Status: New layout :D I hope you all like it, I worked hard on it.

God Knows You're on My Mind.

I've Got To Form You A Vow That Says I'll Do My Best To Figure Out This Situation.

The morning when Piper woke up from her last day in eighth grade was a pleasant one. She had fallen asleep after coming home at nine-thirty from Derek's house. They hadn't talked about the note, or anything remotely related to the note since his mom had come in. It still somehow found it's way into Piper's breast pocket. Taking it out of there, she shoved it into her side table's drawer and walked into her room's bathroom. Stripping herself from her day-old tank top that had fresh memories on it, she stared at her virgin body. Being a virgin was a grand thing to Piper, her two best girl friends had given it up in seventh grade. What a shame, if you'd think about it- thirteen year olds having sex. Shaking away the thought, Piper stripped herself of her shorts. She already had laid out a new outfit, for she was going to go to the place where quiet Johnny was always in his free time. The library. She would talk to him about the note- or at least talk about things related to the note in a way.

"God, how I need this to get done with." She mumbled to herself as she pulled on a pair of grey leggings. Her hand ran over her knee, tickling it greatly. Piper let out a small giggle before pulling on her just-above-the-knee white v-neck t-shirt. Letting it comfortably slide down her body, she pulled her read hair back into a small pony-tail and nodded at her reflection in the mirror. All she needed was to put on some light make-up. Piper wasn't one to wear too much make-up, not at all. She put on some mascara, a little bit of eye-liner and some bronze eye-shadow before brushing her teeth.

Of course, Piper hadn't informed her mother or father where she would be going to talk with a boy. Momma and dad always said to her 'boys shouldn't matter to you until you are sixteen.' Which wasn't entirely true in Piper's case, though. She liked boys, she thought they were cute and made Piper want to know more. Dating, of course, came in small waves for Pip. She had one boyfriend in her entire life- and that was her cut-out poster board of Justin Timberlake. Sure, boys liked her and she liked them. But she had never kissed, hugged, or dated any of the boys. Smiling, showing her white teeth, she nodded in approval of her look and pulled on her leaf-necklace. It was a sculpted piece of silver, forming an elongated leaf that hung from a leather string. Walking out of her bathroom, her room, and down the stairs, Piper walked into the kitchen to give her mom a fake kiss and her dad a hug before they asked questions.

“Where’re you going?” Asked Dad, setting down his newspaper.

“I am going to the library to meet Mary and Sophie. I’ll be back in an hour-and-a-half, tops. I love you guys, I’ll call if longer than an hour.” She replied, smiling a fake smile.

“Alright, missy. Just call if something comes up or you need to come home early.” Said Momma as she folded laundry.

Piper nodded and turned around to walk out of her home. All Pip really needed to do was ask for a bike- but of course, she didn’t want one. She loved walking. Whistling as she folded her hands behind her back, she headed to the library in her quest to find Quiet Johnny.
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Wrote this up quickly ;D