Status: Finished. Feedback is nice :)

Follow Me Down

6. The Oraculum.

At the White Queen’s castle in Marmoreal, The hatter leaned at the balcony. He was already done making the hat, though he didn’t put much effort in it. Not that anyone would notice.

He gazed up, the moon brightly shines down Underland. The stars are no where to be seen. He remembers the stars twinkled very brightly when Alice was here, at this very balcony. He was with her that time, Alice was babbling about how she would miss him when she woke up. Hatter laughed at that memory, Alice still believed she was dreaming then!

But he frowned quickly looking down and looking up again, where have the stars gone? he thought.
Wherever Alice was the stars were there. And since Alice was back in her world, the stars have followed her. The hatter’s red hair slumped down his cheeks and so did his brows. How he misses Alice so much, and that kiss. Hatter closes his eyes savoring the memory.

He reopened his eyes to look up the sky, the clouds were slightly covering the moon. The clouds were a nice creamy colour almost the colour of vanilla. You can call it Vanilla Twilight

A star! Hatters eyes widened and his red hair stood up in surprise, and there’s another one! And another! Stars were appearing on the dark sky! It was a wonderful sight to see! Hatter almost smiled.

“Hatter?” A voice said startling him, Hatter slowly turns around to see, The White queen smilling at him, “A beautiful night isn’t it?”

Hatter smiled and nodded, The white queen walked over to him leaning on the railings. “I’ve never seen so many stars since…” the queen bit her tongue not continuing on what she was saying. For what she wanted to say was ’since Alice was here‘

“Have you finished making the hat?”

Hatter nodded. Gazing up the sky again. The night was beautiful. But he didn’t feel happy about it. His hair slumped to his cheeks again.

The White Queen noticed it. “You miss her don’t you?”

“Very,” Hatter replied hoarsely, finally speaking. “I just wish she chose to be here, instead back up there.” Hatter looked up again, glaring at the night sky. ”In her world”

“She’ll come back,” The queen reassured him, “She said so.” though the queen wasn’t entirely sure.


Back in Witzend where the tea-party was at. Thackery and Mallymkun were trying there best to help Alice remember Underland.

“Anything? Anything at all!?” Mallymkun asked her the 100th time! She was getting awfully frustrated. Remembering how a pest Alice was when she didn’t remember.

“Goodness! Hatter is going to cause a fuss!” Thackery exclaimed, twitching.

“No! And who is this Hatter anyway?” Alice asked. Sitting on a upside down tea cup, “All I want to do is wake up from this dream!”

Mallymkun slapped her forehead, “Here she goes again droning on about how Underland is a dream!

“What do you mean? Of course this is a dream!” Alice protested, arching a perfect brow “I’m going to wake up now!” She said pinching her arm and squeezing her eyes shut. After a few moments she reopens her eyes to find she was still there. “Hm. That always works.”

Mallymkun rolled her eyes, wishing she could stick Alice at that very moment, but she can’t!

Thackery’s ears shot up for he had hear something. “Hatter’s coming!” He exclaimed, grabbing Alice and dragging her until she was in front of the Hatter’s arm chair.

“Wait!” Mallymkun proclaimed, getting a small bottle from her pocket, “He can’t see her like this! Hide her! And we will ask McTwisp why Alice can‘t remember!” She runs closer to Alice, “Here, drink this.”

“No!” Alice screamed, but they threw her down onto the table and forced the liquid down her throat. Alice gagged and coughed then shrinks to three-inches tall. And they stuff her forcibly into a teapot and cram her now extremely over-large clothes behind her. They cram and cram..

“Stop!” Alice said in a muffled scream, they stopped and Alice’s head emerges from the teapot. “You’re suffocating me with my dress.”

Thackery picks up a sharp knife, wild-eyed. “We’ll hack it off!”

THWACK! He hacks most of her dress off and they stuff her back in. Thackery closes the lid.

“What is going on?” Hatter finally emerging from the trees asked, Thackery and Mallymkun quickly hid the tea pot under the table and grinned toothily at the Hatter.

“Nothing!” Mallymkun and Thackery both said at the same time. Suddenly Bayard, the bloodhound came passing by.

“Top of the morning!” He greeted, wagging his tail. Mallymkun took this as the perfect plan to get to McTwisp.

“Thackery, keep the Hatter busy while I take Alice to the rabbit.” Mallymkun whispered, Thacker quickly nods and grabs a chipped tea-cup, getting another tea pot to fill it with tea.

Mallymkun approached Bayard and whispered everything! Bayard’s ears shot up and he agrees. Mallykun jumped on Bayard’s back, tea-pot in hand.

“Where are you going with that tea-pot?” Hatter asked suspiciously. Eyeing the pot.

“What tea-pot?” Thackery asked acting confused.

“That tea-pot!” Hatter exclaimed, pointing at it.

“This tea-pot?” Mallymkun played along tapping at the tea-pot. Hearing Alice‘s feeble attempts to make a fuss. As if anyone could here. The Hatter is getting frustrated now She knew it would work. Hatter’s mood swings would get the best of him.

