Rock Stars at Night, Teachers by Day

Guitar Class

I dragged myself down the same four flights of stairs, as I do everyday to my 5th period guitar class. I hate that class so much. I mean, people think they can play when they really can’t. There is actually one person who can play quite well. But he is way too conceded for me.

I reached the basement and walked down the long corridor towards the classroom. Passing a window, I stopped and looked out at the freshly fallen snow covering the teacher’s parking lot. I inhaled deeply, letting the clean brisk air fill my lungs.

Why am I feeling so depressed all of a sudden? It’s the last day of school before we have total and complete freedom for three whole weeks. No school. Maximum relaxation.

Before I was able to turn around I heard a scream and felt someone tackle me to the floor. “What the fuck!?” I screamed. I looked next to my to find none other than my good friend Anna lying on the floor laughing her ass off.

“Hello buddy! Lovely day isn’t?!” she laughed, picking herself off the floor. She brushed off her black jeans, which was now covered in that dusty looking stuff that’s always on school floors. She wore a Paramore T-shirt under a black zip up sweater with holes cut for the thumbs.

I stood up and walked over to where her violin was lying on the floor. I picked it up and handed it to her and continued collecting my stuff, which was scattered all over the floor.

“What the fuck was that for?” I asked. “Isn’t there a more calm way you know how to greet you friends?”

“Umm. Now that you mentioned it… NOPE!” She laughed. Making fun of people was her expertise. Anna is one of those people that are straight up honest with everyone. If she hates you, she’ll make damn sure that you know it. That’s why I respect her so much.

I smiled, putting my guitar on my back, and continued walking the remaining 30 feet to class. The hallway was crowded with Albanians and Polish people speaking their native tongue and laughing uncontrollably. They are all afraid of the ‘punks’ in our school, so when they see us they shut their mouths and step aside. (No lie)

When we arrived to the classroom, the door was wide open. Only 5 other people showed up besides Anna and I. Ian, Edwin, Joseph, Ryan and Travis were sitting there playing their guitars when we walked in.

“Look who it is.” Ian joked. “What the fucks up with the violin?” He asked Anna.

“What the fucks up with your face?” she answered back. Travis let out one of those ‘OHH’S!’ that he does whenever someone is dissed. A few other people laughed, including Ian. We always joke around with each other and say degrading comments to one another.
Ian stood up and greeted both of us with a hug like he always does whenever we see each other. Everyone sat down and continued playing guitar and talking about bands they like and dislike. I unpacked my guitar, as did Anna with her violin. We both ended up having to tune our instruments from our ‘collision’ we had in the hallway.

“Yeah. So since Ian loves Green Day so much I think we might have to play some for him.” I joked. Anna looked at me and rolled her eyes.

“I fucking hate Green Day.” Ian said. “They aren’t even punk. I only like one song from them. Good Riddance. First song I ever heard from them. It’s a classic.”

I laughed at him. “Aww. Does Ian have girl problems?” Edwin laughed and punched him in the arm.

I played a G chord loudly. “Oh god your not gonna make me listen to that song are you?” Ian complained.

“Well I wasn’t. But now I am.” I laughed.

Anna sat down next to me and I started playing the first few notes to the song. Anna sang along to the melody until it was her time to join in. Everyone sat there and watched. Ian laughed and started singing along to mock us. By the time we were halfway through the song, everyone in the room was singing with us. A smile spread across Anna’s and my face. I added that solo that Billie Joe played in Bullet in a Bible. Anna continued playing and added her own little twist to it by soloing with me in a different key.

We ended the song together “It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right. I hope you have the time of your life. It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right. I hope you have the time of your life.”

Ian started a slow clap just to be the asshole that he is. I threw my pick at him and Anna poked him with the bow of her violin. The class stopped clapping and snickered a little bit.

“I’ll be right back. I m gonna get something from the vending machine.” She said, standing up and facing the door.

