Status: Okay! I really really like this one. So I'll be working on it as much as I can.

Kissing You Goodbye

Save Your Heart

Riley leaned in to kiss me and I turned my face so that he kissed my cheek, "What was that?"

"I don't know. I don't feel like a kiss right now orever."

"Oh." he said looking down at his shoes. I looked at my phonehoping praying that someone would call or text me. I needed something to break the awkwardness that surrounded me. And God was definitely looking after me right now. Save your heart for someone that's worth dying for. 

"Umm? I have to take this." I said as I walked out his front door, "Hey, JR."

"Hey, what are you doing?" Michael has probably already told him that I was "breaking up" with Riley. 

"Umm? Nothing. You?"

"Packing. I can't wait to see you."

"Same." I said then Riley came out and snaked his arm around my waist, "But I have to go. So I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. I love you."

"Mhmm." I said then hung up.

"Who was that?"

"Nobody." he looked at me like he knew that I was keeping a secret from him. 

"We should probably leave now."

"What time is it?"

"6:15, and it takes about a half hour to get there."

"Okay. Then let's leave." I said while walking into his house and grabbing my swimming stuff.


"JR is moving up here." I informed Ron.    

"Really? Why?"


"Just for her." he raised his eyebrows, "Looks like he's even more devoted to her than he is skating. That could end up bad."

"I don't think it will."

"I don't know. What if he doesn't follow his dream because of her? That's a lot of pressure on her plus he could start to feel resentment."

"She wouldn't let him give up skating for anything. She's always been his biggest fan."

"I guess. But what about the douche?"

"She left today around four to break up with him and she didn't come home."

"I wonder why." then she walked in the door with Riley holding onto her. I could see the disgusted look that was written on her face.

"Michael, can I talk to you about our practice tonight?" I asked my eyes widening to tell him that I really didn't want to talk to him about practice. 

"Sure. Let's go talk to Ron about it also." he said to get us away from Riley. 

"Help me!!" 

"Why didn't you break up with him?"

"I was about to but then he freaking proposed and he is having his grandma's ring fitted."

"He a pro at manipulating you." Ron said. 

"I know. But I don't want to be with him let alone marry him."

"Tell him. You have to tonight. JR is coming tomorrow night."

"I don't know how to."

"Just tell him that you aren't in live with him anymore."

"Easier said then done."

"I know. But you have to."

"I'll do it after I swim."

"Fine. Just don't let him talk you out of it." Michael said then we both got ready to swim. 

"Whats our warm up?"

"Yours is a 1500 skps. And Michael's is a 2000 skps."

"Okay. I hate swimming with you."


"Because you'll probably be three laps a head of me. And you have the longer warm up." he laughed then we both dove in. 

I love how the water just slid along my skin, and how when I'm in the water nothing seems to matter anymore. The water was my savior. Probably the only thing kept my sane for all these years. Swimming is always the only thing that people found intimidating about me. I a five foot three inches emotional girl who can't even decide for herself most the time. 

I was almost finished with my 1500. I had 1450 done already. I decided not to do my flip turn on this turn. snap. I stopped when I felt my shoulder muscle pop. "Fuck!" I screamed when I realized I couldn't move my shoulder. 
♠ ♠ ♠
My worst fear was put into this one. But it would be very difficult to rip a muscle doing a turn. But it's terrifying to think that a muscle could ruin you. Trust me.
But what'd you think about this chapter? I kind of like it.
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Love Christina ;)