Rock Stars at Night, Teachers by Day

Where are all the teachers?

My P.O.V.

“Good morning students and staff. Please rise for the Pledge or Allegiance.” Groans can be heard in every classroom as most of the half sleeping teenagers of Grover Cleveland High attempted to stand to pledge.

“I don’t even know why we have to stand up for the stupid pledge anyway.” I complained. Everyone looked towards my directions with that look of ‘Just shut up and do it’ on their faces. I really don’t care. I am the outcast anyway. “We don’t even have a fucking flag in this dumbass classroom. What are we pledging to? The wall? Screw that. I’m not getting up.”

Some people snickered to my comment and remained seated. All the freshman of our Italian class stood up like the little preppy assholes they are and stared at the rest of us with disrespect. We are seniors. We never do anything that we are told. Four years of the same bullshit is enough don’t cha think?

“Good morning everyone. This is your principle Mr. Scarola speaking.” He nearly screamed over the intercom. He was an older fellow. Short, gray hair and always wore a dress shirt and tie.

“NO SHIT!” My friend Ashley screamed. She got up and went to the doorway, opened the door and continued dissing the principle. “I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE FUCKIN MUFFIN MAN! BUT THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING YOURSELF!”

A few people and I started laughing uncontrollably. She shut the door and walked back to her seat with a smile of accomplishment plastered across her face and sat down. She and I were always the ‘rebels’ and the ‘class clowns’ of all of our classes. If you had a class with wither one of us, it was sure to be interesting. Especially like today which was a half day and also the last day of school before our winter vacation. Three full weeks of stress-free relaxation.

“Aha that was AWESOME!” I laughed. We high-fived each other and laughed. We were then cut off by the annoying voice of Scarola. The long pause between his sentences usually sensed that something bad happened.

The loud speakers blared through the hallways again as he began to speak. “As some of you may have noticed, a lot of teachers are not accounted for today. You may also know that the horrible disease of Staphylococcus Aureus, more commonly known as Staph, has been making its way through most New York City Schools. It is with much grief for me to inform you that it has infected our school. Many teachers have been diagnosed with the first few stages of the disease.”

Then it just hit me. Mrs. Forte, our teacher, was nowhere to be found. “Holy shit. Uhhh did anyone else besides me realize that uhhh, our teacher kinda sorta isn’t here?” My mouth dropped open and my classmates looked at me like I was some sort of dunce for not realizing it. Mrs. Forte must have been infected with Staph. I turned my attention back up to the load speaker to see what else had to be said.

“We advise everyone to start carrying around some sort of hand sanitizer and use it frequently. Clean hands is the key to avoid this illness. Also I’ve been hearing a lot of our students here running around the building joking about this disease. That NEEDS TO STOP! This is no joking matter!”

Damn! I guess I can’t run around the building tagging people and saying “Staph, You’re it!” and then running away. Sigh. Good times. Goooooood times.

“If you have anymore questions about anything related to what I just discussed, you can either see your guidance counselor, another staff member, or ask to speak to me. That is all for now. Have a safe holiday vacation.”

The loud speaker cut off. Just then there was a knock at the door.

Great! It’s probably some corny ass sub here to give us those boring holiday related word puzzles. Next, they’ll write their name on that dirty ass chalkboard that hasn’t been washed since the summer of 1987. He or she will then pass around a piece of paper for attendance, then sit there in the front of the room with a news paper and read the sports section for their own pleasure. Oh the joy!

“Somebody gonna get that?” one of the freshman asked. She looked around the room waiting for a response of any sort. Of course no one moved or answered. I always voice my opinion on everything I hear. Might as well be a wise ass and speak up now.

“Pfft. They got the key don’t they? If they want in so bad they could just open the door themselves.” I stated. I got up walked across the room towards the door and hit the light switch to the off position and walked back to my seat. “Problem solved.”

Everyone sat there looking at the door waiting for the sub to come in. They knocked again but louder this time. I was so tempted to remove the paper blocking the glass of the door to see who it was and then open the door and kick them. Oh well.

A groan of a male was heard outside the door. Ashley looked over to me and smiled at the teacher’s frustration of not being able to find his keys. We looked back at the door together and giggled as the doorknob on the door was twisting and turning only half way.

The doorknob stopped. There was a split second of silence before the excluded himself from in front of the door. Most kids just looked away or put their heads down on their desk ignoring everything that just happened. The classroom remained dead silent for a good thirty seconds.

Out in the hallway footsteps was heard again heading towards the classroom, this time with a faster pace. Without stopping or hesitation the glass from the door broke and shattered all over the classroom floor. The majority of the class that was sleeping jumped up screaming profanities. Everyone else just looked at the door in amazement.

The fire extinguisher that was used to fracture the glass was dropped onto the floor inside the classroom. A hand came through the hole from where the glass once was and gripped the doorknob. He slowly turned it and the door opened. I put the hood of my Green Day hoodie over my head as did Ashley with her System of a Down sweater and sank down into our seats.

The male figure walked into the room and flicked on the lights. I looked upwards towards the door and my heart sank and my mouth dropped open. “Tré Cool?! What the fuck?”

He looked up to me with a grin on his face. “That’s WHO the fuck. Remember? Who the fuck is Tré Cool? Not what. But good try.”