Status: Finished. Feedback is nice :)

Follow Me Down

11. Realization.

“It’s beautiful,” Alice said in awe, watching the red diamond-like stones pelt the earth.

“White storm is an even more beautiful sight.” Hatter said un-impressed. The stones have stopped and the Hatter quickly stands up, brushing the dirt off his stripped pants. “Come on. We have to get going. Time is ticking.” He reaches deep into his pocket to get his pocket watch. Though he has dipped the watch in his tea a thousand times already, it still looked brand new.

“Why do you hate the Red Queen?” Alice asked, managing to stand herself up. Hatter’s whole body whips to face her. He was fuming.

“Why?! The bloody big head has put us all in fear when she ruled over! Beheading innocent people! Innocent people that had families! You just can’t remember.” Hatter boomed. Of course she wouldn’t remember! For she is not Alice!

“But still,” Alice began, unfazed by Hatter’s reactions. “I can’t help but feel bad for her. I mean, you said the White Queen was her sister, yes?” The hatter nodded, crossing his arms to his chest. “And everybody loves the White Queen?” Hatter nods again. “Then of course, Red Queen must’ve been left out by everyone. Not even receiving a hint of true affection from anyone. I know what’s that’s like, Margaret, my sister was always compared to me. Everyone said I should’ve been like her.” Alice smiled, “but I proved them wrong.”

The Hatter frowned, “Still! The Red Queen should not be pitied after all she has done to Underland!”
How dare this not Alice say those words? If she was the real Alice she should of never said that! Where is Alice? She isn’t coming back is she? But then again the real Alice always had a nack of sympathizing others even the most unbearable kind. NO! he screamed in his head, refusing to believe that this girl in front of was Alice. Hatter was drowning in his thoughts, his eyes changing colours and he was fidgeting. Alice was quickly alarmed by this.

“Hatter! Calm!” Alice yelled, grabbing Hatter’s shoulders to face her properly. Still nothing. Alice tried something that she haven’t tried to anyone. But deep inside her she knew she always did. She placed her hands on the sides of his face and whispered: “Hatter, calm.”

Hatter focused his mind to the not Alice who was too-close to his face. What was she doing?, Hatter focused again and realized she was trying to calm her down. In the way Alice has always did to calm him down. Hatter felt his insides freeze at her touch. He could see everything on not Alice’s features. The same chocolate brown eyes, the same gold mess of hair, the same pale face, the same soft pink lips. Everything. Was. The. Same. And by the way she calmed him down, and stared at the depths of his eyes. There was a realization and he knew at that very moment, he has done a grave mistake, for the person who was right in front of him was Alice. The real Alice. His one and only Alice.

“Alice.” Hatter breathed, finally snapping out of his thoughts. Alice smiles to know he was fine now. Without thinking Hatter hugs her tightly. “Oh Alice! Alice.” He kept repeating her name over and over. Hoping it would erase the thoughts of her not being the real Alice. He wanted to erase every bad thought he made since she got here. He felt remorse on how he acted, on how slurvish he was to want Alice to remember, of course there must have been some sort of side-effect. But that didn’t matter anymore for it was her, his Alice.

“Yes. Yes. It’s me. Are all right?” Alice asked, rubbing his back.

Hatter broke the hug and smiled meekly. “I’m fine.” he crooked, managing to make a real smile for once. “I am. Really.”

Alice smiled back, nodding and looked at the path. “We best get going if we want to reach the White Queen.” she stated,

Going? Another realization occurred again, Hatter’s lie. He was lowering her to Iracebeth! Hatter gulped. What has he done? He has put his Alice into a horrible trap! All because he was too slurvish to believe it was her. There must be some way then Hatter notice it, they were at the crossing, if they turn left they’ll be in snud and it’s the right direction to Marmoreal.

“Yes.” Hatter replied, grabbing Alice’s hand and making the turn. “We’re almost there Alice.”
He has planned to take Alice to Marmoreal and head back to the Red Queen to tell her some lie. This was the consequences he had to pay for ever trusting that wretch.


In Marmoreal, Queen Mirana roses from her throne in alarm. What was troubling her precious land again?
“What is it Mallymkun?” she asked.

“Iracebeth has escaped from the Outlands!” she proclaimed. Those words almost scared Mirana. “And she has made the Hatter work for her to take Alice!”

“Alice?” Mirana asked, alarm rising in her voice. “My champion is back in Underland?”

“Yes.” Mallymkun answered, “she has. But she does not remember anything from her last visit.”

“Oh my Goodness.” Mirana knew exactly what this meant. Her sister will rise on her again, the plan was simple, though Mirana tried her best to deny it. She and Iracebeth were alike (they were sister after all!) so it was very easy to uncover her plan. But the Hatter, being a very smart (and mad) man. He would find out sooner or later that she is the real Alice. But then again…

“We have to find a stop to this!” She screeched, clenching her pale fists. She was about to order an army when suddenly a White Knight came running to her.

“My Queen! The Hatter and Alice has entered the castle!” He exclaimed, Mirana quickly lifts her dress to run to the balcony and looks through the spyglass. It is true! “Open the doors!” she commanded. Lifting her dress and running to the door to greet them.

“Alice! Hatter!” She quickly flings herself to Alice who hugs back. Hatter was awkwardly standing there.

“I would love to stand her and enjoy this moment but I have to go,” Hatter said, walking to the door.

Alice quickly breaks the embrace and runs after him, “Wait! Where are you going?”

Oh he would love to tell here, but he can’t risk it. Loosing her again, he wouldn’t take it. He smiles at Alice and bows at Mirana. “I have some unfinished business to attend to.” and with those words he quickly runs as fast as he can. Trying not to hear Alice’s pleas.
♠ ♠ ♠
Someone who is reading this is screaming "FINALLY!!"
Haha! I finally manage to get a hold of the computer. Sorry if it's short :]