Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


I drove to Nick's house to pick him up. He looked amazing in a pair of skinny jeans and a plaid shirt. Leah quickly moved to the backseat so that Nick could sit next to me. We all talked for a while and arrived at Alley Cats around two-ish and got our shoes. Drake told Leah that his brother would drop him off around two-thirty. So we paid for one game and got our bowling shoes. I was over by the ball rack trying to find the right size for me when Nick came over.

"You my friend has hurt my feelings." Nick exclaimed.
"Why?" I got defensive.
"Leah told me that you were mad because you think she can get a date and you can't." Nick sighed.
"She said that huh?" I growled in her direction.
"Yeah she did."
"Then why are you mad?" I asked bringing my gaze back toward him. He was so cute. Nick had a good few inches on me so I had to look up to him slightly.
"Because, we have spent every evening together for about the past week, and I have been buying small meals, and icees, for you and yet you can't consider those dates?"
"Those don't count as dates." I said.
"And why not?"
"That's just you stalking me at my work." I joked.
"Oh you know you like it." He whispered in my ear as we were heading back to our lane.
"Yes, definitely." I rolled my eyes.
"Definitely what?" Leah asked and Nick and I started laugh.
"Just that Nick should definitely be scared because I will whoop him in bowling!" I exclaimed.
"Oh bring it on!"
"No, I will beat both of you!" Leah exclaimed.

It was so cute watching Nick help Leah. I went real quick to get a drink for all of us and as I waited I saw him helping Leah hold the ball. Before I walked away, I heard her say that she was for sure that she could bowl using the type of ball Nick and I used which were size twelve and fourteen. Though both of us knew they were too heavy. Nick had held it, his hands over her making sure she didn't drop it, and help her bowl it.

They seemed to be getting along just fine. I will admit though, I was nervous about today because Leah was a huge fan so I didn't want her to be all clingy and obsessed with him. Because we did agree, we'd both treat each other normal.

It was Nick's turn to bowl right as I got back with the drinks. He bowled and only hit three pins the first time and then got a spare in the second time. I went next and bowled a strike.
"Can't keep up huh?" I asked jokingly.
"Well see, we still have one more lane to go." Nick smirked.
After Leah went, Nick went and bowled a strike. Then, since he had to go again, he only got six knocked down. My turn. I went up and bowled a strike. I waited for my ball to get spit out and looked at Nick.
"If I get this, you owe me something."
"Like what?"
"Another icee." I joked.
"Okay, and if you don't you owe me a date." Nick said straight forward that it kind of shocked me. Leah started giggling next to him.
"Fine." I said smirking. Part of me wanted to win this to shove it in his face. But the other part of me did want to miss it. I stood there trying to focus and swung my arm back. Just as I was releasing it, I felt arms wrap around my waist and it threw the ball off. Nick was lifting me up and away toward the seating area. We were both laughing and I was squirming, trying to release myself. But not trying that hard.
"Ah! Nick! Put me down!" I laughed.
"Nope!" He laughed as well.
"I have to see if I beat you!" I said and he set me down, but he didn't exactly let go of my waist. I kind of enjoyed the fact that his arms were still wrapped around me. But didn't think too much of it.

The TV's above our lane blinked that I had knocked down eight. Leaving my score four points higher than Nick's final score.
"Ha! I told you I'd beat you." I turned around to face Nick. With his hands still around my waist, we were pretty close. My heart raced as I focused in on his face.
"So, uh, what do I, uh, owe you again?" Nick mumbled. He was looking straight into my eyes and I had gotten very distracted and lost within them. They were a beautiful brown.
"Um, an icee." I said after a few seconds of probably looking dumb.

"Hey Drake!" We heard Leah call and Nick quickly dropped his hands from my waist and looked away nervously scratching the back of his head. I tried to get my breath back.
"Well than an icee it is." He smiled at me again and headed off toward the snack bar. I turned around, facing the lines, and tried to recollect myself. What just happened!?

Did we just have a moment? Not that I'm complaining. But it was weird. Not that I didn't love it because I did. But we were so close and his hands around my waist felt...right? Cheesy, I know. It was just nice. That's all I know. And does he really wanna go on a date with me? Because I would still love to go on a date with him. Too bad I won.

"What was that?" A familiar voice shrilled behind me and I quickly swung around. I saw a pissed off Jessica heading my way, dragging a confused Connor with her. Oh gosh.
"Jessica, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Connor, Isabella, Tyler, and I went to the mall and we were going to go to a movie but it was sold out. So Tyler suggested we go bowling since he had to drop his brother off here anyway." She pointed out. So Drake was the twins little brother. Huh. "And what about you Miss 'oh sorry, can't hang out, I promised the weekend to Leah'. What the heck?" Jessica hissed. "We walk in and see a guy practically all over you."
"What are you talking about?" I played dumb. "Leah is right there." I pointed. Leah was helping Drake pick out a bowling ball.
"No. I saw you. That guy grabbed you and then you two were just staring at each other, his arms around your waist. Looked like you guys were about to kiss!" She exclaimed. "So now your ditching me and all of us for a guy? So much for best friends Sam."

Nick's P.O.V.
As I walked back toward our lane, I saw Leah next to a small boy, I'm guessing Drake. But she was staring off. I followed her gaze and saw Samantha, standing there looking helpless as two people were standing around her. One looked very angry like they were yelling at her. When I got closer I realized it was Jessica and that guy Connor she told me she used to like. Oh great, what are they doing here?
I walked up and stood next to Samantha.

"You!" Jessica pointed at me and I looked at her wide eyed. "You're the one we met at the mall. Uh, Nick! And you're the one that was just all over Sam." She crossed her arms.
"Jess, chill out. You're making a big deal out of nothing. I didn't lie. Leah and I wanted to go bowling, she invited Drake and I invited Nick." Samantha spoke, very calmly. Actually, Leah invited me. I thought, but didn't dare say. You could tell the air was tense. But Samantha kept her head up and her composer straight.
"Then why didn't you invite me?" Jessica asked a little more calmer now.
"Because I knew you had plans with Connor." Samantha said sincerely.

Jessica thought that through for a minute and brushed it off. Soon enough, it was just Samantha and I again watching Drake and Leah bowl. The others had bought a lane near the end of the alley, far away from us.

"What was that all about?" I asked.
"Jessica just trying to be the center of attention again." Samantha shook her head. "I'm sorry you had to see that. Even sorrier that she tried to get you into it. She just does that."
"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault." I reassured her and put my arm around her shoulder to comfort her. I looked down at the other kids and saw Connor giving me a weird look.
"Thanks." She smiled and I nearly melted right then and there.

After an hour of playing, Drake went to join Jessica and them while we started to head out. I swear, Jessica has got to be bipolar or something because she was waving and smiling and screaming 'I love you' to Samantha as we were walking out.
On the way back to my house, Leah fell asleep in the back and Samantha and I talked the whole way. I have discovered that I loved her laugh and you can truly tell when she is happy because it shows in her eyes. I felt good when I was with her and enjoyed all of it. When I was getting out of her car I leaned in the passenger to say a final goodbye.

"I'll see you later then?" I said.
"Of course." She smiled and by her eyes, she meant it. "By the way, I'm off on Monday."
"Okay...?" I said trying to see what she was getting at.
"That's when you can take me on a date." I smiled at that statement and didn't stop smiling till I got inside and realized that I didn't even know where I could take her.
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haha i smiled the whole time writing this. well the bowling part with nick(: haha.