When everything changed!

Just a Average day!

'Vanessa!' Mum yelled getting quite annoyed now, it was 8Am and I was supposed to be out of bed twenty minutes ago. But getting out of bed in the morning is the hardest challenge of the day, or so I thought.
I sighed and climbed out of my nice warm bed, it was freezing cold and all I wanted to do was get back under the covers and snuggle up in the warmth. I couldn't though, I had school to go too. I walked barefoot to my wardrobe and looked in it. What a mess! I took a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeved plain white tee and pulled them on. Pulled a pair of pink socks on and then a my new pair of white trainers.
'Vanessa! Are you up yet?' Mum yelled up the stairs again. I sighed, and walked out of my bedroom to the bathroom and closed the door, mum walked back into the living room satisfied I was up.
I looked into the mirror oposite the window and brushed my tangled dark brown hair. Luckily I didn't need to straighten it this morning so I left it. I turned around and faced the sink and brushed my teeth, applied my make-up and walked back out again. I picked up my school bag that was laying on the floor outside my bedroom door and walked slowly downstairs. Mum was in the kitchen making breakfast for my younger sister Gabrielle.
Gabrielle was nearly twelve and looked nothing like me, she looked more like our father. She had fair skin, freckles on her nose, light brown hair that was cut into a bob under her cheek bones and deep blue eyes. She was beautiful. I was the ugly sister compared to her, I had Long dark brown hair, hazel eyes and was pale skinned. I looked more like Mum.
I sat at the table and grabbed a piece of toast and ate it at a normal pace. I noticed Gabrielle staring at me. I looked back at her but her expression didn't change like it usually did when I looked back at her, she'd normally look down at her bowl or plate in embaressment.
'Yes?' I asked her, raising my eyebrows at her, She smiled.
'Do you remember Alex?' she asked me grinning and blushing a little bit.
'Alex Chaplin?' I asked wondering why she was bringing this subject up.
'yes' She replied still grinning but going a deeper shade of pink.
'Yeah I remember him, why?' I asked examining her face, and smiling to myself as I got the answer.
'He asked me out' She said now looking down at her bowl of cornflakes.
'Oh, that's nice, you two would make a great couple' I said smiling and getting up from my seat and heading into the kitchen to get my bus pass from the kitchen window.
'Ready for school?' Mum asked, her mobile in her hand and texting someone, she didn't even look at me.
'Am I ever?' I replied sarcastically, I felt like she never had time for me anymore which saddened me, she always made time for Gabrielle.
Mum ignored me and took herself and mobile into the dining room to Gabrielle. I could hear her fussing her and I guessed Mum was brushing Gabrielle's hair. My eyes stung with hurt and tears and ran out of the house before Mum or Gabrielle saw. I ran down my street and round the corners until I got to the bustop. I was early so I sat on the bench nearby and waited for Elly.
Elly is my bestfriend, she has been for the last two years when I first started at Dixie Berkeley College. She's the kindest girl I have ever met, and the funniest. She's taller than me, with bigger boobs and has naturally curlier hair than me. Her hair is naturally black but she's recently dyed it blood red. She loves it.
'Nessa!' I heard Elly shout my name. I looked around and saw her at the top of the street waving like a mad-man or should I say mad-woman.
I waved back as she ran down the street and sat on the bench next to me, breathing heavily due to the running.
'You alright missy?' She asked hugging me and getting her bus pass out of her school bag.
'Yeah I'm alright thanks, what about you?' I replied feeling happy like I always did when she was around.
'Yeah, what you got first?' She asked standing up as the bus came into view. It was early.
'English, why?' I said reading my planner and putting it back in my bag.
'Oh man that means I've got Science with Dave' She groaned while getting on the bus.
'Man it's only for an hour and anyway it's Friday' I grinned with excitement thinking about the weekend.
'Oh my god, I so can not wait till tomorrow'
'Ha, nor can I'
We both grinned and chatted excitedly about the weekend until we had to get off the bus and trudge into school. At the gates Keels and Haz were waiting for us and jumped and waved when they saw us. I laughed and ran to them, and hugging them.
'Right, got to go to form, bye guys' Haz said grabbing my arm and walking me towards form. Luckily we was in the same form and we had a cool form tutor called Ruth. She was short, had a good sence of humour and was always making our form laugh.
The day went quickly and I was suprised when we caught the bus back home, Mum wouldn't be home as she worked till six, so her boyfriend and our step-dad Paul would be in to look after us. I didn't need looking after in my opinion.
'I'm sixteen for gods sake. I don't need a babysitter' I would always complain to mum, but mum always said it was mostly for Gabrielle than myself. I was happy with that.
After saying bye to Elly and getting off the bus I walked alone to my house. Walking to the front door I could hear the TV blazing and the smell of food wafting out the door. Paul was obviously cooking.
I dropped my bag at the foot of the stairs and walked into the kitchen to greet him. I kissed him on the cheek and offered to help, but as usual his answer was a No!. So I walked into the living room and watched Gorm with Gabrielle. I had no homework so I didn't have to worry about that over the weekend. Oh the weekend! Excitement ran through me!
'It's going to be the best weekend ever' I thought grinning to myself.
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