Status: Ft. Avenged Sevenfold (;

Like Walking Into A Dream


Chapter Seven :

I got set down in a bar, on the bar stool as Zacky sat down across from me.

A man stood behind the bar, polishing the glasses as Zacky yelled.

“Get me a beer !” I laughed.

“Get me a jack Daniels.” I said. Zacky looked at me confused.

“Are you old enough to drink missy ?” Zacky said. I smirked and pulled out my fake ID.

“Of course I am. My name is Shay Kinder, I am 23, and I am from Nevada.” I smirked as he laughed at my joke. The bartender handed me my drink as I chugged it. I will admit, I am a bit of a party girl.

I was the shy girl, the one that people started rumors about and thought was a freak, and then I met Ben and he got me into the party scene.

“Shots ?” I asked the bartender. He looked at me skeptically as I downed three.

“Slow down Ari.” Zacky said. I laughed and watched the edged of my vision blur. But I did notice Jimmy walking in, hopefully calmed down a bit.

I slammed another shot as Jimmy walked up.

“Zacky, please tell me that that is some girl your hitting on and not Arizona.” He sighed.

“Can’t say that…” He trailed. Idiot. He didn’t know about what others called my ‘drinking problem’ and I called my ‘Pain Reliever.’ Even though right now I’m just drinking for shits a giggles.

“Damn it.” Jimmy cursed, looking at Zacky “Keep her away from the alcohol, she has a bit of a drinking problem and has been sober for months.” I laughed.

“I can hold a shot brother. And its not a drinking problem. Its for shits and giggles.” I hiccuped. “And I haven’t been sober for months. Honestly the past few cays I have been with you guys is the soberest this beast has been.” Hiccupp. Maybe I was a bit tipsy, not drunk yet though.

“Ari, were going home.” Jimmy said. Zacky just looked confused. I giggled.

“No need to be the party pooper jimbo.” I giggled but then fell off my bar stool. “Get me another shot.” I slammed two more before getting dragged away from the bar. People are so cruel.

[Zackys P.O.V.]

Damn that girl could drink. But gets drunk easily. Mandy could barely hold a shot.

“Waitor !” She sang. I laughed. She is so amusing, and its so funny watching Jimmy try to chase her around.

She took a sip of a bottle she snatched off a table, Jimmy of course stopping to pay the people she stole it from, then fell face first onto the floor passed out.

“Damn that girl can drink.” I said walking over to her. Jimmy was trying to lift her by her shoulders so I grabbed her feet.

“Yeah…She drinks a lot…” He said, blushing. Was he embarrassed ? I will defiantly use this against him.

Arizona’s P.O.V.

Damn it, my head hurt. I woke up in a different bunk then before, but I wasn’t alone. What the hell was I doing laying in bed with Johnny ?

“Finally up I see.” He said, He was staring down at me as I stared back at him with big eyes, In a freaked out way. He laughed.


“Don’t pretend you don’t remember darling ! I proposed last night to you and you said yes. Then we had amazing sex and guess what” He came closer to me and whispered. “I didn’t use a condom.” That sent me screaming.

And then I looked down at my hand and started screaming more because I saw a big ass ring on it.

I heard laughing and noticed that Johnny wasn’t the only one laughing.

“I’m sorry, I cant hold it in anymore.” He said. The curtain opened and I noticed all the guys laughing.

“Sis, that’s what you get for spending so much money on drinks, and telling the world about blanky.” He pouted. I put a hand on my chest and sighed in relief.

“So I don’t have to freak out and buy pregnancy tests ?” I asked. Johnny laughed.

“No, although you pretty much BEGGED me to sleep with you last night.” He winked at me.

“Shut up and get me some aspirin.”