Status: Ft. Avenged Sevenfold (;

Like Walking Into A Dream


Chapter 12 :

Arizonas P.O.V.

I watched Zacky, he was frozen and his face played pure horror. Ben tumbled down the stairs butt naked. And a girl ran down after him in only his shirt.

That. Bitch.

Mandy. I didn’t like her and I knew they wouldn’t be good together but This isn’t what I expected.

“YOU BITCH !” I screamed. I was a peaceful person. Filled with rage.

“Excuse me ?!” She shrieked.

“You. Bitch.” My voice trembled from trying not to yell. I walked up to her and pulled her up by her hair.

Ben was unconscious on the ground so everybody was watching me.

“You cheated on one of my best friends, and with my boyfriend ! Ex boyfriend.” I corrected. She laughed.

“Maybe he wanted someone better then you, and Zacky is cheating on me and your cheating on Ben !” She screamed stomping her bare feet.

“Excuse me ?! I screamed. What was up her ass ?! Oh yeah, my ex boyfriends dick.

“Yeah, we all know that you too have been sexing it up and we see how you look at one another. He has never looked at me that way, and he LOVES me. He said it. So I guess you know the look of a good fuck.” She hissed. Then she slapped me.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH !” I screamed and tackled her to the ground.

I punched her.

But that’s all I got in when Chiddle pulled me off and whispered in my ear.

“Ari, she isn’t worth it.” I wanted to laugh. That’s what I told him every time he got dumped. And now he is using it here.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I ran up the stairs and went to Chiddles room and locked the door.

I hate life. Im either a nobody, a outsider, a whore, or a dork. I wish I could be a normal person. A somebody. I wish I would just drop off the planet.

“Arizona, Let me in.” Zackys voice said from the other side of the door. I slid forward and opened the door enough for him to get in and then closed it again, putting my head in my hands. “It was just a misunderstanding Ari.” He whispered.

My head snapped up and I wanted to glare, but just couldn’t.

“A misunderstanding. Well then a lot of people miss understand. Im a whore in everybodys eyes and truth be told I have only had sex with two people my whole life.” I hissed as new tears came onto my cheeks.

He sighed and pulled my balled up figure onto his lap.

“Sh. Arizona your not a whore. You have great advise and is a great person.” I looked at him confused. “Actually I need your advise…On something.” I smiled a bit.

“Go on.” He sighed and looked at the ceiling, playing with my hair like he has come to do when he is nervous.

“Its about Mandy. When I saw her cheating, or found out, I wasn’t sad or heart broken. I was mad. Does that mean I didn’t love her, or does it just mean it was a spur or the moment thing because I feel like shit now.” I rubbed my hand up and down his arm in a way of comfort.

“When I saw Ben cheating on me, I felt empty. I felt heart broken, and I felt like he would come and hurt me again. I loved Ben, no doubt. But the way he looked at other girls, I knew he didn’t love me. I think it was sort of that way with you and Mandy, because don’t even pretend that you didn’t see it. Or feel it. You thought you were meant to be. And you aren’t.” I sighed and leaned my head on his chest. I felt him hold me tighter.

“Maybe I belong with someone else, but she just doesn’t know it yet.” He sighed and looked down at me smiling. Whoever he is thinking about, must be lucky.

“Same here. Same here.” And I smiled back up at him.