Status: Ft. Avenged Sevenfold (;

Like Walking Into A Dream


Chapter one :

Misery. Its like a dull blade, slowly stabbing you. You feel it yet you never die.

My name is Arizona. I’m a poet. I stuck my thumbs in my pockets walking down the alley. I hate my mother.

She is trying to send me away. To my aunt. My freaking aunt! She is a nun! I cannot live with a nun!

The only thing I could see was the street light making a circle, fading out into the street.

Your probably wondering what the fuck I’m doing. Walking around in the seaping darkness, walking down alleys. No I’m not some dumb damsel in distress like in those stories.

I’m me. Arizona. The one with an evil mother. A nun Aunt. The one that’s supposed to be packing but has a window and uses it for more then just looking out of.

I heard faint screams coming from the building on one side. Little did I know that those screams would change my life.

“Hey !” I turned around as four guys ran out and hid behind a dumpster. At first I was confused until one of them ran out and wrapped there arm around my waist and pulled my back there covering my mouth.

They were breathing hard, and sweaty. I heard the screaming grow louder and soon die out.

“Aren't you going to scream ?” The one holding me asked. I shook my head and he let go. “Why would’t you scream ? we could rape you for all you know.” He whispered getting up. He lent out his arm for me to grab when I got a good look at him.

He was built, and pretty tall. He had tattoos trailing up his arms and snakebites and a see through earring.

I let my small hand fall into his fingertips, were pretty ruff. Must be a guitarist.

“Screaming gets you know where when there is nowhere to hear and nothing for your hearer to do.” He looked at me confused for a bit.

“Whats your name ?” He asked. I smiled a small smile but whenever I smiled a image of my aunt popped into my head and I stopped.

“Arizona. And yours ?” I asked. He looked at me confused and instead of answering me he asked me another question.

“Why were you over here ?” He asked. I frowned.

“You know, its rude not to answer peoples questions.” I said, looking down at my bare feet. I was too much of a dumb ass to grab shoes I was so desperate to get out when I heard the nun walk into the house.

“Zacky, How about you answer my question.” Before I could answer he threw his hand over my mouth as his eyes got wide as a single girl sat at the end of the alley. She started screaming and that’s when more people joined them and they started running forward at them.

“RUN !” He yelled. He started climbing the fence and I leaned up against the wall. “Arizona, get your ass over here or do I have to come get you ?!” He yelled. There was a bus about a acre away that the rest of the guys were getting onto. I rolled my eyes and jumped up, reaching the top of the fence and pulled myself up by putting my foot on the bar and dropping down. I was just going to fall on my legs, but Zacky caught me and instead of putting me down started running.

When we got to the bud girls were about 5 meters away from us when he slammed the door and locked it, still holding me. My arms were around his neck linked as he cradled my body to his chest.

“I need a smoke.” I said letting go so he could put me down. I dug in my back pocket and pulled out a camel and a lighter.

“You never seemed like the girl that striked me as a smoker.” I rolled my eyes. “So….Where do you live so we can drop you off ?” I groaned and sat down on the couch.

“Your NOT taking me home. I hate it there and I will be enslaved my my nun and turned into a lesbian. You can drop me off at the bowling alley though.” I giggled as he started laughing.

“So that’s why you wernt home.” I nodded as my phone rang. The coller ID read : Bitchy Nun

“Help my with sound effects.” I smiled as a confused roar watched over his face from the waves of confusion. “Hello Nun- I mean Auntie.” I heard her start yelling.

“ARIZONA ! Where the hell are you ?!” She screamed into the phone.

“Oh stick it in again.” I moaned into the phone “Fuck, your close, Fuck, Your close.”

“ARIZONA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ?!” She screamed. Zacky started making moaning sounds in the back round as I giggled.

“Oh Zacky, don’t touch that !” I giggled “Don’t worry, I’m just doing my job you know. Selling myself.” I started moaning I was picturing her head falling off.


“Oh No ! Disappointment !” I said sarcastically into the phone before hanging up. “God I hate her.” I laughed. “At least she knows where I make my cha ching now.” I smiled pulling out 500 dollars from my back pocket.

“You actually sell you self ?!” He asked. I laughed. And shook my head. “Damn I was going to buy myself some-“ I slapped him and sat back down. “Then how do you make money ?”He asked. I sighed.

“It’s a long story. I have a brother. He is a famous music artist. But when my mother found out he wasn’t going to college he was going to go on tour, she kicked him out. When she found out my brother taught me guitar and how to sing, she took away my guitar. She would yell at me any time I sang. She took me out of music class. She took the radio out of my car. She took all the radios away and took the speakers away from the computer, hoping I would forget about music. But I would tell her I would stay after school and go to my friends to practice. She found out a few months ago. People pay me to sing. Private concerts. Weddings, Shows, they call me up.”

“Wow.” Was all he said. “Your mom is fucked up no offense.” I laughed coldly.

“Yeah, I noticed when she kicked my brother out because he enjoyed music.” I wasn’t looking at him, I was looking at my fingers twirling on my hand. He changed the subject.

“So of course you have heard of our band. I’m just wondering why its taking you so long to react. Most people it takes…a couple seconds ? not even…” He muttered. I laughed.

“Avenged Sevenfold. I love your band. I'm just not a screaming fan girl.” He looked at me as if I was a mythical creature or something. “I mean, Famous people are just people like all the rest, with more attention.” I smiled and stood up, noticing the bus had come to a stop outside the bowling alley.

“Wait !” Zacky called as my hand stopped on the door handle.

“Where are you staying tonight ?” He asked, a bit worried. I laughed.

“I don’t know really.” I turned the handle, but the door wouldn’t open, it was locked. I turned calmly towards Zacky as he twirled the key in his fingers.

“Sorry doll, I’m more of a gentleman, then to let a girl go onto the streets to get raped.” He paused for a second. “Brian !” A guy came into the room a few seconds after confused. “I have a date with Mandy tonight, can you watch her, make sure she doesn’t leave ?” The guy named Brian smiled and nodded as Nicky ran into another room.