Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


The next day I was sitting at the lunch table eating with Jessica, Connor, and the Martin twins, Isabella and Tyler. They were the type of twins that were born on the same day but are boy and girl. I think that's called fraternal twins? Oh well, they were cool. But today, it was a bit awkward with Connor sitting there. He sat next to Jessica everyday but know that I knew there was more too it, it was hard for me to even look at them.

I kept my eyes down and made a list of things I needed to do this weekend. I promised Leah that I would take her bowling soon and I have been saving my money up. Maybe after I go over the bills and pick up the groceries for the month, I can check out to see how much I have spared for us.

"Earth to Sam!" Isabella nudged me with her elbow. "What's up with you?"
"Nothing, just thinking about things I need to get for Leah at the store." I told the truth.

When I looked up, Connor and Jessica were both staring at me with wide eyes, confused, and Isabella just turned back to her food. Tyler was also writing on something that I couldn't decipher because he was across the table.

"Oh." She paused. "I don't think I could do what you do."
"Me either. I mean you're only eighteen, you shouldn't have this much to worry about." Jessica chimed in.
"Well Sam does it well." Connor added. Any other day this would have charmed me but it didn't faze me at all today.
"I'm just saying, you could be doing some better things." Isabella commented.
"Personally, I think it's impressive." Tyler said and looked at me and smiled. Aw, thanks.

I quickly tried to change the subject but before I said anything, my phone vibrated in my pocket. After I looked around for any teachers, I pulled my phone out and checked it. It was an email alert from...Disney?

"Who is it?" Jessica asked.
"Um, Disney Channel." I said confused.
"What do they want?" Connor asked, laughing.
"Um," I clicked open the email and it was talking about a contest. "Something about meeting the Jonas Brothers." I tried to hold back from laughing.
"What!?" Everyone asked laughing as well.
"Well, aren't you lucky." Isabella laughed.
"Say hi to Kevin, Joe, and Nick for me." Tyler said.
"Why do you know their names Tyler?" Connor asked laughing.

I started to think about the names. Nick Jonas. Joe Jonas. Hmm, weird.

Um, I think I might already have met them.
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sorry it's short.