Status: Finished. Feedback is nice :)

Follow Me Down

13. The battle.

Alice was ready. Queen Mirana has made a new sword for the battle. Though unknown to them Alice had another plan in mind, yes, she was going to fight, but she had another plan for Iracebeth. It will make everything right again in Wonderland.

Roughly putting the familiar armour back on. She felt courageous again, like she was on top of the world. She was in the Mirana’s dressing room. The room was pure white, it almost blinded her. Tucking her golden hair behind her ear, she stared at herself at the mirror, there was only one thing she saw. Determination.

“Alice! Are you ready?” Mallymkun called out for 100th time. Alice rolled her eyes and smiled, hollering back a ‘yes’


Iracebeth walked back and fort. Anxious. Where are they?! Why haven’t they come yet? she screamed in her head out of impatience.

“They won’t come. I’m not important.” Hatter sneered venomously. Giving Iracebeth daggers through his eyes. Giles gripped on Hatter tighter making him more uncomfortable.

“I don’t believe that Hatter, I know someone, you mean the world to her.” Iracebeth smirked, “And I’m sure by now, it all came back to her.”

Hatter’s eyes widened and he was about to say something back when he heard something. Marching. He tilted his head a bit. Yes! It was marching! Iracebeth heard it too and she backed away, coming closer to Giles. Stayn was right in front her, his back to her. Sword in hand.

Alice was in front of the Marching group. Which consisted of all her friends and the White Knights. But they weren’t going to fit, no, Alice won’t let it. It must go according to her plan.

The Knights and her friends readied themselves but Alice turned around to halt them. Stretching her arms. “No.” She mustered. “I have to do this Alone.”

“Alice! You’ll get kill you do not know what Giles is capable of! You might get kill we--” Alice didn’t let McTwisp finish.

“Poppycock.” She mumbled. The determined face overwhelming her features again. She turned around to face the cackling Iracebeth.

“You really are stupid aren’t you Alice?” Iracebeth said in-between fits of giggles. “You think you can defeat Giles alone? Ha! You won’t last a minute, Giles is far more stronger than the Jabberwocky. Why do you think you have a chance to defeat him hmm?”

Alice didn’t answer instead she looked at Tarrant who was still stuck by the grip of Giles. She looked at him. It was great to be able to remember him. Before though her feeble was blurry, Tarrant was still on Alice’s mind, now, that she remembers everything. Tarrant was now even more dominant in her thoughts.

“Ah.” Iracebeth in a mocking way. “Love. What has the world fall into? Of course you’d do anything for your precious Hatter.” She hissed at Alice, Alice didn’t look offended, she didn’t even give the slightest look that she was scared. Iracebeth frowned, “You have truly grown up, Alice. Such a shame that I have to end it!” She bellowed. Giles reacted quickly putting the hatter down and threatening him, if he moved he would kill him.

Alice took one last glance at her group, giving them a sign that she could do it. And readied her stance and faced the enormous three-headed dragon.

“Alice, my, my have you grown! When I was free back then you were a wee little girl!” Giles cackled swinging his enormous tail at her.

Alice swiftly and gracefully dodges it and stabs her sword on the tail, Giles howls in pain and Alice smirks.
“I didn’t come here to talk Giles, I came to fight.” She said proudly and with another swing caused the blade to cut through the tail, thus cutting it.

Giles cries again, and swings at Alice with his sharp claws, she ducks and avoids the claws. But Giles swung it’s cut tail and knocks Alice to the ground , she lays there for a moment catching her breath. Giles chuckled darkly as it slowly approached her.

“Mirana! My dear sister! Aren’t you going to do something about this?” Iracebeth asked the trebling white Queen. Mirana was frightened, she wanted to defeat the dragon herself but it was against her, Iracebeth knew it, which made her more confident that her plan will be victorious. “Very well, watch then as your champion dies.” she cackled.

“We have to do something.” Thacker said, twitching and trembling as he watched Alice lay still on the dirty ground.

“We can’t.” McTwisp frowned. “Alice said she could do it on her own.”

“Obviously she can’t.” Mallymkun rolled her black eyes. “And we could always disobey her.”
They all looked at her like she said something crazy, though they were, Mallymkun gives up on trying to persuade them. “Oh never mind.” She groaned.

“Stand up! Show me your worst. Or is this it? Oh well killing you was too easy.” Giles shrugged preparing to swing his long claws.

