Status: Finished. Feedback is nice :)

Follow Me Down

12. Alice is back.

In the castle at Marmoreal, the Hatter was dodging all the White Knights as he made his way to the exit. Ignoring Alice’s pleas, though it pained him to do so. But he has done an unforgivable deed and he must endure the consequences on his own.

“Hatter! Come back!” Alice hollered, trying to run after him but Mirana grabbed her wrist. Mirana felt like she wanted to smile, though it was the most appropriate time. She saw Alice, though all memories of Underland forgotten, the struck of love that she had for the Hatter has never faded.

A White Knight approached them, his head hung low. “We could not stop him,” he stated firmly. Alice’s face fell and she clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes at the Knight.

“Do you know where he has gone?” she asked in a dead serious tone. The White Knight glanced at Mirana who gave him that ’don’t tell her look.’

“Alice dear, is it true your memory of Underland has been erased once again?” Mirana asked placing her hand on the small of Alice’s back, and tuning her toward the throne room.

“Once again?” Alice asked in confusion. Mirana smiled, Alice still hasn’t change, so easily distracted.

“You’ve been here before, you even saved this world.” Mirana explained, walking through the throne room to the other room. Which had a large arm chair. “Sit.” she pushed Alice’s shoulders down so she could sit down. Mirana asked some of her people to bring Alice some food, after traveling from Witzend to Marmoreal, Alice must be famished.

“If you will excuse me Alice, I have something to do. Don’t worry I won’t be long.” Mirana walked courtly to the Balcony. Mallymkun was standing at the rail, her back at her. “Do you know where the Hatter has gone?” Mirana asked walking closer.

Mallymkun shook her head, not facing Mirana. “I wish I knew,” she whispered, staring blankly at the beautiful, enchanting, garden below them.

“I do,” Chessur’s deep voice chimed in, appearing on the rail, a bored expression plastered on his face.
“I followed them, it was an amazing scene to see.”

“Yes, yes. That’s very interesting and all. But where has Tarrant gone?” Mirana asked, anxious.

“To your sister,” Chessur saw Mirana gasp, “Oh don’t act like you don’t know. I know you know about Iracebeth’s plans. As for the Hatter being him. He’ll act all blue blood and take the Red Queen by his own. He might get killed.”

CRASH! the sound of glass shuttering startled the trio. They turned there heads to see Alice standing there a shocked expression on her face, she dropped her glass of water. She quickly gathers herself as she tried to make a run to the front door.


Meanwhile, in Iplam. Iracebeth was bouncing with excitement, she could not wait for the Hatter to arrive arm in arm with Alice.

The Hatter walked in, and Iracebeth was surprised and was unhappy to see that he came alone.

“Where is not Alice? Did you not understand our agreement?” Iracebeth demanded, reaching into her pocket to reveal the vial, “Do you want to see your real Alice? I think you don’t”

“I don’t give a guddler’s scut on your faux deal, Iracebeth. I’m on to you! And I am here to foil your dark plans once and for all!” he said proudly, standing tall.

“Ah Hatter what a feeble attempt to act noble.” Iracebeth cackled, and snapped her fingers, Giles grabs Hatter with his claws. “Love does horrible things to you doesn’t it? Makes you vulnerable and makes you loose all your common sense.” Giles brought his claw closer to Iracebeth so she was inches away from the Hatter, who was struggling by the grip of Giles, “No matter, I have you know. And my plan is still going perfectly well.”

She smirked, all she wanted was the Hatter, though she didn’t know how to get him at first, but when she heard new about Alice, being back, with no memory. It was the perfect plan to bring Hatter to her. Hatter though loved by many fine women in Underland, Alice was the only one who caught his eye. And fooling him to believing Alice was not Alice was the perfect plan to bring him here, (though it didn’t work well, Hatter was now here).

“It won’t be long now,” Iracebeth mused. “Mirana will be charging of here, probably with clueless little Alice, pity really, the Caterpillar was the only who could bring her memory back--”

“She’s not clueless! You Wretch!” Hatter hissed, how dare she call his Alice clueless? How dare she! She does not know how intelligent Alice was. She does not need Absolem to remember, it’s only a matter of time before it all returns to her.

