Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


It was close to the final bell ringing and then it was off to work. I sat impatiently, tapping my pencil against my desk and tapping my feet. A song was constantly buzzing in my head as if it were on repeat. I glanced around the room and saw that all the people I couldn't stand were surrounding me. Of course, it didn't take me almost close to the year being half was through that I realized this, but I just never noticed how much these people actually bugged me.

You had the preps and jocks in one corner, talking with the teacher about extra credit and turning in their papers, that were promptly due today, being due in a few days because they were busy with practice and games and such bull crap. But the teacher gives in and reschedule’s the assignment. I guess I can be lucky considering I didn't completely finish it and could use another few days to make improvements on it.
Then in another spot, there were the nerds who were discussing their latest achievements of World of War Craft. Geeze, that's intriguing.
And then some other students just grouped together in their small desks making small talk.
My eyes watched the clock.
Two minutes left.
I started putting my pencil, binder, and books into my drawstring backpack.
One minutes left.
I stand up and wander over to the door, pulling out my iPod.
Thirty seconds.
I start untangling the headphones and plugging them into my ears.
As soon as the bell rings, I'm out the door, playing my music, and at my locker. It took me two times to finally get my combination right and pull my math book out of my locker for the load of assignments my teacher assigned tonight.
I was almost to my car when Jessica, my best friend, was running up to me calling for me.

"Hey. I've been looking for you all day. Where were you at lunch?" Jessica asked.
"Last minute studying," I pointed at my books.
"Oh okay, well did you want to hang today?" She asked.
"Can't, I have to go get Leah and I have work tonight."
"Oh..." her voice fell, "okay then. I'll text you later then." Jessica gave me a quick hug, said she loved me, and walked away toward her buses.

I was sitting in the Elk Wood elementary school to pick up my little sister Leah. She is in the fourth grade but for her age she acts way more mature. Leah has the mind of a fifteen year old. But then again, after what she and I have been through, I guess I would have the mind of a person in their twenties.
Leah came walking up to my car. After departing from her friend, she got in and slung her backpack in the backseat.

"Hi." She smiled and said in a gleeful voice.
"Hello. How was your day?" I asked in a voice to match hers.
"Too long, there's so much drama."
"Leah, you're only in the fifth grade, you're not supposed to have drama. Your only worries should be who goes first in kick ball." I joked and she laughed too.
"Yeah, I know. But it seems like I have more drama than you do and you're a senior!" She laughed. We both know that is so not true. "So what's for dinner?"
"Something at the mall," I said briefly, measuring how she will react.
"You have to work tonight?" Leah asked.
"Unfortunately," I sighed.
"It's okay. I have plenty of homework to do anyway to occupy me anyway." She said with an attempt to have an upbeat attitude.
I put my hand on her head and smile widely at her. "Thanks hon."
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so this is the beginning and it may be kinda slow but it will get better, I hope.