“Get me some Snapple or something.” I requested, digging in my pocket for the 5 I had. “Ok?” There was a long pause. “Anna? Annnna? Hello? You still alive over the--”

I cut myself off to see her staring, mouth dropped wide open, at none other than Billie Joe. Just standing there in all his glory.

No. Fucking. Way.

“Oh. Shit.” Was all Anna could manage to say. She slowly walked towards him, feet dragging on the floor.

“Aha is she alright?” Billie asked. He laughed a little bit and walked into the room. He sat down on the mini stage we have in the classroom, and leaned forward. “So. I heard you guys playing Time of Your Life. Killer skills.”

“Pfft. That’s nothing.” Travis said. “They are always playing Green Day in class. Pisses me off…” Billie shot him a look for a moment, but laughed it off after noticing the Fall Out Boy shirt he was wearing. What a poser.

“You know you like it. You were singing along to Good Riddance. LOUDLY. So shut your face.” Anna said out of nowhere. She got up and started her rant about Green Day; completely oblivious to the fact Billie Joe was still on stage.

“You know what? Maybe they are losers. Maybe they aren’t the most popular band out there. But they—”

“You know you just called Billie a loser and he is right there right?” Ian laughed. Anna turned around to find Billie sitting there, a smirk on his face.

Her face turned a pinkish red color as she stood there, face to face with Billie Joe Armstrong. He smiled, revealing his crooked teeth, and then stuck his tongue out at her. She turned back around facing Ian.

“Yes. I know that.” She said, blushing a little bit. “But he knows he’s a loser. He admits it. That’s your problem. You don’t admit that you’re a loser.”

“That’s fucked up.” Billie Joe laughed. Anna turned around again to face him. He smiled back, adjusting himself in the chair. “Hey can you get me that guitar over there? I wanna see something.”

Ian looked over to see that he was talking about his prized possession. His custom signature Zakk Wylde vintage guitar. It was lying in an open case, which was on the floor at Ryan’s feet.

“Pfft. Are you for real Armstrong?” Ian screeched. “You are not worthy enough to even look at this guitar, let alone play it. If you want to play it, prove to me you are worthy.”

Oh god he did not just say that.

Billie’s jaw dropped.

Uhh ohh.

There was dead silence in the room before anyone spoke. Even Travis didn’t ‘Ohh!’ at that. HARSH.

“Are you fucking serious?” Billie asked. “I am not worthy enough to play your piece of shit guitar? You got to be kidding me young man.”

PFFT! He said ‘Young Man!’ … Yes I realize I am pathetic.

Billie Joe stood up, Ian mimicking him. They walked over to each other, face to face, like one of those movies where a gun duel is about to take place. Ian’s sea green eyes burned into the front mans emerald green ones, which like Tre’s, was surrounded by dark black eyeliner.

They stopped about two feet apart from each other, tension building up so high, you can almost cut it with a knife. Without hesitation, Billie Joe got in his face and spoke.

"Kid, you wouldn't know a guitarist if one came up behind you, stuck the neck up your ass, and made you strum from behind.” (I love you Anna XD)

Ian stood before Billie Joe, facial expression now turning extremely competitive, from his once, ha, and not even really demanding look. It could barely wipe the smirk off Billie's face.

Staring into the eyes of the front mans for a few more seconds, he snarled and walked towards his guitar. He picked it up from his case, and put it on his shoulder. “Alright then Armstrong. Let’s do th--”

“Wouldja stop fucking calling me Armstrong? This isn’t the army goddamnit! Somebody get me an amp and a guitar. Let’s duel. Right now kid.” Billie challenged.

Anna and I looked at each other, a smile spreading across both of our faces. I quickly walked to the back closet where Mr. Green keeps the ‘good guitars’ and his amplifiers. Anna followed, grabbing a blue Telecaster and some wires, while I carried in the huge amp fit for 4 guitarist to play at once.

Ian laughed hysterically as Anna handed BeeJ the Telecaster. “HA! You are gonna beat me with that piece of shit guitar dude?” He lifted his guitar over his head and placed it on his shoulders, adjusting the strap to his liking. Billie did the same, and then reached into his pocket for a pick.

