Status: Contest entry.

The Consequences Of A Single Action

The Boy Across The Street.

It was the middle of the summer, and yet again Ryan was awoken by the sounds of moving trucks from across the street. It’s been like that since the beginning of summer break; they arrive at around 7:30am and leave at different times in the evening. But they always and never fail to wake Ryan from his restless slumber, filled with nightmares and memories. In a way he is grateful for them waking him, but he still needs his sleep and they aren’t helping. He grumbles some profanities as he climbed out of bed and made his way to the bathroom down the hall.


Once he’s all clean and dressed he makes his way down stairs, more than ready for his un-nutritional breakfast. Just as he grabs his bowl from the top self, the doorbell sounds, scaring the shit out of him; also causing him to drop his bowl.

Just great, another reason for him to shout and scream at me for when he gets home

He makes his way to the door carefully as to not step on the broken pot cascading the floor.
Once the door is open Ryan just stands staring at the person in front of him, for that is all he can do. Stare. The guy stood in front of him however still has the uses of his body, as he decides the best greeting is to pull Ryan in for what can only be described as the warmest and most tight hug Ryan has ever received. Not that he has had any friendly bodily contact since his mother left him at the tender age of four.

Once the boy pulls away from Ryan, he has the widest grin on his face, whereas Ryan is now a clear reddish colour, which makes the boys grin even wider.
“Hi! I’m Brendon, me and my family just moved in that house over there!” He seemed too excited to Ryan while he looked where the guy now named Brendon is pointing, even though he knew full well which house Brendon was pointing to.

Maybe he’s on drugs...

Ryan couldn’t but think to himself as Brendon was now rocking back and forth on his heels and still smiling like a mad man. “Hi, I’m err, Ryan. And I know you just moved into that house, the moving trucks have been waking me up every morning for the past two weeks.”” He didn’t mean for it to come out sounding angry or pissed off, but unfortunately that’s how Brendon heard it. But it did cause his smile to be wiped off his face and be replaced with a pout and wide eyes not to mention how his bottom lip started to quiver slightly, which Ryan couldn’t help but admire. There is something about Ryan what’s quite well known in his school, and luckily enough, not that many people diss him about it because of his supposed ‘utter cuteness’ as said by the majority of the female population of the school, and even some guys; something which he still can’t believe. Ryan Ross is gay, and out.
But as Brendon is new to these parts, he has no clue of Ryan’s sexuality; something that might change things dramatically in the future.

Brendon’s previously happy-cheerful expression was now replaced with one of sadness, “I’m sorry for that, my parents wanted to move all the stuff in and get unpacked before we moved in ourselves, and well the actual moving of the stuff took longer than expected. I really am sorry for disturbing you.” The low and whispering his voice filled with sincerity made Ryan look at him completely different from his first glance, he has changed from being joyful to having a possible case of bipolar. Something which Ryan did not expect.
“So... yeah, want to be friends?” And the smile was back... Ryan was starting to get freaked out now so he just nodded slightly, unaware of the consequences of that one single action.
And if Ryan thought that Brendons smile before looked drug-induced then his smile after he agreed to this odd friendship, well he doesn’t even know how to describe it.
But before Ryan could even think of anything to say, Brendon was already looking him up and down with a more than visible frown on his face and grabbed Ryan’s arm and was now dragging him towards Brendon’s house, but stops in front of a car.

The next thing Ryan realises is that he is now in a car with a person who may have some kind of mental disorder who is driving more than badly, not to mention slowly, down the streets towards somewhere which Ryan is oblivious. All of a sudden, Ryan is flung to the side as Brendon makes a sharp turn into what Ryan can only describe as the most hellish place on earth. The mall. His eyes went wide with fear and shock; even if he’s loved at school other people don’t quite love the gay community. Brendon noticed the look on Ryan's face and was starting to think maybe dragging him to the mall was not such a good idea, especially after how their friendship started off on...but Brendon being Brendon he went along with it anyway.

In the shops, Brendon has to pull Ryan everywhere, due to his lack of enthusiasm. First stop, Starbucks. While lining up Brendon starts to jump up and down, terrifying Ryan and making everyone in the cafe star at them both with amused and concerned faces. Ryan’s starting to think that maybe this mental disorder Brendon might have, may involve the influences of caffeine and sugar as Brendon has just ordered a Caramel Macchiato and then grabbed a hand full of those little sugar sachet things.

