Status: Paused for editing past chapter 14 till 20 or more.. Fixing mistakes before continuation. Comment advice or just wait silently.

Let the Rain Kiss Me in You

Natasha Copper

I went to the bathroom and wanted to scream cause it smelled like him. I used the toilet and washed my hands, brushed my teeth, washed my face. Then I got the change of clothes that Heather had left for me to wear when I was getting out of here. I took a shower and when I came out I smelled like him and it was like he was touching me all over.

I walked over to mom and she was up. I came over and kissed her cheek. They had taken the tube out of her so she didn't sound robotic. I told her about Christie cause she vaguely remembers hearing me yelling and once she could inforce it I was grounded for cursing. I had asked Bryan to get some movies from my house and he did so I brought her Pitch Black to watch. She loves to watch that movie alot.

"So, you leaving today baby. Ms. Bismuth said she will take you in because Bryan still has a crush on you." I cringed.

"I have no clue what you talking bout momma."

"Then you smell like he does just because you didn't like perfume today."

"No, he used my shower to get ready for school and how do you know what he smells like?"

"What was he doing in your room and he comes to visit me too selfish."

I kept silent for both questions. She chuckled.

The nurse came in a little while into the movie and switched the iv and cleaned the needle. She turned to me and asked how my movement was. And if it was hard to walk because of the bullet wound in my stomach. Or to do certain things because of my cast. I said no to both and it was just that the cast was itchy.

My mom laughed at me.


"Honey. Only my child would be more uncomfortable with an itchy cast than with being shot." I laughed with her.

"Well, when you say it like that. Makes me sound crazy."

"But you are." I heard Breanna and Heather say as they walked around the corner with burger king fries for my mom and and Cheesy Potato Burrito from Taco Bell. Bryan walked in balancing backpacks and sodas. I couldn't help laughing and he glared at me between a large orange soda and a medium sprite and two milkshakes. The girls grabbed what was theirs and sat back down wth evil grins on their faces.

He walked over to me and his eyes read 'I will kiss you in front of the whole world and not care.' I made a farting noise with my mouth and he grabbed his soda and went away. I had to think and I remembered Amber wasn't here.

The girls entertained my mom and me with their Shakespeare excerpts they had gotten a Midsummer Night's Dream. Heather had volunteered for the Donkey on my behalf she says. My mom really laughed at that.

"But I doth not care for you. I have fallen for the stars. " Heather said. Hold up.

"That isn't a line?" I said.

"Yeah what are you doing?" Breanna asked.

"Improvising for if I forget my lines." Heather answered.

"Like you already have?" I said sarcastically.

"It sounded like some old English right?" she countered.

"Sorta." Breanna agreed.

"Time for you two girls to go." my mom said. Ya'll gonna be late for school.

"Yeah." Bryan added as he walked around the corner. The girls kissed my momma good bye and I walked with them to the lobby. The girls ran for shotgun and Bryan pulled me in and kissed me. I kissed back and pulled into his chest thanking him for taking care of my sisters. He ran out after them cause he didn't want them scratching his car again he says. I apologized and he kissed me on the cheek. I walked back to mom's room and sat in the recliner. She had fallen asleep. I did too.