New Beginning.

Chapter 1


Alex knew he must be crazy. He had left behind the sun, sea and sand of Australia to return to a miserable, dark, bleak and gloomy Baltimore. The band had just finished their Australian tour and their record label had arranged for them to stay for an extra week to relax after months of non stop touring. Soon, they would be going to the studio to begin work on their new album.

Alex had needed to get home though. He needed to make things right with Cassie, his girlfriend. Alex knew this would be his final chance to make their relationship work although there were times Alex felt as if he was fighting a losing battle. Alex’s job required him to always be away from home and it was a re-occurring cause of arguments between him and Cassie.

It was always tough being on the road but this tour in particular had been the hardest for
Alex personally. He had been arguing more than ever before with Cassie. It was almost as if she looked for a reason to start fights with him. She was convinces that he was un faithful to her and no amount of reassurance form Alex would convince her otherwise.
Alex had also found himself with way too much time to think. He found himself constantly questioning everything. Who he was. What he wanted and who mattered to him.

So he had made the decision to come home early and surprise Cassie. From there he hoped that they could try and repair their broken relationship no one knew that he was coming back with the exception of his mom. She had been the one to drop his car to the airport earlier that day.

“The weather is miserable” Matt remarked as they got into Alex’s Range Rover. “I am going to get hit with jetlag so badly. I can tell. I’m going straight to bed when I get back.”

“Thanks for doing this Matt. I really appreciate it”

Alex would be forever grateful to Matt and he meant every word he said. He had given up a week long holiday to accompany Alex halfway across the world so he could surprise his girlfriend. Alex could barley remember a time when he didn’t know Matt with the exception of his early childhood years spent in Essex. Alex loved Matt. Not only was he their tour manager and assistant he was also his brother and best friend.”

“Don’t mention it Alex. It’s what friends do!” he smiled at Alex as they drove through the streets of Townson before coming to a stop at the entrance to Matt’s apartment. “Plus you have given me a week long break from Jacko. What more can I ask for?”

Alex laughed freely at Matt’s comment as he helped him with his bags to the door. They said their goodbyes and Alex embraced Matt in a hug before running back to his car. As Alex drove home, his I pod was playing the song “Kiss Me” by “New Found Glory”. Hearing New Found Glory instantly reminded Alex of Matt.

Alex’s new found feelings confused him. His mind was telling him that what he felt for Matt was just a phase and that making things work with Cassie was the right thing to do. His heart, however, wasn’t so sure.

Alex pulled into the driveway of his house and, smiled to himself when he saw the lights were on. Cassie was there. Although, Alex and Cassie, didn’t officially live together she had been staying at his house for a while when he was on tour. Alex didn’t mind. It gave his house the appearance it was being lived in when that was far from the truth.

The band had finished touring and they had a long break ahead of them and Alex was thinking of asking Cass to move in with him permanently. Maybe having his girlfriend living with him would help him to sort out his feelings. Alex was quiet as hr went inside. He really wanted to surprise Cassie. The lights downstairs were off and Alex creeped upstairs. Cassie was probably watching TV in his room.

When Alex opened the door the one thing he did not expect to see was his girlfriend straddling another guy as he groped her breasts.

“Don’t let me interrupt you.” Alex spat, his voice drenched with anger. “Surprise Cassie! I want you and all of your shit out of my house by the time I come back.”

Alex turned and stormed down the stairs as Cassie followed after him, excuses pouring from her mouth. She was having a hard time trying to talk her way out of this one. Alex knew better than to believe a word she was saying. For the past month or so, Alex had known something was had not been right. However, he had convinced himself that he was the problem and, that the only thing that was wrong was the fact he spent so much time away from home. He had made himself believe that everything would be ok once he got home and, that they could sort their problems out. Now, enough was enough, Alex was through with all the lies and deception.

“Save it Cassie! I don’t want to hear what you have to say. It’s not going to make me change my mind. We are over for good this time. When everyone was warning me about how bad you were for me, I ignored them because I loved you. I was foolish enough to think that you loved me too. Guess I was wrong, huh? My bad! I want you out of here and out of my life.”

Alex stormed out of the house leaving Cassie speechless. She had never seen Alex so angry before. The affair had been going on for at least six months now and she never thought Alex would find out.

Alex got in his car and just drove. He had no idea where he was going and, to be honest, he didn’t really care. He drove until he had vented all his anger and, now he felt sad. He felt hurt, betrayed, used and devastated. He couldn’t go home and, he knew there was only one place he could go.