It wasn’t until they sat down that Brendon realises that Ryan didn’t get anything, this made him feel even worse about dragging Ryan to the mall. So Brendon did the nice thing of sharing his coffee with him, Ryan took one sip and almost choked on the amount of sugar Brendon had put in it, for Ryan found it undrinkable, even though he practically lived on coffee; so he just smiled slightly at him and passed the cup back thanking him quietly, which was not at all like the usual Ryan. There was just something about Brendon that made him go back to his shy and embarrassed stage. Something which he thought he grew out of years previous. But from just meeting Brendon a few hours ago and seeing glances of him through a window for the past three weeks has seemed to make Ryan regress eight years or so.

But why? Why does he make me like this?

Ryan didn’t realise that he was staring at Brendon while thinking this, but Brendon sure did and boy did it make him blush. Even though Brendon was now an obvious beet red colour, Ryan still didn’t notice as he was still wondering about why he was feeling awkward around Brendon.


A few hours passed and Brendon had obviously forgotten about Ryan’s lack of money as he kept pulling him from shop to shop, it took a while but he finally pulled Ryan into a shop which he kind of liked but that just made it worse for him as he had no money, even if he had his wallet with him he still wouldn’t have the money to actually buy something. Brendon on the other hand has spent more than Ryan could ever imagine spending in a month, let alone just a few hours.

Brendon was rummaging through the different clothes looking for something to go with his new belt he had bought a few shops ago when he saw the perfect skinny jeans for Ryan, he looked around him to see were Ryan had gotten to; he finally spotted him near the doors of the dressing rooms, looking overly bored, so he walked right up to him, “HEY! RYRYRYRYRY!!! Try theses please?” he finished with his infamous puppy-dog pout. Ryan was about to say that he doesn’t the money to buy them so what’s the point, when Brendon just pulled him into the changing room with him.

WTF!? Brendon really needs to think before acting!

Ryan thought as he pushed Brendon away from his zipper, which he happened to be pulling down.

Ryan just continued with pushing Brendon until he was completely out of the dressing room, and then he just looked at the jeans, they weren’t really what he would normally wear. Firstly they were had a rip on one of the knees and were faded, and secondly they were tighter than his skinnies he had at home. He wasn’t sure if they would fit either, they looked way too small in his eyes, but he tried them on anyway. Surprisingly enough he found them quite easy to put on and he thought that he doesn’t look that bad in them so he decided to go out and show Brendon.

As soon as Ryan opened the door to the dressing room and stepped out, Brendon froze. He couldn’t believe what he was looking at.

Damn! He looks hot! Wait, I did not just think a GUY was hot. What’s wrong with me?

Brendon shook his head at his thought, which then caused Ryan to think that the jeans weren’t as nice-looking on him as he thought and made him look down, tears form in his eyes. Just as Ryan’s about to go back into the changing room Brendon just reaches out and holds his arms so he can’t move, and much like earlier, he looks him up and down. And this time Ryan definitely saw the blush on Brendon’s cheeks. It would be kind of hard to seen as his face is just inches away from his own. If he leaned forwards he could probably kiss him, he would as well if he had the courage. Brendon just smiled, “Ry... wow, you... you look hot. Those jeans really work it for you.” Brendon mentally kicked himself, not only did he call Ryan hot but he also said that those jeans really work it for him, never in his life had he said anything remotely like that before. So why did he choose now to start.

Never before had Brendon questioned his sexuality, but meeting Ryan, he’s starting to think there’s more than what he’s been brought up to think as right. But he would never admit these thoughts aloud, for if someone happened to find out, he would be disowned faster than oil separates from water. And never would he want that, who would pay for all his things, for college next year, for his first house.

Brendons compliment made Ryan look up at him with that deer-caught-in-headlights look that made Brendon giggle a little. It was that giggle that made Ryan blush a deeper crimson than he already was from all that’s happened already.

Brendon was stumped for anything else to say, and he didn’t want another comment like that other one to come out accidently so he simply landed for pulling out his wallet after checking the price tag, which made Ryan tilt his head in confusion.

Why’s he got his wallet out? Has he seen something he lik- Oh wait, NO! No way am I going to let him pay for these I saw the price while changing and damn they’re expensive

But before Ryan could continue his silent rant in his head, Brendon had already gone in the changing room grabbed Ryan’s things and was now pulling him towards the cash registers, and when they got there he simply pointed to the jeans that Ryan had on and the guy behind the counter just smirked and nodded, he had obviously been listening to what had just happened between them, and went around the counter and pointed the little gun thing at the price tag causing it to make that usual beep sound.