“NO!” Hatter screamed at the top of his lungs, he was sick of seeing this. He was going to fight. He walks toward the Queen Mirana and grabs the sword she was holding, throwing his hat to Thacker who quickly caught it.

“What are you doing? Didn’t I tell you not to move an inch or I’ll pulverize your mad little head?” Giles threatened distracted by the Hatter to notice Alice getting up.

Alice stands still for a moment, then slowly lifts her head to face her nemesis. All her fear is gone. There is nothing but relentless intent and bloodlust in her eyes.

Tarrant, don’t fight! This is my battle.” Alice murmured as she swung her sword again, slashing the dragon’s chest.

“You can remember me.” Tarrant said, shocked.

“Of course I do.” Alice swung again, Giles took a step back. “And I’m sorry I forgot. Even if still didn’t remember I would still be here, fighting this dragon for you.” Giles swung his claws and hit Alice on the chest, no injury was made, it only mad long drag lines on her armour.

Hatter was enraged by what the dragon did, he was about to attack when Iracebeth called out Stayn. Stayn came at the right moment and a thirsty swordfight occurred between the hatter and the knave.

“Give up, girl.” Giles said snapping her teeth at her. “There’s no way you can beat me! I’m stronger, smarter and bigger than you! It would be impossible for you to beat me! For you cannot achieve the impossible!”

“You are wrong Giles. I can achieve the impossible” Alice smirked, determined again. Her memories unraveling, remembering her father's words. She ran to the dragon and leapt. “The only way to achieve the impossible..” She plunged the sword straight to its chest. “Is to believe it is possible!” Giles’ lifeless body fell to the ground and Alice was right on top of it standing tall.

Everyone clapped and they all crowded to the Iracebeth who was now trembling in fear. Everyone had an evil glare on their face. Alice gasped and ran to them shielding Iracebeth.

“STOP IT! ALL OF YOU!” Alice bellowed, everyone paused and looked at her, even Stayn and Tarrant. “I have something else in mind for the Red Queen.” She smiled evilly and everyone backed away, cackling maniacally as they did. Except for Mirana who was giving a concerned look.

Sword in hand Alice was ready and Iracebeth squeezed her eyes shut bracing herself. But the only thing she heard was the sword dropping the ground with a ’clang’ she opened with one eye to find Alice taking of her gloves and lending a hand to Iracebeth. She opened both her eyes and looked at it curiously.

“Stop with the fighting.” Alice said, “That what caused all of this.”

“You expect me to grab your hand and let you put me in my little sister's arms?! Where she’ll be the one to be loved, like always, and leaving me unnoticed?” She glared at her, backing away.

“No.” Alice shook her head. “I expect you to grab my hand make peace with her.” Alice straightened her body and faced the crowed, everyone had a confused expression now, even Tarrant. “Picking side is what cause all the havoc her in Wonder--erm--Underland. You kept on choosing Mirana, you never noticed Iracebeth..”

“But Iracebeth put us all in misery!” One of the night exclaimed. Iracebeth lowered her head, ashamed.

“Yes, but it was all an attempt for to have the spotlight for once, if you all noticed her for once she would’ve never done those things.” Alice replied, everyone looked ashamed as well. Alice turned around facing Iracebeth again, “Come now Iracebeth, no one’s going to pick side with you and your sister anymore.” She offered her hand to her again, and after a few moments Iracebeth gently took it.

Alice smiled and brought her to her sister, they both looked bitterly at each other and Iracebeth spoke up.

“I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done Mirana, I should of never became jealous of you.” Iracebeth mustered.

Mirana shook her head, “It’s fine. I’m sorry I didn’t give a chance to be heard for once.” They both hugged each other and you could everyone saying ‘aww’ and cheer ‘yey’

“Alice, you do not fail to amaze me.” A voice said from behind her, Alice smiled and turned around and wrapped her arms around Tarrant’s neck and clings on to him with profound relief and happiness. Mallymkun huffs and stares at them with jealous eyes.

“Forgive me,” Alice whispered.

“Whatever for?” Hatter replied, wrapping his arms around her. “You did nothing wrong.”

“Yes I did.“ Alice pulled away and stared at his emerald eyes. “I forgot about you.”

Hatter smiles thoughtfully and kisses her forehead. “You never really did.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Tihee. This very long to make for the few days that I didn't update :)
amazing feedback is appreciated. Thanks my amazing readers/subscribers :)