“I do not care, Hatter, you are here and I will use you as bate to get my ugly little sister and your Alice to their doom.” She cackled again,


Alice was running, she ignored everyone’s calls, she just kept running, she turned left then right then left again, every door locked. She gets the nostalgic feeling of being trapped in the round hall again She knelts to the ground and cradles her head, everything here was a mess, and the only person who she felt that could help her was gone. Off to the Red Queen. Mirana quickly kneels beside her crooning her.

“I just want to wake up from this dream,” Alice screamed, her voice echoing through the halls. “Everything here doesn’t make sense! This is my dream, am I not correct? I cannot control it.”

“How many times must I tell you? This is not a dream!“ Mallymkun shook her head, heaving a heavy sigh. “Please, try to remember--”

“NO!” Alice didn’t let Mallymkun finish, “Why are all telling me to remember? What is it so damn important to remember? If it really was important I should’ve never forgotten!” She yelled standing up and running again, she found and exit, it was the way to the garden she runs and runs as if a fierce monster was coming after here. Tears were running down her face and a part of her dress rips off when she runs through the thick branches, revealing her right shoulder exposing the scar which she never knew where she got it from.

She sits down on a large flat rock. And examines it. “When did I get this?” she asked herself, poking the fading scar. Did she get in when she fell down the rabbit hole back in London? She wiped her tears away with her hand as a familiar monarch butterfly with blue tinged wings. It sits on her scar.

“Must I repeat myself again and again? Nothing is ever accomplished with tears.” The butterfly said, Alice felt her jaw hit the ground as she gawked at it.

“Absolem? You are really Absolem?” Alice asked,

“Of course I am, stupid girl.” Absolem snapped. “What has happened to you? You are more clueless than before.”

“What do you mean?”

Absolem sighed, “Must I always be the savior in all of this?” He flies to Alice’s palm. “Alice, Underland is in trouble again, you are the only one who can save this place.” Alice looks at him with a confused expression and for the first time in his lifetime Absolem felt like giving up, it was a total waste of intellectual time. “Oh why did I even bother? Trying to let you remember is like answering the foolish question that the Hatter made, how did it go again? ’why is a raven like a writing desk?’

Upon hearing those words, Alice felt a rush go through her head. Words and memories swirled in her head.

”If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”

“Alice you’re back! You’re very late you know! Naughty!”

“This is impossible!”

“Only if you believe it is,”

“Six impossible things, 1. There’s a potion that can make you shrink, 2. There’s a cake that can make you grow, 3. Animals can talk. 4. Cats can disappear 5. There’s a place called wonderland….”

“Fairfarren Alice,”

“Fairfarren Tarrant,

“Wonderland!” Alice murmured, everything went back. Alice can remember everything now! This isn’t a dream! She was back in Wonderland!

“Alice, again, at last.” Absolem exclaimed flying off, Alice stood up lifted her dress, running back to the castle.

Mirana and Mallymkun were waiting for her. “Alice! Are you alright?” Mirana asked, concern taking over.

“Yes Mirana, I’m fine.” Alice nodded, Chessur appeared in front of her, a huge grin on his face.

“Is my mad mind right? Alice are you back to normal?” He purred and Alice nodded, all them, beside Alice, felt a pang of relief and happiness.

“Yes Chessur, and I’m terribly sorry for being so ill minded! Wonderland isn’t a place that is meant to be forgotten.” Alice smilled and accepted Mirana’s hug. “May I ask, where is the Vorpal sword?”

“Whatever for? It can only be used against the Jabberwocky.” Mirana questioned. Curious.

“We’re going to save Tarrant, aren’t we? We need to be armed. We can’t just relay on the knights.” Alice explained, walking through the throne room, to see the her armor poised there, holding the sword. “We have to try everything. Whatever it takes.”


Iracebeth felt it. The war was on again.

“It is time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Anywho, this would’ve been posted yesterday but I had to change a little and also because I procrastinated a bit just like Alice I am easily distracted. Like today for instance I was supposed to start finishing it but when I saw this guys sticking swords in his mouth on the T.V I was like “Wow!” and completely forgot what I was supposed to do. LOL xD

Also! Has anyone seen this?

Johnny Depp in Burtonland! LOL I ROFL at this. Hhahahahahah!