Status: Finished. Feedback is nice :)

Follow Me Down

7. Not Alice.

Thackery was left with the Hatter. He didn’t mind at all. As long as Alice is taken to McTwisp.
It is fine. Though his scorched mind was beginning to fizzle again, how he loathed hearing Hatter drone on and on about how he missed Alice.

“I’m back!” Mallymkun called out. Holding the tea-pot. Alice was back in after a few hard tries, and some biting Alice was inside the tea-pot again.

The Hatter was propped on an elbow eyeing the tea-pot. Curious he wondered, what was in the tea-pot? And why was Mallymkun holding on to it like dear life? It wasn’t even the tea-pot she sleeps in!

Mallymkun, puts down the tea-pot by Thackery’s side. Her eyes wandered to the Hatter who was eyeing her intently. She gulps and, tried to ignore it.

“Let me out! I can’t breathe! Anyone? Let me out!” Alice screamed, pounding her tiny fits on the porcelain. It was dark inside, and her dress was crammed improperly, it was shielding all the small holes, causing no air to enter.

Hatter cocked his head. Was he hearing right? He heard something! But then again, he was mad. he lifts a chipped tea-cup to his lips. The hot liquid relieving him. A white knight approached the table, talking to the Hatter, it was a message from the queen, thanking him for the hat.

Thackery was on the frits again, once he saw the White Knight he one thing in mind. He grabbed the tea-pot that Mallymkun was protecting and yelled: “You’re late for tea!”

Uh-oh! Mallymkun watched in slow motion, Thacker grab the tea-pot, “THACKERY NO!” she yelled. Her heart leaping from her throat.

The tea-pot flew, the White Knight and the Hatter dodge it. It crashed and shatterd on the tree, and Alice came rolling out, gasping for air. Groaning, she stood up, and saw she crashed! Thank goodness, her dress caught her fall. But then again, she was dreaming nothing could hurt her.

”Curious.” Alice said. Once Hatter heard that soft voice he always knew he whipped his head to see non other than Alice!. His grin was wider than Chessur’s as hewalked ran to her.

Alice saw a man approached her, and loomed over her. She cocked her head to the side. For the man was strangely familiar. He was wearing very colorful clothes, it missed and matched. He even had a sash of colorful spools of thread. He was smiling at her, it wasn’t the creepy kind, though you could see a gap between his front teeth, it felt comfortable. He was wearing a very large top hat. She gazed at his eyes. wow though you could see his eyes weren’t well. Aligned? The other eyes was looking down a bit. But they were the most beautiful shade of green. It sparkled. There was no color like that in the world.

“Alice! You’ve come back! Oh how I’ve missed you!” Hatter exclaimed, lifting Alice up to his palm. Have she grown? or have she shrunk?. No matter! The hatter’s joy distracted him from the questions that popped in his mind. All that mattered was Alice was back. for good

“Is this what you were hiding Mallymkun? Naughty! But still! What a wonderful surprise!” Hatter walked back to the table a placed Alice in her usual seat, beside him. He grinned at Alice, and poured her a cup of tea. “Oh Alice! I haven’t imagined your return would be this soon! Surely you haven’t answered all your questions yet. But! It doesn’t matter now! All that matter is you’re back. And we’ll be together forever.”

Mallymkun gulped, it was too late, the Hatter has found out that Alice is back. But she just accidentally came back, and she doesn’t remember a thing!

Alice stared at the velvet liquid in her cup. She was frustrated. Why does everyone seem to know her and speak about how she is back? And she can’t even remember any of them!
“Alice why are you so small? I highly remember you were the right size when you left.” Hatter said the last words bitterly.

Alice looked down at herself. “Oh! Yes have you got any of that cake that makes you grow?” she asked.

Hatter smiled, “Oh you mean Upelkuchen?” he reached deep in his coat pockets until he found a little piece of cake. He was about to give to Alice when a thought came. “Wait! Why is your dress cut?”

Alice looked at herself again and felt embarrassed. “The hare cut some off so I could fit in the tea-pot.”

