Her Life Without You

Chapter 1: The Girl With Delight

“Sweetie, time for school” my dad called from the staircase.
“Be right there” I said. It was the first day of school and I was very nervous. I looked in the mirror one last time. My wavy blond hair tucked behind my ear, my Abercrombie & Fitch shirt and skinny jeans. My lucky bracelet on my right hand that my mom gave to me when I was 2, and some strawberry lip gloss.
“Hurry up, your bus is here” my dad screamed from the front door.
“Im coming” I yelled, running down the stairs, backpack in hand, kissing my dad on the cheek and running to the bus. My best friend Lauren was sitting on the bus, 2 rows behind the bus driver. I sat down next to her catching my breath.
“Hey” she said, moving her bag and giving me a pat on the shoulder.
“Hey, sorry” I said finally catching my breath.
“Bad morning?” she said, I nodded, she knew when o had a bad morning I was always in a rush.
“Don’t worry, things will get better” she said with a warm smile.
Yea, that’s what she thinks.
Lauren and I talked about how her and her boyfriend Alex were going to the movies tonight, and she wanted me to help her pick out a cute outfit.
“Of course” I said as we came to a stop. While we were getting out of the bus, I looked up at the big school, 4 stories of torture.
“We need to find you a boyfriend” she said patting me on the shoulder as she walked up in front of me. I walked next the her while we go to our lockers, which where right next to each other every year. Then I saw her, the “bitch” of the school. Olivia Cleaver. She walks by me knocking my books out of my hands, laughing with all her other friends.
“Damn” I said getting down on my knees to pick up my books. I heard someone come in front of me.
“I think this is yours” he says, getting down on my knees, handing me my Spanish notebook.
“Thanks” I say, looking at him. I see his sky blue eyes staring at me, with his lips pursed together. He stands back up and offers me his hand. I take it feeling a tingly feeling down my back. His hand were so smooth.
“Thanks” I said, standing up.
“Don’t mention it” he said, letting go of my hand and walking away, smiling at me. Lauren looks at me, smiling. I smiles back. I say bye to her and walk to my Spanish class.
Classes go by quickly ,but I’m excited for lunch. I walk into the lunch room, my lunch in a brown bag. I see Lauren sitting at a table talking to some girl. I start walking over but trip over someone’s foot sending my food flying and falling onto the guy with the sky blue eyes. I scramble onto my feet, grabbing some napkins, and standing next to him wiping his purple shirt from the pudding that had fell on him.
“I’m so sorry” I said wiping the pudding stains.
“Its ok” he said taking one of the napkins and wiping his shirt. I smile looking up at him, I see him giggling and I start laughing too.
“Hey” someone yells from behind me, I turn around to find Olivia behind me.
“Keep your hands off my boyfriend” she said pushing my shoulder.
“Olivia” he takes her hand. “She fell and pudding fell on me, she was just helping me get it off.”
“She better have been” she said walking away.
“I’m sorry” he said taking the napkins from me. He looked at me dusting off a piece of lettuce from my sandwich off my shoulder.
“I’m Justin” he said, throwing the napkins away.
“Anna” I said, looking at his eyes.
“Nice to meet you” he said smiling at me, we stared at each other for another several seconds.
“Justin!” Olivia screams, motioning him to come over.
“I got to go, Ill see you later” he said squeezing my arm a little. I watched him walking away, smiling.
“Oh my god” Lauren said as I sat down.
“His names Justin” I said taking out my smashed sandwich.
“Well don’t look now, but his looking at you” the new girl sitting next to Lauren said. I turned around and see his girlfriend talking to her friends and he’s staring at me. I smile and wave at him, he wave back giving me a warm smile and blushing, his cheeks red as a rose. The bell rings as I get up, and throwing my sandwich away.
Last period, Geometry, the worst class. I walked into class, saying hi to my new teacher Ms.White.
“Take a seat anywhere” she says to me. As I turn around I see him, Justin, sitting down writing what was on the board. I walk over to the table.
“Can I sit here” I say looking at him, he looks up and smiles.
“Yea sure” he says pushing the chair out, I sit down and take out my brand new purple notebook.
“Nice notebook” he says putting his pencil down.
“Thanks” I say smiling, finishing writing what’s on the board.
“Im sorry my girlfriend pushed you” he said looking down. I look at him, damn he’s cute.
“Its fine” I say writing down the problems to do. I don’t get it, I look over at Justin, he already finished.
“Can you help me?” I say pushing my paper closer to him. He moves his chair closer to mine, showing me how to do it.
“Then what does X equal?” he says pointing to it.
“X equals 27” I say.
“Perfect” he says smiling. I was so happy, I have never gotten this before, and now Justin’s here to help me.
“Can I ask you a question?” I say turning to him.
“Yea sure, what is it?” he says, his eyes sparkling from the light.
“I have a lot of trouble in math, as you can see, can you maybe, like be my tutor?” I say looking at him.
“I would love to be your tutor” he says with a smile, he rips out a paper from his notebook and writes down his number, then he rips it in half and give me one piece.
“Write down your number too” he hands me both papers. I put the one with his number in my bag and the other I write my number and hand it to him. He takes it smiling.
“You can call me anytime if you want to hang out or something” he says.
“I will” I say knowing that I will want to text him all night.
“Class” the teacher says from the front of the room. “These are your permanent seats for the whole year, so get use to the people sitting next to you.”
I smiled, in my head thinking I was the luckiest girl in the whole world.
That was just the beginning.
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Tell me if you guys like it, this is my first story, and I want to see if i did well