“Well since I practically grew up playing on the Telecaster, and I know it better than you know your own cock, yeah. I would say I am gonna kick your ass.” Billie replied. Ian stared at the front man, gripping the neck of his guitar tightly. He hated it when people dissed him. Especially when it was about his musical abilities.

I plugged in the wire from the amp to Billie’s guitar while Anna did the same to Ian’s. Anna turned on the amp and stepped back towards the chairs, and sat down, me following and sitting next to her. Billie took his place on the stage next to Ian.

“Go ahead big shot.” Billie laughed. He sat down on the chair that was placed in the back center of the stage, elbow on the neck of the guitar, and hand holding his head up. “I am ready for anything you got. Whoa that rhymed.”

Ian looked at Billie Joe as if he was a child. He turned away and shook his head like he was clearing his mind. He placed his now trembling fingers over the fret board, and started off with a bit of fret tapping. Playing with such ease, now adding some hammer-ons and pull-offs, he turned to Billie staring at him, a smile spread across his face.

All Billie Joe could do was sit there and watch until it was his turn. Ian finished up quickly, ending his riff as the notes came out of the amp slower and slower. He smiled, accomplishment was written all over his face. Everyone clapped; supporting Ian’s work while Billie stood up and even clapped a little. “Alright alright you got some skills there kid. I m not gonna lie. But I am still gonna kick your ass.”

“I would love to see you beat that.” Ian snickered, taking a seat where Billie Joe just stood up.

Billie sighed moving his hand up and down the neck of the guitar. “Wow. I do admit it has been a while since I free styled. But whatever, here goes nothing.”

Moving his fingers down to the 12th fret of the guitar, he started off as Ian did. Fret tapping from frets 12 to 16. He then moved up the neck, as Ian did, hammer-ons and pull-offs while still adding in some fret tapping. Letting his fingers explore the fret board, shock appeared on everyone’s faces.

A few seconds later Billie let out a stretched out power chord, which completed his few seconds of free style soloing. Everyone clapped as they did for Ian, some even giving him a standing ovation.

“Woo! That felt good.” Billie Joe smiled. “What do you think? Did I come close to beating the ever so famous Ian? Am I worthy enough to play your guitar master?”

“Ok that was pretty good for a punk player. I didn’t know you had it in ya BeeJ. I am impressed.” Ian admitted, holding out his hand. Billie took it in his and they shook each other’s hands.

Ian lifted his guitar back over his head and handed it to Billie. “Here. Knock yourself out. You did a hell of a job.” Smiling, BeeJ replaced the guitar from his neck to the one Ian gave him. “What do you say Mr. Armstrong? Encore?”

Without any hesitation, Billie strummed away at the guitar. Ian sat down, leaned over to me and tapped my shoulder.

“Hey. I see why you like him so much.” He screamed over the roaring guitar in the background.

“Aww you think he is hot too?” Anna teased. He smiled at her comment and shook his head.

“Over course!” He said, adding the lisp that a lot of gay men have. “I mean look at him. He is so FAAABULOUUUSSS!”

The three of us laughed it up and talked for the remanding 2 minutes of the period. Billie flipped the switch of on the amp, following the sound of the dismissal bell. Cheering could be heard around the building and exit doors everywhere were flung open.

Anna and I remained the two last students in the room, as we gathered our stuff together. She stopped what she was doing and walked over to Billie, staring him in the eyes.

“Do you know what I want to do to you?” Anna asked. Billie’s eyes widened a little. He looked frightened as if she just threatened his life. “I want to kick dirt in your face.” A serious expression filled her face. “That’s right. And get it all in your eyes so it burns intensely.”

Billie Joe, dumbfounded, glared around for a bit, then turned his attention back to Anna. “Uhm excuse me?” he asked. “Did you just say you wanted to kick dirt in my face?”

“Of course I did. But when I do it, I will do it with as much love as possible… and try not to die of laughter as you squirm around on the floor, begging for relief.”

