Status: AcTiVe!!! :)

Just Slightly Crazy

Chapter 1

This is a world of dreams and reverie
Where I felt the stars explode around me.
A grass blade flashed with a gleam as it slashed open a moon beam

* * *

Ran pelted my window, the annual April showers upon my small town. The water pellets slid down the glass creating a streak before another rain drop replaced it with its own mark. Every now and then a flash of lightning would break through the dark rain clouds, lighting up the sky before disappearing and letting out its roar.

While this weather went on I was happily drawing in my precious drawing pad that was almost full of my own ideas. Humming to myself the song that played on my i-pod, I moved my legs to the beat, while my torso lay on my silk, white covers and I doodled to my hearts content. Then just as I was about to finish my sketch of my hamster, Professor Layton, my mom called my name telling me dinner was ready. Rolling my eyes, I got up from my bed and dragged myself out my door and down the hall to the kitchen.

Before I even entered the room where we ate I could already smell the shrimp spaghetti and my attitude instantly changed. This was my favorite food which only meant that they had something to ask of me and wanted me to cave in, because they gave me my favorite food. Of course I wouldn't say no though, that would be rude.

My parents were already in their seats taking small bites from their food when I walked casually in the room. They looked up from the plates to me and watched me take my regular seat across from my mom and to the right of my dad on our square table. I bit my lip as I looked down at the plate that was already filled with the tasty noodles covered in the red sauce with random shrimp here and there. Hesitantly, I picked up my fork and pierced the food before getting a good helping and putting it into my mouth. My mouth exploded in delight and I smiled.

Once I had gulped down half of my plate my dad began to speak. "Lacy," he started in his deep masculine voice, "we have a favor for you." I sighed as I laid my fork down against my plate. "You see, some old friends of ours have just moved to Clarksville and we need you to be friends with one of their sons." Raising an eyebrow I looked up to my father with curiosity. "Why?" I asked this, because why would I need to become friends with some guy?

"Uhm well their son is very shy and has a problem making friends and he's depressed about the move," my mom explained for my dad in her sweet not too high and not too low voice. "Err I guess I could try," I answered awkwardly as I scratched the side of my left arm with my right hand. "Good." That was all we said before finishing our foods and going to do our own things.

Once to my room I locked the door and went to sit on my little stool that rested right in front of my window. I sat on the bright blue stool and brought my knees up to my legs as I looked out the glass barrier to the rainy outside. While I sat there and gazed out at the gloomy scenery I thought of what I should do about the favor I had to complete. I mean you would too! Having to befriend some strange depressed guy, that would make me seem like a creeper! With my mouth and eyes wide open in shock, I had an epiphany. This must mean my parents are getting me ready to become a hooker!
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Hey wassup Mibbians?! :D
Anywho this is my first story or chapter in like forever! I was originally going to start another story but I had writers block and so I decided to make this instead since I just watched Alice in Wonderland like last night (go watch it, its amazing!) and I thought it would be so cool to have a character that was as mad as a hatter so this idea was created. :)

Beginning Lyrics: Owl City - Strawberry Avalanche