Status: New layout :D I hope you all like it, I worked hard on it.

God Knows You're on My Mind.

You're Not Invincible.

Don’t even try it, Piper Rose Ellingson!” Yelled Barbra, Piper holding the garden hose up to the open window. She had an evil smirk on her face, her fingers trying to grow tighter on the gun-like trigger.

“But mom, it’s summer- and a Sunday!” She smiled- but her mom was too fast. She closed the kitchen window, smiling and laughing at Piper’s disappointed face.

“You’re never any fun, mother.” Piper sighed, putting down the garden hose. She wandered to her small backyard, waiting for Derek to come and rescue her. Or, maybe Quiet Johnny. Marcus Walker? No, not him. Why did Piper feel this way? She had no idea.

Laying down in the green grass, she looked up at the blue sky, which was dotted with white fluff-balls of clouds. Derek and her had made plans while they walked back to her house. They were going to hang out with each other at the movie theater, then walk to the park and talk about anything and everything.

“I guess that it’s true, you do get bored easily.” Piper heard the familiar voice say. Sitting up, she eyed him .

“What’re you doing at my house, stalker?” Piper asked Marcus, tossing around a baseball.

“Relax, I just came to say hi and sorry about last night. I won’t tell anyone, I pinky promise.” Marcus said, a fake frown on his face.

“Whatever, just.. Don’t come here anymore. My parents don’t like smokers.” Piper said, looking at her lap.

“So I guess they don’t like you?” He asked her, hopping down from atop of her fence.

“That was a one time thing in seventh grade, Marcus. Besides, I didn’t inhale it at all.” Piper said, a small hint of venom laced with regret in her voice.

“Whatever, kid. Just, can we talk?” Marcus asked, walking over to her. He held out a hand. Piper shook her head.

“Derek is on his way, Marcus. I can’t talk right now, but maybe late-” Piper caught herself. Was she really going to invite him to sneak into her house?

“You were gonna say later, weren’t you Pip?” He asked, smiling a crooked smile. Piper just looked away, ignoring his hand.

“...Shut up.” She replied.

“I’ll swing by around- say nine-ish?” Marcus smiled, nodding to answer his own question. “Leave your window open, Piper Rose.” He chuckled, walking back over to the fence to hop it.

Piper sighed, getting up from her spot. Walking over to her small garden, she sat on the bench and quietly hummed a tune she didn’t know the name of.

“Piper! Derek’s here!” Her mom yelled from the kitchen, startling her.

“I’ll be right there!” Piper yelled back, getting up from her seat in a hurried pace, walking into her back door and through the hallway. She saw him standing there, his smile growing larger. “Hey Derek.” Piper greeted him as he shut the door.

“Hey, Pip.” Derek replied, walking over to consume her in a hug. He gave the best hugs.

“You smell nice.” She whispered into his ear as they pulled away from each other, Piper going back down on her feet, flattening them. She always had to stand on her tippy-toes when hugging Derek and Johnny. She wasn’t too sure about Marcus, for she had only hugged him once.

“Thanks, my mom got me new deodorant.” Derek laughed, rubbing his neck.

“Well thank her for me, then.” Piper teased. “Ready to go?” She asked him.

“Ready as a nine-month old baby on his due-date.” Derek replied, smirking.
“Ew.” Piper said, shaking her head at that thought. She couldn’t see how women did it- giving birth and all.

“Oh shush, you’re gonna have to do it, too, someday.” Derek laughed, pulling Piper out of her house. Piper waved to her mom, then was out of sight behind a big bush. They were going to finish talking about the note, Piper made sure of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
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