Hatter smiled thoughtfully at her, “Wait a moment,” he stood up and entered the Thackery’s house. Grabbing a black blanket, he was rather frustrated, when he couldn’t find a blue one. Alice always looked good in blue. He returned blanket in hand, and after a few sharp snips and stitches it turned into a beautiful Victorian dress. He handed it to Alice, “I’m terribly sorry for the colour, I just couldn’t find anything that was blue.” Alice loosely placed it on, and Hatter gave her the cake. “Now just take a tiny bite!”

Alice followed his instructions and she took a very tiny bite and she began to grow, fitting into the black dress. IT fit her nicely, and it was remarkably beautiful. It was impossible that he could make this in seconds!

“Thank-you uhm.” What was his name again? A yes. She remembers the Hare talk about it. “Hatter.” She sat properly in her seat, looking at her tea. The déjà vu moments flooding back. Everything looked so familiar yet unfamiliar.

Hatter saw something in Alice. Confusion. Why would she be confused? She was back! Wasn’t she supposed to be happy? Unless. Oh my Goodness.

Hatter’s joy died down and he stared at Alice, “Don’t you remember me?”

Alice looked confused and guilty, “I’m terribly sorry, but I don’t.” she said. she looked at him. He was not moving, then suddenly he was shaking uncontrollably.

No! The Hatter thought. No! No! No! No! This was not happening! She said she wouldn’t forget him! She said it! Hatter said something, he never thought he would say to his dear Alice, something that everyone said, except for him for he believed it was her.

“You’re not Alice!” He bellowed. No regret in his words, “You’re not my Alice! She said she would never forget Underland! She said she would never forget me! You’re not Alice! You’re not!

Alice flinched at his words, though she didn’t know him, his words were scaring her. “I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t mean to be the wrong Alice.”

Hatter was screaming and mumbling some outlandish slangs. He had waited too long for her! Too long! Still why does this imposter be Alice so much? Perhaps she is her, but no! She wouldn’t forget him! She just wouldn’t!

Hatter glared at her, “You are not invited here. Only the right Alice is!” he screamed at her. Alice quickly stands up, glancing at the hare and the dormouse who were shaking in fear. “Go away! Not Alice!! Go!” he shooed her and Alice runs to the forest. Apologizing as she did.


Alice is still running she didn’t know who far she has gone. The hatter’s eyes turned a dark Yellow on her, which scared her. She didn’t mean to be the wrong Alice but then again who could she be the wrong Alice when this was her dream? This dream was mad. Barking mad. She stumbles and falls looking back fearfully.

“There’s nothing after you, if that’s what you are worried about. “ The voice was coming from a disembodied head of a grinning cat which hovered above a tree limb. Alice stares at him unsure of what her eyes are seeing.

“I must be going mad.” She stated, shaking her head,

“Then you should feel right at home. We’re all mad here.” The cat said, disappearing and reappearing again in front of Alice.

“I’ve never seen a cat smile before.”

The cat chuckled darkly, “So it is true. You have forgotten Underland. Curious. And why would I not be smiling? I sleep all day and carouse all night. Is there something not to smile about.”

“Why do you people keep saying I have forgotten this place?” Alice asked, frustrated now.

“Because you have. And you are always so ill minded when you don’t remember.” The cat said heaving a heavy sigh as he rested himself on the tree.

“What can I do to remember?”

The cat yawns and curls into a ball, “The only solution would be consulting Absolem. But he is in another world you see.”

Absolem. Alice shook her head, “Absolem the butterfly?”

The cat cackles. “A butterfly? I’ve never seen on of those before. Only bread-and-butterflies. That would be odd if it is just simply butter.”

“Goodness. Now I know I’m dreaming.” Alice felt dizzy again, cradling her head. "Maybe the hatter was right maybe I'm no the right Alice."

The cat's eyes widened at this, "The hatter?! Not believing you are the real Alice?! Now that's odd." he was startled! The Hatter is mad not to believe she is not Alice.

"What does that mean?" Alice questioned.

"That means my dear Alice," The cat grinned, "We have to make you remember! And quick."
♠ ♠ ♠
Update. :D I don't want to risk my head to be chewed off. LOL. jk. Anyways. Thanks for the feedback.