Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


It was nearing the end of fourth period and I was trying to focus on my work. But I can't help it, we were only two weeks away from summer break, and we were all anxious to just get out already. Some teachers had small plans for us, letting us chill. While others were trying to cram everything in within the week so we can take a final exam before we leave. Especially us seniors. But luckily, after this week, we have our graduation, and we don't even have to show up to school. They just have the additional week for all the underclassmen who might need to make up work and avoid summer school.

As soon as the bell rang, I was walking toward the lunchroom and was greeted by Tyler, who I just recently discovered was the older brother to Drake.

"Hey Sammy." Tyler smiled. He called me by the name I prefer. Samantha to me was too long and Sam just sounded like a dude.
"Hey Ty." Tyler was pretty adorable. He had that baby face look to him with his sandy blonde hair and bright green eyes. He stood maybe an inch shorter than me if not my height exactly. We liked pretty much the same bands and became friends because he was really into soccer his Freshman year, and as I was a Sophomore, he offered to help me because I wanted to make the soccer team as something to do.
"I'm sorry about the chaos at the bowling alley the other day." He smiled shyly.
"It's okay, it's not your fault."
"Yeah well, I didn't even see you guys over there until Isabella made a big deal about it and pointed it out to Jess."
"I just don't know what her problem is anymore." I shrugged.
"I think she is just jealous." Tyler pointed out and I laughed.
"Okay. I don't care though. Nick and I still had fun." I smiled. Nick and I had hung out yesterday too. He went with Leah and I to the park, he drove this time, and then took us to get some ice cream.
"Yeah, about that. You better watch it. Jessica is on her high horse about that." Tyler pointed out and I looked at him confused. "She realized that Nick was a JoBro." He kind of scoffed at the name but covered it up with a cough.
"Smooth." I joked. "Oh well, we'll see how lunch goes." I shrugged.
Just then, Tyler's girlfriend and one of her friends came and joined us in line.

Her name was Jenny. But I didn't know her friend. Jenny was a small girl with strawberry blonde hair. She was really sweet and Tyler was really into her. Her friend, who I just found out her name was Allison, was a very tall girl with somewhat pale skin and deep red hair. She seemed kind of nerdy but I liked it. She had a very good taste in music from what I found out and liked comics which was a plus.

When Jenny and Allison got lost in a conversation, Tyler turned to me and saw me checking my phone.
"Waiting for Nick's text?" Tyler asked.
"No." I blushed.
"You like this guy?"
"I don't know." I mumbled.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, he's really sweet and Leah loves him! He's so good with her. But how do I know this isn't more than just a fling you know?" Tyler nodded. "I just don't want to get attached to something that isn't even real." I shrugged looking down at my shoes.
"Well hey, you'll never know if you don't try." Tyler said in a positive tone. "I mean, if I would have never taken Jenny here up on that comic con convention she invited me to, we wouldn't be where we are today." He wrapped an arm around Jenny's waist and kissed her lightly on the cheek. It made me smile. Nerd love. Ha ha.
But he doesn't know that I have already tried. Two years ago to be exact.

Back at the lunch table, Tyler and I were the last ones there and I sat down nervously. I didn't like sitting in my usual spot, across from Jessica and next to Isabella, so I sat in the stool next to Tyler because I know he'd talk to me if they didn't.
Jessica noticed but didn't comment.

"So," Jessica said loudly, interrupting Tyler and I's conversation about new bands, "how was your bowling time Sam?"
"It was fun." I said lowly.
"Yeah my brother couldn't stop talking about it." Tyler added, I think attempting to change the topic.
"I bet." Jessica sneered. "I'm surprised Nick was actually able to go out in public, being a celebrity and all."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"Well you know celebrities, they're always dating different people, hoping that there are no camera's to catch them with one of them." Jessica said nonchalantly and Isabella laughed. "Plus, since he's a rock star, that just means he's a player type."
"What does being a rock star have to do with being a player?" Tyler sneered and I rolled my eyes.
Screw you Jessica. I thought but just continued to eat my lunch.
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so after posting my last chapter, i was all happy. then i posted this one and got all bluhhh again. So i think i'll write another one so i'm all smiley before i go to sleep. it being of course the date with nick!(: