It Only Takes A Smile

First and Only

Morning broke across the horizon, hitting my face with forever soft hands. I blinked my eyes at the harsh light and slowly got out of bed.

All life in the house seemed to be asleep. May as well, they don't have a tiny two-week-old baby in their womb and an aisle to walk down today.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the island.

I looked down at all the supplies Sarah and Miranda would be using on me later today, making me look perfect.

I pulled out my cell phone and texted my fiance`.

"I'm so nervous"

Not one minute later I recieved a reply.

"Bout what?"

Did I really want to tell him? Did I want him to know I was getting cold feet? Did I want to back out on his offer? Or was this all just because I had a tiny baby inside me?

"I'm nervous bout the wedding. . .the baby."

It was a while before he responded.

"i understand what youre nervous bout. i'mscared nervous too. i have an idea. . .if you walk down that aisle and i can see you aren't ready. . . we can wait."

I knew all to well what he meant by that.

"So, Pete, you seem to know your ways with girls. What would be some good dating advice?" Some interviewer asked him.

"Uh. The only real advice I have is what my dad used to tell me."

"And what would that be?"

"Don't go for looks, 'cause looks can decieve. Ummmm. Don't go for wealth, 'cause that even fades away. My dad used to always tell me to find someone taht makes me smile. And that if I make the other person smile too. . .then it's a packaged deal."

I texted him back, after remembering.

"Pete. . . .you will always make me smile."

"good. 'cause you make me smile too."

I shut my phone no longer nervous about today. . . .only excited.


"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third, do you take Sierra Roseline Vallejo as your lawfully wedded wife? To care for in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death do you part?"

Pete looked me straight in the eyes, a look of truimph over his face, as he said the two powerful words, "I do."

The priest turned to look at me.

"Sierra Roseline Vallejo, do you take Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third as your lawfully wedded husband? To care for in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death do you part?"

I blinked at the tears of joy that flooded my eyes as I said, "I do."

"By the power invested in me, by the state of California. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

we kissed and the attendence applauded. Pete and I, after six years, were finally married.


April 21, 2010

"Pete, how much longer?" I asked holding onto my swollen stomach and almost screaming out in pain as another contraction took over my body.

"Not much longer," he said holding my sweaty hand through the contraction. "They said you were eight centimeters an hour ago. It won't be too long now," he said gentle rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand.

I took deep breathes, and five minutes later another contraction took over.

"Baby, are you positive you don't want spinal block?"

"I don't care anymore," I cried. Tears flowed easily down my cheeks. Why did having a baby have to hurt so much?

A nurse came in and though Pete told her I wanted the spinal block, she said it was too late. That I was fully dilated.

A doctor came in soon afterwords, with assistants.

"Okay, Sierra, when you get another contraction, push at it's peak. Okay?"

I nodded and when a contraction hit, I pushed. For four minutes I did. And then. . .a little tiny baby finally came out.

I was in extreme pain, but Pete's smile at me and then our baby ereased that.

The baby was cleaned and wrapped in a little blue blanket and handed to me.

"What are you going to name him?" a nurse asked.

"Oliver," I said. "Oliver Anthony Wentz. The only other boy that makes me smile." And with that Pete kissed me, then Oliver.

"And it only took a smile," Pete whispered in my ear before kissing me again.

Our little perfect family
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Okay, so it's a little stupid I know. But it's my first time doing this. . . .So, I'm pretty proud of myself.