
can't sleep.

The brunette sighed, his expression glazed over with sorrow. All he wanted was to sleep, to dream. But lately, he couldn’t. He knew he was placing more heavy weight onto his friends’ shoulders, by walking around the campus, with bags under his eyes, his movements slow with exhaustion, and then claiming he was fine.

He turned over on his bed, the blankets tightening around his slender frame, hugging his sides. Even the window, open to let in the night air, provided a view of the blazing diamonds in the sky, but didn’t help his mind ease into dreams.

He propped himself up on his elbow, looking around his room. His eyes, adjusted to the dark lighting, wandered, but didn’t really see the outlines of the furniture. Instead, he just saw how empty the room was, even though it really wasn’t.

Moving his feet to the floor, he climbed up the ladder, passing Sho’s bunk, and reaching the top, where Johan was sleeping soundly. Once arm holding onto the edge of the bunk, he stretched his arm out so he could gently shake Johan’s arm. The blue-haired boy stirred, lazily opening his eyes.

“Judai?” he murmured, rubbing one of his eyes. Seeing Judai look away from his gaze, Johan sat up a little. “What’s wrong?”

Judai spoke quietly, as if he was embarrassed. “I can’t sleep,” he admitted.

Johan scooted over, making room for the brunette. He patted the spot beside him, making a gesture for Judai to get under the covers with him. Slipping next to Johan, the mattress squeaked quietly beneath the pair.

Judai turned on his side, half-curling into Johan, who wrapped his arms around the other, one leg moving so it intertwined between Judai’s. Nuzzling into Johan’s neck, Judai spoke again, softly, breaking the silence. “Hey.”


“I could use a story.”

The fingers of one of Johan’s hands were curling into Judai’s hair, gently combing through, occasionally twirling a strand or two. A small smile spread onto his lips, before weaving a tale off the top of his head, one that managed to make Judai’s eyelids heavy, before he finally was whisked away into those dreams he longed for so dearly.