Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


It was six and I was just waiting for Kaleigh to come and relieve me from my shift. Just as I was getting really impatient, she strolled in. I quickly clocked out and turned in my name tag. As I'm walking toward the food court, my watch says 6:15. Ugh, I still had fifteen minutes to go. I decided to go and find the table first to see if it was empty. As I got closer I saw someone already sitting there. Dang it!
As if on cue, the person turned around.
It was Nick.

He smiled at me and I smiled right to him too.
"Hey." Nick kept smiling and got up. He went over to the chair across from him and pulled it out.
"Hey." I said shyly and sat down nervously. Pulling a chair out?
"I hope you don't mind, I bought a giant icee. I didn't know if you were hungry so I didn't buy something to eat." Nick said.
"But you knew I'd be extremely thirsty?" I joked and took a sip of it.
"Well who could ever reject an icee?"
"Icee haters?" I said.
"True." Nick laughed.
"So," I began. "Tell me something about yourself."
"What do you want to know?"
"Tell me something that no body knows." I said.
"Um, nobody? Does family count?" Nick asked.
"Okay then. Um, I can still hum, with my nose plugged." He said confidently.
"Anyone can do that." I said.
"Then you try." He said.

I pinched my nose shut and tried to hum. It was actually quite difficult and Nick got a really good laugh out of it.
"What?" I said.
"You don't know how funny you looked." Nick laughed.
"Oh whatever." I tried to pout but I ended up laughing too.
"You get kudos for trying." Nick smiled at me and I looked at him. He was very cute. His hair wasn't as curly as it was when I used to know him but it waved just right on top of his head. His eyes were a deep brown and he had small freckles trailed along his face.
"Thanks!" I said sarcastically.
"So what's something about you that nobody knows?" Nick asked me.
"Oh no. I already told you. It's my turn to ask the questions." I said and he leaned back in his chair.
"Okay then. Shoot."

We talked forever until the mall was ready for closing. For some reason, we never brought up his music career and his life as a Jonas Brother. Maybe he was just tired of talking about it. Every other topic we talked about though had me questioning whether or not I should tell him that we already met. But I just don't know how he'd react. I mean when he left, obviously he never called again so I must have done something wrong. So if he found out now would he freak remembering it was me.
Would he want to leave again?
But I'm not trying not to think to much into all of this going on between me and him because in reality,
what if he does leave again?
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it may be short, i dunno.
and that's prolly not nick's secret talent ;D
haha. can you do it?