“Yes that!”

“That’s what?” Thackery said, grinning.

“The damn tea-pot!” Hatter yelled, slamming his fists angrily at the table, making the plates and the cups shake.

“What tea-pot?” Thackery was highly amused now. The Hatter was fuming! Usually he would play along to this games, until the scorched sun has sunken. But now look at him! Though he knew it was not a good idea to get on the Hatter’s bad side.

”slurking urpal slackush scrum!!” The Hatter screeched. His eyes turning an unsightly yellowish color. Mallymkun found this as the moment to run now. She whispered to Bayard a ’go’ and they were off.


The Oraculum, was acting a bit odd lately, Nivens McTwisp could not find anything that could cause the fuss.

“McTwisp! McTwisp!” Mallymkun yelled, riding on the bloodhound’s back, holding a tea-pot.

McTwisp, cocked his head. “Mallymkun? What are you doing with that tea-pot?”

Mallymkun gets off Bayard, panting, and opens the lid. Alice’s tiny head emerges from the pot.

“Alice! You’re here! You‘ve come back!” McTwisp exclaimed, Alice shakes her head, and tries to climb out of the tea-pot.

“Why does everyone seem to know me around here? And do you have any of that cake that makes me grow?” Alice asked, managing to climb off and full into the dirt with big OOF!

McTwisp look confused for a moment, cake that makes you grow? “Oh! You mean Upelkuchen?” he looks in his pocket and shakes his furry head. “Sorry no Upelkuchen.”

“She doesn’t remember a thing McTwisp. Which is pretty odd. Since she just came to Underland jus a few days ago.” Mallymkun explained.

“Alice!” Two same voices exclaimed. The trio whipped their heads to see. Tweedledee and Tweedledum making their way toward them.

“Do I know you two?” Alice questioned. Looking up to them. Goodness! Being three-inches tall isn’t fun at all! There were two round boys, looming over her, with their arms thrown around each other’s shoulder.

“Oh I’m Tweedledee, and this is Tweedledum,”

“Contrariwise. I’m Tweedledum and this is Tweedledee.”

Alice was confused. She couldn’t tell the difference. The only thing you could tell was the ‘dee’ and ‘dum’ embroided on their collars.

“She can’t remember eh? Hm. We must consult the Oraculum.” McTwisp suggested walking over to his house to get it.

“I’ll fetch it!” Tweedledee suggested running off.

“No I will!” Tweedledum grabs him and pulls him back.

“No I will!” Dum grabs Dee and drags him back. Then Dee grabs Dum, then Dum grabs Dee. Going on and on. Neither of them getting anywhere.

“I’ll get it.” Mallymkun suggested, frustrated, and puts down the tea-pot. And goes off while the Tweedles still tussle.

“Leave off!” Dee pushed Dum.

“Let go!” Dum pushed back.

“Not now! Nohow!” The Tweedles are pushing each other now,

Alice shakes her head and motions to McTwisp, “Are they always this way?”

“Family trait,” McTwisp replies, heaving a sigh.

Mallymkun returns carrying an ancient parchment, yellowed with age and rolled into a scroll. She places it with great reverence on a broken pedestal. Alice squints her eyes to read the title.

The Oraculum: Being a calendrical compendium of Underland.” She read aloud. Mallymkun unrolls the scroll. It’s timeline depicting the major events of each day. Every title has and an illustration. “It’s a calendar.” Alice stated.

“Compendium.” McTwisp corrected, “It tells of each and everyday since the beginning. You see,”

Alice looks at the illustration. Seeing all the animals and a tiny Alice peering at the Oraculum all at the same time.

”Curious” Alice murmured.

“In Underland, we have a name for everyday.” Mallymkun explained.

“So do we.” Alice answered smartly. “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday..”

“But ours never repeat.” McTwisp cut her off.

Alice looked bewildered. “The names never repeat?”

“Why would they do when no day is the same?” Mallymkun said as if Alice said the most stupidest thing.

“But don’t you get confused?”

“Just Tweedledum,” All but Tweedledum answered.

“Does it tell anything about why Alice can’t remember?” Mallymkun asked.

McTwisp shook his head, staring at the Oraculum intently. He saw something disturbing as he whips the Oraculum back into a roll. He looks up skyward nervously. “No, I don’t. I really must be off now. There are things I’m late for doing.”

“Wait!” Mallymkun proclaimed, “What happened? What did you see?”

He runs off with another nervous glance over his shoulder, “You must tell the Hatter she’s here. You must!
♠ ♠ ♠
Phew! that was a long one! Anyways sorry for not updating quick. We had our quarterly exams yesterday! Gosh! Math was a killer. xD
Anyways. Hope you like it.
I'm very happy to get so much feedback from you guys. Thanks so very much.
Also, I'm up to three stars now! Thank you very much for hanging on to me!!
Thank you :)