Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


Nick's P.O.V.

Samantha hasn't talked to me all week. The first few days I tried, but it was hopeless, she wasn't answering any of my calls, texts, or any other messages. Usually, I would give up, but I didn't want to give up on Samantha. I liked her. Like, like like her. So why would I want to throw away something special with her. Especially with tour in just a few days.

She was special to me. And I had to fix this.

I tried to remember some of the things she said to me. Would she be at school? Even though she graduated, they still had one week of school left. She had told me that she had planned to go back and get her stuff from her locker, classrooms, and return text books. For some reason, I had a gut feeling telling me that today was that day. I got dressed as best as I could, grabbed that photo, and took my car, heading over to the Westlake High School.

It was small, but big enough to get lost. I wore a hat and sunglasses to keep from being noticed. Plus, it was pretty bright out here. When I walked in, I found the office immediately and checked in. When I told the lady that I was here for Samantha James, she checked her attendance sheet and said she had shown up today. Thank you gut feeling! I quickly made my way through the halls. I had no idea where I was going!

I was near a set of lockers when I heard two people talking around the corner. I peaked my head around the corner and saw it was Samantha and that Connor kid. Gosh, he got on my nerves. He was everywhere! It shocks me though to see him without that Jessica girl. But I leaned against the wall and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"I'm sorry for all this crap going on with Jessica." Connor said.
"It doesn't even matter anymore Connor." Samantha sounded annoyed.
"Yeah, well, I just wanted to get one thing clear." Connor was anxious.
"You said you liked me."
I could practically sense that Samantha rolled her eyes and when I peeked a look, I was right."Yeah what about it?"
"Do you still feel the same?" Connor had a sense of curiosity in his voice. Why did he care? He had a girl! He didn't need to be messing with Samantha. Because she's yours? Ugh, shut up conscious! I leaned as far forward as I could to hear her answer without being seen. It was quiet for a moment. Did she really have to think about this? What does this mean for me?
"Connor..." She began. But the bell rang as soon as I waited for the rest.

Crap! I looked around the corner as a flood of kids came and saw Samantha heading my way. I quickly escaped back behind the corner. Please turn this way. And she did. She walked right past me, not even seeing me.
"Hey!" I said quickly catching up with her.
"Nick!" She said. Was that joy? No. "What're you doing here?" She quickly added.
I followed her to her locker. "I need to talk to you."
"Now?" She asked skeptical.
"Well you wouldn't answer my calls." I said softly.
"Why should I?"
"So I can explain."
"Nick, I don't need no lame excuse on why you never kept in contact with me. Something like, I lost your number, or I was so busy with tour it slipped my mind, or any of that crap that you hear from everyone!" Samantha started to get frustrated. I know this was bad, but I thought it was really cute when she rambled on. She couldn't get her lock off her locker. I had heard her mumble '6-4-25' to herself while trying to open it.
"Here." I said, gently removing her hand from the lock to do it for her. 6. "I didn't forget." I started. 4. "And I didn't get to busy. To be honest with you," 25, "I was scared." I pulled down and the lock came undone. "It worried me that I had fallen to hard for you, while this was just a three day thing in your head. So I figured, not getting attached would be best for the both of us," I admitted looking up to her. All the frustration left her face. I had said all this calmly and slowly. "And I was just scared to get hurt." I said sincerely.
Samantha didn't say anything for what seemed like forever.
"I'm sorry that I didn't consider your feelings." I said and gently set the lock in her hand. Most of the students had cleared out and I turned around to walk away from the lockers.
"So that's it." Samantha said and I swung around. "You're gonna spill your emotions out to me and then just walk away?"
I just shrugged. What did she want me to do?
"Come here," She said and before I could comprehend what she meant, she was in my arms, hugging me tightly.
"You're very forgiving." I smirked and she looked up to me.
"I am if you talk to me." She shot back at me.
"Fair enough." I said. "Come on, let's get out of here."

One problem down, one more to go.
Now I have to deal with this tour and being away from Samantha.
♠ ♠ ♠
tisk tisk. Nick eavesdropping is bad!
kinda short? sorry.
i'm working on something else and i thought i'd better get them made up atleast.(:
feedback and ideas accepted?