Status: I will try to post once a week, twice at the most but only if I get feedback ;)

Two Worlds Collide


It had been a week since I admitted my feelings to Kevin. He was giving me heck about it. He's been thinking since I said I liked him too, that it makes it okay for him to kiss me. To me, he was in the middle of an acquaintance and a friend.


"Shut up May!" I yelled at her, she been annoying the crap out of me. All because I ate her last freezer pop that she was saving for today. "It's not like I knew it was your!" I did know it was hers, I just wanted one.

"No, you knew it was mine!" May yelled. "So I'm going to take something of yours!" I acted all tough until I knew what she was talking about.

"No!" I almost screamed. She ran into my room, and I ran after her. She grabbed a bracelet I've worn since I was two. She knew how special it was to me, even though to other people it seems worthless.

I grabbed her shoulders, but she wiggled out of my hold and ran into the bathroom. When I got in, the toilet's lid was up, and May was holding my breacelet over the bowl.

"May," I said calmly holding up my hands, "don't do it."

"Your not the boss of me!" She unclenched her hand to let the bracelet drop into the toilet. Then to finish it off, she pushed down the handle letting the bracelet wash away. Out of sight. She looked smug, until she saw my face. She gasped.

"YOUR DEAD!!" I screamed! She ran past me out of the bathroom screaming bloody muder. She ran into her room, so I tacked her. "IM GONNA KILL YOU!"

Then she did something unbelievable, she started crying. My mom ran into the room "What's going on here?"

"Mom, she flushed my bracelet down the toilet!" I yelled, trying to have her pick my side.

"She ate my ast freezer pop!" May sniffled.

"Your groundings have been extended for a week and a half!" She yelled.

"BUT MOM!" We yelled together.

"Enough! Now May stay in your room, and Maddi go to your room! Don't come out until I say it's okay." Mom instructed.


My door opened softly, "Maddi you can come out now."

I stood from sitting on my bed. Having the perfect plan in my head. "Okay, mom, I'm sorry." I walked over to her giving her a hug.

"It's okay, I know your sister made you mad. Dinner is going to be in ten minutes." She walked out of my room, and down the stairs.

A smug smile spread across my face as I closed my door. I had grabbed my phone out ofmy mom's back pocket. I went to my pictures, and sent the naked picture of May from her shower to everyone in my contacts. In the message part I wrote "send to everyone you know!"

Payback May!