusing.

Rebecca Yes ouchie.
Muffin Mobster Thank you! I'm happy your loving it. P.S. I know XD ha ha and who has a heart under the sarcasm?

Edit!!!!!! : I got a comment asking about Kegan's parents and I want everyone to know I'm going to do a side story on Kegan and Damion on their history. So give me a few days to put the info together and post =)