Status: New layout :D I hope you all like it, I worked hard on it.

God Knows You're on My Mind.

I'll Sail My Ship Up Towards The Sky.

Piper opened up the door to the quiet and peaceful library, not bothering to eye the librarians once. Running her hand through her hair, she made her way back over to the Fiction- SiFi shelving filled with different types of Science mysteries and such. She scanned the shelves, wanting to find Johnny on the other side looking for a book. Piper had to have the librarians believe she was actually there to read. Laughing quietly to herself, she headed over to the room with all the plastic chairs and wooden tables.

"I've got to m-m-m-make my bed if I'm gonna lay with you, 'cause a disaster's a disaster no matter what crucial language you drag it through." Piper sung quietly, spotting Johnny with his nose buried into Monsters From Space by Wyatt Cooper. Smiling and grabbing out the note from her bra- Every girl had to have at least once held their things in their bra- she pulled up a bright orange chair. Setting it down in front of Johnny, Piper waited for him to notice her presence. No such luck.

"Hello, Quiet Johnny." Piper whispered, leaning forward. Awkwardly, Johnny pulled the book away from his face- he must have liked it, for he was halfway through it- and cocked an eyebrow up at her.

"Hello, Piper Rose." He whispered back, going back to read. Piper laughed and grabbed the book out of his hands gently, trying not to giggle.

"I'm trying to talk to you, obviously." She replied, setting a piece of paper on the page and quickly closing it. It made a small 'thup,' causing her to smile as she set it down on the table adjacent to them.

'Well, I'm trying to maintain my peace and read, obviously." Johnny said, leaning forward to grab the book back. Piper placed her hand on the book roughly, holding it back away from him.

"Please just talk to me, Johnny Boy." She pleaded, looking at him with sad eyes. It always worked on guys, older or younger.

"Fine, Pip. But only 'cause you're one of my friends." He said, sighing as he sat back in the chair. "What?" He asked, titling his head to the side.
"I have this note, you see," she began, unfolding it. "Do you know of anyone who writes like this- Do you write like this?" She asked, lifting it over to Johnny as he sat up. He seemed uneasy.

"I see this note, and.. I can't honestly say if I do or not." He said, looking at the note more.

"Can't say if... What? You wrote it or you know if anyone else wrote it?" She asked, "'cause clearly, this person loves me." Piper smirked, a teasing tone in her voice.

"Look, Pip. I'm not in the mood to play your little games, I just want to be in my shell and read MFS. Can we puh-leaseee talk about this some other time?" He asked, placing his hand on the book.

Piper sighed, nodding. "I suppose so, I guess, yeah. Come to my house tonight? I'll leave my window unlock- It can be just like it was back in second grade when me, you and Derek would play Cowboys and Indians and go up in my tree house." Piper smiled, reminiscing on that note.

"I don't know if I can make it, maybe. I can try. Are you goin' to Derek's.. Churchy thing?" He asked quietly, looking away from her. Piper shrugged, grabbing the note and getting up.

"I unno, we'll see." She smirked, waving to Quiet Johnny as she headed out of the tables and chairs room. She heard Johnny sigh a heavy sigh as she stuffed the note into her bra once more. This thing was starting to fade, all the scribbles and such.
Smiling as she exited the library, she was satisfied. Piper had one more guy to go to, Marcus.

But what she wasn't satisfied about was the fact that Johnny hadn't answered her question directly. Could it be him? Could it be someone he knows? What if it wasn't Piper's choices at all? No, that couldn't be the case. No other guy showed interest in her, only those three. Heading down the sidewalk, she went over to the small mini-mart to buy some red licorice and a Jones Soda. The refreshing beverage of the summer- which indeed was probably going to be a long summer.