Brendon had the money out already, so he didn’t give Ryan time to stop him so he didn’t. Like usual, Ryan stayed silent allowing others to do things for him, whether he liked it or not.

They stayed at the mall for a few more hours, neither buying anything else, until Brendon phone started buzzing in his pocket. When he pulled it out, it was none other than his mother with the usual text saying she ‘wanted him home now’ and ‘that he’s been out for too long’ and how she ‘doesn’t like how he’s always leaving for long amounts of time’. To sum it up, the kind of text a paranoid over protective mother would send, which is exactly what she is. so he just sighed and changed their direction heading back to his car, while Ryan just followed not uttering a word of why they were leaving, and to be honest he was glad. As good a time he was having he still didn’t like being at the mall.

The ride home was filled with Brendon turning the radio on full blast and singing along making Ryan laugh his head off at the faces Brendon was pulling. Ryan couldn’t think of the last time he had laughed so much, and put it down to one thing. He had never had so much fun before, and it was all thanks to Brendon.

This also led to Ryan thinking that maybe he might want more than just friendship with Brendon.


The rest of the summer Ryan and Brendon seemed to get closer and closer, much to Brendon’s mother’s delight and Ryan’s father’s annoyance, and now it was their first day of senior year. Both of them had totally diverse reactions to this, Brendon couldn’t wait to start a new school and was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement, and Ryan had spent the night curled up in bed not getting a wink of sleep due to his complete nervousness of this dreaded year, not to mention that his dad had been getting more and more angry with him for the smallest of things, and the beatings had become unbearable.

The minute they stepped foot on school ground everyone turned to stare at Brendon, what Ryan noticed though that the cheerleaders were practically eye-raping him and even some of the other girls as well. It made him even more sure of what he wanted to ask him after school, and luckily enough his dad was out tonight, so they would go over to his so he could ask in private. He wasn’t sure of what the answer would be but he was hopeful that it would be the one he wanted.

He showed Brendon the way to the main office so he could get his timetable, then show him the way to his homeroom and cross-examine both their timetables.

When Brendon had finally gotten his timetable of the overly nice lady behind the desk he showed it to Ryan and saw a definite frown form on his face, he guessed that they didn’t have any classes together. Which as much as he was upset, he figured that he could use the time away from Ryan to make friends. Little did he know that, during break a girl form both his morning classes would go up to him and ask him out and him being the polite-little-Mormon boy that he was he would accept, all while Ryan was doing a break detention for falling asleep in class due to his lack of sleep the night prior.


It was now dinner, and Ryan was worried about Brendon he hadn’t seen him all morning and even though he knew how outgoing Brendon was, he couldn’t help but be anxious as to whether the people would hate on him or not. After all, Brendon was a very flamboyant boy.

Ryan even went to the extent of entering the cafeteria, something which he never thought he would do in all his four years of high school, just to look for Brendon. And little to Ryan’s knowledge, Brendon’s newly acquired girlfriend had dragged out of school and to the local fast food place for dinner, her simply of how utterly repulsive the cafeteria food was. Brendon just smiled his usual smile while keeping an eye out for Ryan, he wanted to see him to tell him all about his girlfriend and how his first day was going.

It wasn’t till after school that Brendon finally found Ryan; he was leaning against the side of Brendon’s car waiting for him as he knew that Brendon needed to at least go to his car to get home.

Then again this is Brendon, he might actually forget about the fact that he drove to school and catch the bus

Ryan couldn’t help but giggle slightly at that thought, and the possible truth behind it. Brendon was glad at the fact that when he spotted Ryan against his car he had a small smile playing on his lips.

He must have had a good first day

And with Brendon being Brendon, he just casually walked straight up to Ryan without a care in the world, put his arm around Ryan's shoulder and with his usual ‘great big Brenny smile’, as Ryan has come accustom to calling it –strictly in his head though, for obvious reasons– was about to tell him about his oh so brilliant news, when none other than that oh so brilliant person walked past the two smiled at Brendon not forgetting to give him a cute smile and a quaint little wink before getting in her car and driving home. It was because of that slight distraction that Brendon completely forgot to tell Ryan at that instance, which if he remembered would have saved Ryan in more than one way – but neither of them knew that at the time.

Ryan was slightly discouraged with what had just happened, but decided to shake it off for.

