Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


In the parking lot, Nick was walking me to my car. We were still very chatty even when we did reach my car. He made me laugh a lot and he seemed to smile a lot whenever I had said something. I don't know if that is supposed to mean something but I'm trying not to think much into it.

"So, I guess I'm going to have to make the first move huh?" Nick said slyly.
"Excuse me?" I said shocked.
"Well I know you're not going to offer it, so therefore, if I asked for your number, that would mean I made the first move." He smirked.
"Um, no," I got defensive in a joking way and opened my car door. "I made the first move by asking you to come here tonight."
"Well we're not going back that far," he placed a hand on my door, pulling it out more for me to get it. "I'm only counting today."
"Oh, well if you say so." I got all the way in, rolled the window down, and he closed the door for me. I reached over into my bag in the passenger seat and pulled out a pen. When I turned back around, Nick was leaning against the window, really close. He had freckles along his face. It was cute. I quickly shook my head to focus back again.
"I do say so," he smiled a genuine and light smile.
"Okay then, I guess so." I gave in. Slowly, I reached for his hand, that was resting against my door, and flipped it over, his palm facing up. I noticed his hands were big and calloused, but in a way, they were still tender and soft against mine. I started to write my number on it lightly in pen. I glanced up occasionally only to see Nick looking at me with those big brown eyes.
"I hope I'm not hurting you." I said tracing over the last two numbers to make them visible.
"You're doubting my manliness." He smiled a small crooked smile and I laughed.
"Well, I will be calling you." Nick smiled.

As I drove away I couldn't help but think that I've heard that one before.

It was nearly ten, Leah was spending the night at a friends, and I was home by myself. I didn't know what to do but I found myself digging through my drawers for my memory box. I had to make sure of something. I pulled out a packet that had loads and loads of pictures in them. I knew where this one was placed exactly. As I pulled it out, I looked at it. Nick and I sitting at the park on the third day of us hanging out before he left. He definitely has changed. And I can understand why he doesn't recognize me. My hair was a lot darker back then and I was a lot paler. My style was completely different from now.
But I still want to tell him about us.

I just don't know how.
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it was short, but i needed to fit that one in(: