Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


Nick was leaving on tour tomorrow. I don't really know how this is going to work out. But it's to late now, I've let myself fall so hard for that boy that there's no turning back now. If he pulls the same stunt this time, and doesn't call, I know for a fact I will be crushed, but he keeps reassuring me that that won't happen again.

We'll see.

Tonight, I was just going to his house to hang out for a little bit and help his family pack up. Their tour bus was huge so we had a lot of work to do.

"You really don't need to help me with my clothes." Nick insisted.
"Why you don't want me to see your boxers?" I asked jokingly. "Fine, I'll go help Joe, I'm sure he wants my help." I smirked and walked down the hall to Joe's room.
"Joeeeeee!" I yelled.
"Heyyyy!" He said back.
"Need some help?"
"Sure do." He said and handed me a list. "So far, I have the clothing thing down, now I just need the essentials." Joe instructed me.

I started off getting his colognes and body sprays. Then his hair products. That boy uses more hair products than I do! What the heck. I then had to put together is his Ray-Ban kit and, gently, put it in a safe spot in his suitcase. Joe was out of his mind, but it was fun talking to him while we packed. He has a lot of stuff!

"You know, I'll make sure he calls you." Joe said out of the blue.
"What?" I said not looking up.
"Nick. I'll make sure that he stays in contact with you this time." I didn't really say anything back. "You know, it's hard for us on tour too. Things do get really hectic, but I guarantee, our ladies are the first thing that is on our mind." Joe said and I smiled to myself.
"Thanks Joe." I mumbled while checking off the rest of his list.

A few minutes later, Joe and I were standing there, checking around his room. "I think that's everything." Joe said.
“Yeah, we did-“
“She’s mine now!” Nick came in and grabbed me by the waist and picked me up, taking me to his room.
“Nick! Why do you always do this!?” I laughed squirming in his arms.
“Because, you’re so cute when you try to fight back.” Nick smiled and put me down.
“Try to?” I asked crossing my arms.
“Yes, try to. You can’t win.” He smirked.
“Yeah, yeah.” I mumbled and stepped forward into his arms. “I’m going to miss you.” I said, my head against his chest and tucked right under his chin.
“I know baby girl. I’m going to miss you too. It won’t be too long though. Just a month and a half.” Nick tried to reassure me. “You’re lucky, because this tour is one of the shortest. We usually go four months at a time.” Nick said but that didn’t make it any better.
“That just means that half of my summer is wasted without you.” I mumbled.
“It’ll be okay. I promise. It will pass by like nothing.” Nick pressed his lips to my forehead and rubbed his hand gently up and down my back. “You’ll see.”
“Um, hey Nick, Mom just said that we all need to get some rest.” Joe stopped in and told us.
“Well, I guess that’s my cue to leave.” I said.
“I’ll walk you out.” Nick said, taking a hold of my hand. I gave Joe and quick hug good bye and headed downstairs.
When I got to my car, Nick gave me one last hug and kissed me softly on my cheek. Such a gentleman. “I’ll see you soon.” He said before closing the door and watching me drive away.
God this was harder than I thought.
Nick’s P.O.V.
I walked back upstairs into my room and threw myself down onto my bed. We can do this, it will work out fine. I sighed. If I want this enough, I will make this work! I told myself over and over again.
“That’s it!” Joe came into my room. “A cheek kiss! You’ve practically have been head over heels for this girl for the past few weeks and you give her a kiss on the cheek!” Joe exclaimed. “Dude, everyone thinks you’re the romantic, serious, intense one and you leave her with that!”
“Yeah Joe they also know me more as the gentleman.” I smirked at him and he pretended to be offended.
"I'm just saying, you're not gonna see her for a month and you didn't kiss her. Way to be a romance."
"Maybe I'm just waiting for the right time."
"And that wasn't it when she was sad and needing a pick me up! Maybe a Nick-kiss-pick-me-up!" Joe exclaimed. "I don't understand you." He said and walked out.

That was that, and I guess it was too late to change it now.
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