I laughed at Billie Joe’s expression. “Don’t mind her. She really does love you. She just has issues and forgot to take her medication this morning.”

“GODDAMNIT! I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING!” Anna snapped. She stared at Billie again making a puppy face. “I m sorry. I have issues. Please forgive me.” She begged

Billie laughed and embraced her in a hug. She hugged him back, tightening her grip on him.

Ahh shit this isn’t gonna lead into anything good.

Anna kneed him on his inner thigh, pretty fucking hard I mind you, and watched as he doubled over in pain to the ground.

“WORK ON THE NEW ALBUM OR OUR FRIENDSHIP IS OVER! FOR GOOD! And uhh I am sorry for kicking you… BUT SOMETHING MUST BE DONE! CAUSE YOU’RE A LYING CUNT! But I still love you. Oh my god I feel like a bipolar manic with tourettes. I am gonna stop now before I make a bigger fool out of myself.”

Billie attempted to stand up, holding onto where he was just attacked and groaned. “Ahh shit. I don’t think it’s possible to make a fool out of yourself more than you already did.” He attempted to spit out. “And Jenn, remind me NEVER to give her hugs again.”

“AHA I will. I promise.” I said. I gave him a hug and walked towards the door, looking back at what was most likely going to be the last time I will ever meet Billie Joe in person.

Before I got the chance to open the door, it flung open, hitting almost hitting me in the face. “BILLIE! THE SCHOOL PIGS ARE AFTER ME!” Tré screamed out of breath. Mike ran in only a few feet behind him, stopping at the door. He put his hands on his knees, breathing heavily, and started to speak.

“T-Tré. Why th-the FUCK did you d-drag me allllll the way down f-from the third floor?” he questioned. Walking past me, he sat down on one of the chairs in front of a keyboard. Attempting to catch his breath, he asked, “What are the fucking cops after you or something?”

“WORSE! Schooooool security. They found out about that window I broke when I was subbing for… HEY I REMEMBER YOU!” Tré screamed and pointed. “Don’t know you though.” He said to Anna.

Anna’s jaw dropped. “Oh. My. God. All three of you are here? How in the hell did you ge--”

“NO TIME FOR EXPLAINING! WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE! PRONTO!” Tré complained, trying to push Billie out the door. “MIKE LET’S GO!!! EMERGENCY!”

Without Billie noticing, I was able to put a note in his pocket. Just something I wrote really fast before the period ended. Mike stood up, whining about having to be rushed out in such a hurry.

Just then, school security came into the hallway of the guitar room. “Where is that guy? He is gonna pay for that fucking window even if he has to work for it.” They were saying to each other.

“Shit!” Billie said, pushing Mike and Tré back into the classroom. “How the fuck are we gonna get out of here?”

“Dude. There is a window right there you can crawl out of. It leads you to the parking lot.” Anna laughed.

“THIS IS NO JOKE WOMAN!” Tré yelled. He walked around the room, trying to think of a plan of their escape. “OH! LOOK! WINDOW! IT LEADS RIGHT TO THE PARKING LOT!” Tré exclaimed. Anna smacked her forehead in frustration.

“Wow Jenn. Why didn’t I think of that?” she joked. Laughing, I walked over to the window, opening it for the guys as they gathered their stuff together. “There is a fucking cage on the window. How are the supposed to get out of th—OH like that.” She said as I unlatched the lock on it. I laughed and shook my head.

The guys ran over to the window, hugging us both individually, as we all said our good byes. They all climbed out the window one by one, following by us passing up their bags and what not up to them. They thanked us for our help and were on their way.

“Man. What a fucking interesting day. Our teachers are dying, we had an awesome band subbing in our very school, and now it’s vacation.” Anna sighed. I took a seat next to her, after closing up the window and reattaching the cage of course. “I am gonna miss them.”

“I have a feeling we are gonna hear from them again.” I said laughing. “Don’t you worry you troubled little head.” And with that, we walked out the room, more than ready for our two and a half week vacation we had ahead of us.

End of My P.O.V.
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