Status: New layout :D I hope you all like it, I worked hard on it.

God Knows You're on My Mind.

Yelling: "Come on, come on, come on. Its the end of the world."

Piper climbed into the cart, sitting criss-crossed, as Derek walked around to the back to push it. Smiling, Piper put on her 'safety' goggles that she had taken from their science teacher, and tightened the strap so they wouldn’t fly off.

“All systems are go, captain!” Piper said loudly to Derek, gripping onto the sides of the cart. She looked ahead, eyeing the long stretch of empty parking lot of the deserted, rundown diner.

“Ready as you are, Sergeant!” Derek chuckled, pulling the cart back. He, too, had on the ‘safety’ goggles. They were clear, and took up half of his face. Smiling and running, his hands gripping the handle bar of the cart, he ran Piper across the parking lot. Jumping onto the foot rest, him and Piper rode down the small declined parking lot. Piper reached her arms into the sky, a smile painted onto her face like that of a little kid on a ride in Disney Land.

“We’re high as a bird- no one can touch us now!” Piper shouted up into the sky, giggling and smiling more.

“Brace yourself, we’re in for a crash landing!” Derek laughed as the cart stopped and hit the separating line between asphalt and grass. It flung the two forward, almost making them fall completely out of the cart.

“Holy crap batman!” Piper yelled, giggling. Climbing out of the cart, she removed the goggles from her eyes and placed them atop of her head.

“Haha, Pip you have red lines around your eyes and nose from where those were.” Derek laughed, getting off of the cart. He, too, took the goggles off of his eyes and put them also on the top of his head.

“Haha, Derek, you have red lines around your eyes and nose, too.” She teased, sticking her tongue out.

“Well, whatever.” Derek smirked, ticking her sides. Piper was extremely ticklish.

“Derek no!” She squealed, batting at his hands gently. Hunching over, the red head laughed hard, finally breaking away from Derek. Laying down on the small patch of grass, Piper couldn’t get the smile off of her face.

“Boohoo, I just got tickled by Derek, wah-wah-wahh.” Derek said in a mocking tone, rubbing his eyes and sitting down next to her. He picked at the grass.

"Is something wrong, Derek? You seem.. Upset. You're not smiling as much." Piper sat up, frowning at him. Her eyebrows were laced with worry.

"No.. I'm just.. Tired and thinking, is all." Derek shrugged, looking at the horizon. Piper could tell he was fibbing.

"Thinking... About what?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Just.. What happened a day and a half ago. And how shameful I feel because I pressured you into i-"

"Derek Johnothan Rodgers. You did not pressure me into anything.” Piper interrupted him, angriness in her tone.

“But, I.. We kissed Piper Rose. Best friends aren’t suppose to.. Kiss.” Derek replied, looking at her then. Piper sighed, placing her hands on both of his cheeks.

“Who said that, Derek? Best friends can kiss, anyone can kiss. Kisses explain everything, but leave us with questions. Kisses, from what I’ve learned- thanks to you- make you feel high without the drugs. Makes you feel like you’re above cloud nine. It makes you feel alive, does it not? And we need to feel alive in order to, actually be, alive.” Piper told him, kissing his cheek gently. “So fucking what if you kissed your best friend? It doesn’t have to mean anything to you. It doesn’t have to mean anything to me- which it, quite frankly, does. It means everything to me. You, Derek Johnothan Rodgers, gave me my first kiss. It was exhilarating, to say the least.” She added, her hands dropping from his cheeks onto his shoulders. Derek was silent for a few moments, the only sounds were their breathing, the distant sounds in the backgrounds and their heart beats.

“I.. I’m sorry. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. And, I just. I can’t get it off of my mind.” Derek said after a few minutes, his eyes still on Piper’s.

“Its fine, Derek. Really. It’s been on my mind as well.” Piper admitted, her hands falling into her lap.

“And you made a good point, who said best friends can’t kiss?” Derek laughed a nervous lap, his hands rubbing the back of his neck.

“Exactly my point.” Piper smiled a crooked smile, her fingers poking his knee caps.

“So, why the hell not? Lets get our feelings sorted out before the day approaches night.” Derek smiled, leaning forward some. Piper giggled, her body leaning forward.

“By ‘getting our feelings sorted out,’ you mean.. Lets kiss again, right?” Piper asked, her cheeks turning red. Derek nodded, his hands once again placed upon her cheeks. Pulling her forward some, Derek smiled.

“That’s exactly.. What.. I.. Mean.” Derek’s face was just an inch away from Pip’s. Piper smiled, closing the gap between them. Once again, their lips pressed together. This time, it sent a lot more butterflies through Piper than the first time. Her hands found their way into his hair, Derek’s hands on her cheeks still. He pulled her forward more, and Piper followed it. She wanted more, craved more. After a good ten or so seconds, their mouths parting somewhat, they both pulled away. Their breaths were uneven, trembling and trying to remember how to speak again. Their second first kiss. Best friend kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠

I am getting sick and tired of writing to an unknown audience. :C
