Status: Finished. Feedback is nice :)

Follow Me Down

9. Horrible Liars.

”A very very simple task Hatter, anyone can do it even a barking mad person like yourself.” Iracebeth explained. “All you have to do is bring not Alice here. But I’m sure the cat or the dormouse or the hare has told her about my evil. You will not tell her you are taking her to me. Instead! I want you to tell her you are taking her to my sister so she can remember. And! You will pretend that you believe she is the real Alice. It’s brilliant and easy. Go it?”

Hatter was remembering Iracebeth’s instructions as he walked through the thick forest of Witzend. Though it was an easy task, Hatter can’t help but wonder. What was Iracebeth planning to do with not Alice?
He felt bad for her, though he only wanted the real Alice, not Alice falling into the Iracebeth’s filthy hands is a terrible thing. But! Living without the real Alice is more terrible.

He manages to find not Alice sitting under a large old oak tree, Chessur was propped on his elbows on tree limb. He hears talking and tip-toes closer to them.

“Well we’re off to an un-progressive day.” Chessur said, picking the twigs off the tree limb. “Oh I do wish Absolem was here this would gone off more smoothly.”

“I’m sorry, my memory’s just not cooperating.” Alice muttered, standing up and brushing the dirt away from her dress.

Hatter sighed, not Alice was a perfect portrait of the real Alice. Everything was an exact copy of what the real Alice looked like. He found it hard not to be dazzled by this imposter.

“If you’re done drooling over Alice, I would like you to come out and show yourself, Hatter.” Chessur said in a bored tone. Disappearing and reappearing in front of him. “You are not very good in stealthy approaches.” Chessur stated.

Hatter rolled his emerald eyes. Why was Chessur so good at these things? “I wasn’t drooling.” he denied. And emerged from the bushes. Once Alice saw him she quickly backs away fear in her eyes.

“I know. I know. I’m not Alice. I get it.” Alice mumbled. Looking down, finding her feet interesting.

“Oh no! My dear Alice, my mind is a little fritzzy today, as it always is. I know see you are my Alice, though I feel awful that you have forgotten Underland. So! I have planned to take you to the White Queen! She might solve our little problem!” Hatter grinned showing the gap between his teeth. It was the biggest lie he has ever made. He never lied. Never! But not Alice seemed to buy it. She took the Hatter’s hand and hatter led the way.

Chessur scowled, which was unusual, Chessur never frowned that way. He didn’t buy anything that Hatter has said. He disappeared and reappeared rudely in front of the hatter.

“You are the most horrible liar Hatter. What are you planning?” Chessur asked narrowing his eyes.

Must he always see right through him? Hatter frowned, “I do not know what you are talking about Chessur, I’m going to take Alice to the White Queen that’s all!”

“You and I both know though the Queen does a bang up job ruling over Underland but she isn’t the person you would call for in times of intellectual troubles.” Chessur explained, pulling Alice away from The Hatter. “You better tell me what is really going on Hatter, or Alice won’t go anywhere with you.”

“There is nothing going on!” Hatter bellowed, dragging Alice to him. “And are you calling our queen un-intellectual? She could have your head!”

“She’s not the Red Queen. it’s against her vows to hurt any living thing. And I‘m not calling her un-intellectual‘ all I’m saying what would the Queen do? She has as little chance to make Alice remember like all of us! ” Chessur took Alice away again, “Hatter you are the worst liar in Underland and I cannot tolerate liars. You will tell me what you are up to.” Chessur was not smiling, not a hint of anything funny was heard in his voice. He was serious.

“Stop it you two!” Alice said, finally speaking up. She stretched her arms to create a sort of block between Chessur and The Hatter. “Don’t I get a say in this? After all you are arguing about whether I should go to this White Queen, am I not correct?” Alice whipped her head to face the Hatter, he was the most familiar of all in Alice’s mind. From his clothes to his piercing emerald eyes, he was the one that Alice tried her best to remember for there was something about him. Alice’s feeble mind tried its best to remember this Mad Hatter and like everything else it was blurry. Maybe coming with him she would remember. “I believe the Hatter and I am coming with him.”

Chessur glared at the Hatter, “I do not know how you can manage to Alice to fall for you again and believe ever word you have said, but she has made her decision,” Chessur scowled again and placed a protective paw on Alice’s shoulder, “Take care of yourself Alice, don’t fall too far down.” Chessur whispered before turning to smoke.

There was an eerie silence that pervaded the air. Alice was looking down at her feet again, and the Hatter was finding words to say.

“Well then,” Hatter croaked, breaking the silence. He offered his pale hand, “Shall we go?” Alice without a second thought grabbed the Hatter’s hand and Hatter lead the way to her trap


Back in the virgin forests of Iplam Iracebeth cackled as she drowned her sixth cup of tea, imagining many visions on how Alice would fall to her plans. It wouldn’t be long though, the Hatter always had charmed Alice from the very first time she fell down to Underland. Though Iracebeth couldn’t imagine someone would fall for a person as mad as the hatter but Alice is a strange being.

“Are you sure this is going to work?” Stayn asked, Iracebeth rolled her eyes. How stupid is this person?

“Alice is as gullible as the Hatter, it would be impossible for her not to believe the Hatter,” Iracebeth said, pouring herself her seventh cup.

Stayn wasn’t all that sure that Iracebeth’s plan would work. He predicts that it won’t be long that it would be foiled soon. But he wasn’t going to say that would be risking his head.

“And what if this plan fails?” Giles question only earning a horrendous laugh from Iracebeth.

“Oh my dear Giles! That is also impossible, my plans can only fall if Alice remembers and the Hatter will realize his mistakes, that is far from happening, I do recall that the only one who can help her is the Blue Caterpillar and that caterpillar is in another world. It’s perfect simply perfect.” Iracebeth clasped her hand in delight.

“And what will you do next after your first plan is successful?” Stayn urged.

Iracebeth waved a finger, “All in good time, my dear Stayn, all in good time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit short sorry. Answering xDearRachel's questions
Yes it is always warm here. The warmest actually, we are suffering El Niño now. (Which I should of realized before I went swimming)
And yes I've finished my school for this year, with flying colours too. I'm going to be a junior next school year.

Anywho. I'm really sad that my creamy skin is replaced with light brown. GRR! My folks are saying it's nice that I have a little color now! -_- gaaah. My friends say my skin will come back soon (maybe around 3 weeks) it's just because of the melanin hormone due to the suns rays. (Yeah, my friends and I loved our biology) well whatever I'm to impatient to wait for 3 weeks I've been scrubbing all types of lotions on my skin LOL! I should of known swimming was bad. And I even put on sunscreen then and still it happened! T.T

Okay back to the story~ Falalala! Sorry if it's short. Tehhee. But I just found out that I got 5! yes 5 stars on this story and I was like: "Diyos ko!" (Oh my God!) and updated. Thanks my awesome readers for putting me this far.
And also thank you to Old Greg. for pointing out my spelling errors. Thanks xD