Alex didn’t know what time it was, but that didn’t stop him banging on Matt’s door until he got an answer. When Matt answered Alex immediately regretted waking him up, but Matt didn’t care. The moment he saw how upset and torn his friend looked, he instantly forgot the lecture he was going to give Alex for waking him up at 3.30am.

“Alex, what happened?” He questioned as he led Alex inside. “What went wrong?”

Alex looked a mess. His eyes were bloodshot from crying and, they had bags underneath them. His clothes were wet form the rain and, wrinkled from such a long flight home.

Matt pulled his best friend into a hug knowing it would calm him down. He did his best trying to suppress the butterflies that erupted in his tummy form having Alex so near. He had to remind himself that now was not a good time to be feeling the way he did. Matt was the only one who could ever calm a hysterical Alex down.

“Everything went wrong. I can’t believe I didn’t believe ye when ye told me she was bad news. I broke up with her. I walked in on her as she was about to fuck someone else. I told her it was over and that I wanted her out of my house and, then I left. I didn’t know what else to do. I just kept on driving and then I had nowhere else to go. I’m sorry for waking you up Matt.”

Matt couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Alex. This was typical Alex behaviour. No matter how upset he was he still found time to apologise. Matt dismissed Alex’s apology and, continued to console his friend until he had calmed down and, had no more tears left to cry. Once Alex had calmed down Matt led him into his bedroom. Matt’s suitcase lay open on the floor and he pulled out a pair of shorts for Alex to sleep in. He gave Alex his bed and he was about to go and sleep on the sofa when Alex called him back.

“Matt, will you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

Matt fought back a yawn as he climbed in beside Alex. He felt Alex’s arms instantly wrap around his waist and a head resting on his shoulder. Alex always loved to cuddle when he slept. He always had. Matt took a moment or so to get comfy and then he was fast asleep. He hadn’t slept in well over twenty four hours in hopes to prevent the jet lag he normally suffered from.

The next morning, Alex awoke determined to put everything behind him. What had happened was in the past and it wasn’t worth dwelling on. He asked Matt to come back to his house with him and together they were going to get rid of all the bad memories this place held for him.

Alex was going through his house throwing away everything that reminded him of Cassie. He had thrown away all the photographs, letters and cards. Alex wanted to burn the sheets from his bed but Matt had suggested just dumping them along with the rest and buying new ones.

“I should have listened to you,” Alex admitted breaking the comfortable silence between them. “You were right all along. You told me she’d mess with my feelings. I thought we were meant to be. I can’t believe I was so stupid.”

Matt walked over to Alex and saw the tears that streamed down his face.

“Alex it’s ok.” He said wrapping his arms around Alex’s slender body. “You weren’t to know. You were the one who said it was all in the past. Move on. You’ll find someone else.”

Alex looked up at him and, Matt couldn’t help but notice how his brown eyes glimmered with tears. They were mesmerising.

“I already have found someone.” Alex replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Before Matt could process his words Alex had placed a soft kiss on his lips.

“I’m sorry Matt. I needed to do that.”

Matt’s head was spinning. That kiss had felt so good but he was worried that Alex was only confused after the break up.

“Alex. I’m not going to lie to you. I’ve wanted to that for so long but please don’t fuck with my feelings. You are only out of a relationship. You’re feelings are still raw. Think about what just happened and then in a few days, if you still feel the same way come back to me. I really like you but if you don’t feel the same way then we’ll forget this ever happened.”

Matt turned and walked away and he left a very confused Alex behind. It was impossible for Matt to walk away but he knew Alex needed to make this decision in his own. He stepped outside into the pouring rain and was halfway down the driveway when he felt someone pull him back.

Alex was standing in front if him. He had no hoody or shoes on him but he didn’t care. He took both of Matt’s hands in his.

“Matt please don’t go! I didn’t kiss you out of confusion. I’ve known I’ve had feelings for you for a long time. I just pushed them aside. I thought you wouldn’t feel the same way and that making things right with Cassie was my only option. I know I was wrong. You are what I need to start a new beginning. You have to believe me Matt. “

Matt didn’t know what is was but he did believe Alex. He knew Alex and he knew when Alex was lying. There was something about Alex’s words that made him believe Alex was speaking the truth. Matt took his hands from Alex’s grip and he could see the look of rejection is Alex’s eyes. He placed one of his hands on Alex’s cheek caressing it slightly as he leaned in and kissed Alex.

“I believe you Alex.” He started before Alex cut him off by crashing his lips against his. Matt didn’t care about who might see them or anything else. All that mattered at that moment was the boy who had stolen his heart and was kissing him in the rain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word count: 2,101.
Another one shot!
I think Alex and Matt make a really cute pairing.
Sorry for the cliché ending.
