Something Called Trust


She died right in front of my face. My father stabbed her over and over again, as she screamed, told me to run.
"Run Scar run!" Then she died her last breath coming out in gasps. My father had turned to me told me to tell no one or he would get me. How could a man I thought I loved so much, who acted like he loved me so much, be so horrible? That I would never know. Then he walked out of the house as if nothing had happened, smiling to the neighbors, whistling the tune he always whistled.
It took four days. Four days for the police to find us. In the space of those four days I had somehow curled up to my mother. Shaping my small body around her, my dog, Shadow, was a newborn but he had sensed something was wrong and come over, settling himself on my arm.
When the cops barged in they busted down the door. I didn't move, assuming I was dead one of the officers picked me up. When my eyes travled slowly to his he jumped in shock almost dropping me.
"She's alive!" He had called out through the commotion.He started to take me away but I placed my small hand on his chest,"My doggie? Where's my doggie?"
"It's okay sweetheart we'll find him later."
"No I want him now!" I had shouted. So he called for the officer to his right and told him to bring the dog. I never let him out of my sight. Not once.
Later they had asked me questions, but no one really listened. I kept telling them what happened, "My daddy killed mommy. He took a big knife and put i wight thwough her tummy, again and again and again." But they kept saying no that can't be. She's delutional. So eventually I stopped talking. When they asked questions I just sat there staring face foward.
They put me in a community home. Couples came every friday to adopt kids but nobody wanted me.
I admit I must have looked pretty scary, my pale skin, straight black hair so dark and silky it had a bluish hue to it, my eyes were grey like smoke and I wore only black. No more happy colors for me. Black, red, purple those were the colors I wore.
Shadow was always by my side. He scared the other kids away when they picked on me, no one wanted to mess with my dog. He was a husky, big, and scary.
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It will get more to it. Happier I guess but not happy at the same time.