
chattering teeth.

His teeth were chattering. Loudly.

Exhaling overdramatically, Mello put his book down in his lap, and looked over to the boy on the couch, opening his mouth to tell him to shut up, but he saw that he was in fact, asleep.

He could see from the Lay-Z-Boy he was sitting in, beside the sofa, that Near was shivering, his body’s natural reaction to cold air, in an attempt to create some sort of self heat. The sound of his teeth creating that relentless sound was making his toes curl. Marking his page, he stood up, and went off on a quick search for his jacket.

After having a successful mission, Mello returned and covered the trembling Near with the jacket he knew the boy loved to wear.

Once the jacket was in place, acting as a blanket, his hand moved from the article of clothing to the boy’s sleeping, serene face. The chattering of his teeth had subsided, and now he was just breathing softly. Moving a white strand from the peaceful face, Mello smiled, knowing that he was all his.

Not wanting to risk causing him to stir, he went back and sat, continuing his book.