It’s not like he’d go out with, right? I mean it’s his first day; he wouldn’t just go out with anyone. Besides he could do way better than her... Damn, I sound so jealous right now


The way home was quiet, too quiet for Brendons liking. Every time he tried to make conversation with Ryan, Ryan just seemed to answer as shortly as possible or even just move his head slightly. They was almost on their street, when Ryan finally looked up at Brendon, and to make things better he had something to say as well, “Err... Bren, my dad, he’s err, going to be late home tonight so I thought that... maybe we could hang out at mine? Just for today, that is...” While Ryan silently cussed himself for stuttering like that, Brendon just smiled. In the past two months that he had known Ryan, he had yet to step foot through the doorway, yet Ryan has been over at is countless amounts of time and has even slept there on or two nights, so for Ryan to invite him actually inside, it made him ecstatic.

Once he pulled up into his drive way, they got out and made their way over to Ryan's house. Both silent for very different reasons, Ryan because he’s afraid that if he says something now that it would scare Brendon away, and for Brendon simply because he’s too excited to say anything.

When inside Ryan’s house they did the usual thing they would have done at Brendons, watch movies and munch out on junk food, even if the only junk food was oddly coloured cereal; but neither complained, even though Ryan was seemingly embarrassed about it.
They were on to their third film, when Ryan figured it was now or never to tell Brendon. He sat up and turned to face Brendon figuring that it would be best to actually look at him while confessing and asking him out. But as Brendon brought out the exceptionally shy part in Ryan, it only caused him to blush profusely and look down, and as Brendon is completely in the dark as to Ryan's feelings he figured that the latest movie was too scary for him and wrapped his arms around him, whispering softly in his ear not to be scared. Ryan also took this the wrong way, but it gave him the small boost of confidence he needed to do what he did next.

Ryan tilted his head slightly so he could see Brendons face in the glow of the TV screen, and suddenly he felt as if Brendon wanted him to do it as well, so he did. Ryan lent in and kissed him gently on the lips, while squeezing his eyes shut.

But before he could enjoy any feeling of Brendon’s lips, he got pushed back which caused him to lose his balance on the small sofa they were currently sat on and land on his ass on the very uncomfortable hard wooden flooring. Ryan dreaded looking up, but figured he should after what he just did. And what he saw broke his heart. Brendon was red in the face but not from infatuation or passion like Ryan would have wanted, no Brendon was completely and utterly pissed off at Ryan.

Why the hell did he just do that!? Is he even ga- Man, I can’t even say that word

Ryan was becoming more and more scared of every passing second; he had just ruined the first real friendship he’d had in such a long time. Its times like these that he wished that his dad would go that one hit too far, but he figured he should at least try to get Brendon to understand why he kissed him, “B-Brenny? I-I didn’t, I mean it wasn’t just a-“
Although before Ryan could finish his explanation, Brendon shot up from where he still sat, glanced at Ryan before turning around and putting his hand over his mouth. But his attempts at trying to calm himself didn’t work for the next thing he did not only shock Ryan but himself as well, “RYAN, WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!? Why the hell did you kiss me!? I’m not even GAY!”

Ryan was close to tears at this point but tried hard not to let any spill from his eyes, “b-but...”
This just made Brendon even angrier,
“NO FUCKING BUTS. Don’t you get what not gay even means? Eugh, I’m fucking Mormon you prick, don’t you get that even if I was gay I couldn’t do anything about it! Yeah and to make things worse. I. Have. A. Fucking GIRLFRIEND! Just, just leave me alone... I, need some air...” And with that Brendon ran out, not even registering the fact that on his way out he bumped into none other than Ryan's precious daddy, who coincidently heard every single word what Brendon screamed at the now openly sobbing Ryan.

It wasn’t till Brendon was half way across the street did he hear Ryan's front door slam shut shortly followed by the most sickening sound to him; Ryan's helpless scream just before the sound of glass smashing. He turned back to see Ryan's dad in the window looking more than drunk and extremely angry, while kicking something which guessed was Ryan, he almost ran back to help Ryan but, “Brendon Boyd Urie, get in this house this instant. We have some things to discuss.” And with that he turned to see none other than his own father.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, finally it's finished.
That took forever to complete. not to mention the amount of times I'vedeliberately forgot about it... But I'm just glad it's finally done.

Just incase you didn't get it, bold is Ryan's thoughts and underlined is Brendon's thoughts, and italics is just for emphasis ;)

Word count -- 3,925

So the usual. Comment please.