Status: New layout :D I hope you all like it, I worked hard on it.

God Knows You're on My Mind.

I Was Amazed That You Remembered My Full Name

Piper looked at the now darkening sky, her hands behind her head. Derek and her sat there after their kiss in silence. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comfortable, either. Sighing, Piper turned over to him, her eyes reading his facial expression.

"I think.. That I should go. I mean, my mom is.. Well, my mom. And she's probably expecting me back for lunch. Its probably twelve already." Piper told him, beginning to get up.

"Yeah-" Derek grabbed out his cell phone, nodding, "It's eleven-fifty. I'll walk you home, Pip." He finished, getting up as well. Once the two were up, Piper smiled and spoke:

"I'd be more than honored, Derek." Holding out her pale, semi-freckled arm, she let him interlock his own semi-tan arm with her own.

"Then let me escort you, m'lady." Derek chuckled, grabbing their safety goggles with his free hand. The two walked down the black asphalt with fading parking spaces and arrows- it growing hotter by the minute it seemed. It was suppose to get higher than eighty-seven, the first few hours of the day, and have puff balls for clouds.

“We’re off to see the Wizard! The wonderful Wizard of Oz!” Piper sang, giggling and stopping. “I forgot the rest, I haven’t seen Wizard of Oz in a long time.” She pouted, looking up at the sky. “I really pray to God that I won’t get sun burnt too badly this summer.” Added Piper, running her free hand through her hair.

“We should watch it, and I know, I do too. You complained too much.” Derek chuckled, scrunching up his face jokingly to Pip. “So, Pip, what are your plans for this summer, hmm?” He asked her.

“Well, Derek, my plans for this summer consist of re-arranging my room, hanging out with my best friend, figuring out some.. things.. And finally losing my virginity.” Piper giggled, obviously joking about the last part. But, of course, Derek had a questioning look on his face.

“Shut up, you’re lying. Piper Rose Ellingson, you are lyin’ through your teeth.” Derek told her, stopping them dead in their tracks. He made her face him.

“Of course I’m lyin’, Derek. God- when did my mother die and make you boss?” She stuck out her tongue, breaking free of his grasp and running out of the parking lot. Of course, Derek ran after her- his big, goofy grin on his face as he did so. Stepping onto the sidewalk that led to her street, Piper stuck her hands in her short’s pockets and walked slowly, waiting for Derek to catch up. It took him at most three minutes to wind up by her side, whistling a simple tune.

"If you were to lose your virginity-- what's going on?" Derek stopped mid-sentence, looking ahead. Piper stopped, too, then rubbed her eyes.

"Police Line: Do not cross." Piper said, pointing to the yellow tape, blocking their shortcut way home. The two friends stood there, examining the scene laid out before them. Car accident- a bad one. One car was half-smashed, the other, it didn't even look like a car anymore. "Shit.. What the hell happened here?" Piper mumbled, placing her hands on her head.

"Looks like a rollover and something else," Derek replied, looking at all the familiar faces. "Is that.. That's the Crockette's car.." Derek whispered, pulling Piper by her shirt to get closer for a better look-over. It in fact was the Crockette's car.

"Oh fuck it is.." Piper whispered, her heart beat speeding up. It wasn't the speed like she experienced when her and Derek kissed, it was the 'oh fuck no' speed. "Shit.. Is.. Is.." Piper shook her head, pulling Derek this time towards the other shortcut to her house. Running, the two of them made it to her home, walking in with heavy breath. "Mom! Dad!" Piper called, worry and panic getting the best of her.

"Piper!" Called her mother from in the living room. The two hurriedly walked into the space, Johnny sitting there hunched over. His shoulders moved back and forth some, signaling that he was crying. Oh fuck.

Oh fuck was all Piper could think.

"Johnny's mom and dad.. They're.. They're dead." Piper's mom said, her arm wrapped around Johnny's shoulder. Her father was sitting in front of Johnny, concern strong in his face. Did they actually care about his parents?

"Is.. Johnny.. How're you?" Piper asked, walking over to sit in the empty space next to him. Derek followed, sitting down next to Piper's dad. He swallowed, his eyes tearing up. Johnny's parents were like the alternative parents to him, always there when he needed a break.

“Does he look ‘okay’ to you, Pip?” Barbra whispered, glaring at her with tear-stained cheeks. Piper regretted asking. “Johnny’ll be staying with us for a while, seeing as though your mom and dad don’t have enough room, Derek.” Piper’s mom said to him, staring at him with a blank expression. “He’ll be in the guest room. Poor Johnny boy,” she sniffed, hugging Johnny tighter. Piper saw the look of strain, stress and awkwardness on Johnny’s face.

“Sorry for asking. Dang Johnny, I’m really sorry.” Piper whispered, hugging him too.

“They’re dead and I wish it was me instead of them. I caused this. It’s my fault.” Johnny whispered angrily, rocking back and forth. He said it like it was his fault- was it his fault?

“He will be living with us for a while, so don’t pull nothing funny, Piper. I really hope you guys don’t.. I’ll just shut up.” Dan, Piper’s father, said, getting up to probably sneak out back to smoke a cigarette. Her father was sneaky about it, smoking in the back shed. It was her and ‘daddy’s’ little secret.

“Does he have anywhere else to go?” Piper asked her mom.

“No. Didn’t even consider it. Now, go, Piper. Take.. Derek.. with you.” Her mom hissed, rubbing Johnny’s back as she did so. Piper’s mom never really cared for Derek, ever since he accidentally stepped on fresh grass. “He’s living with us, that means there are rules. And what me and your father say go.” She added. Piper’s parents sure as hell thought Piper was going to try to get into Johnny’s pants for some reason. What, did they think she was a whore?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah haha- I tried making it a cliff-hanger type thing.

Poor Johnny :c